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Muslim crimes in Kosovo against Christian Serbs…

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Muslim crimes in Kosovo against Christian Serbs…

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:07 pm

Muslim crimes in Kosovo against Christian Serbs…

When people think of “Kosovo” they often only seem to think of one incident… the “Srebrenitsa massacre” that the US went out of its way to expose, but to understand all that was really happening we need to look at the affairs that preceded it… like the many Muslim war crimes against Christian Serbs that are only surfacing today!


Kosovo civilian abuses revealed

The Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) abducted civilians in Kosovo who were then mistreated and in some cases killed, a BBC investigation has found.

Sources told the BBC that Kosovo Serbs, ethnic Albanians and gypsies were among an estimated 2,000 who went missing.

This took place both during and after the war in Kosovo, which ended in June 1999.


Serb prisoners 'were stripped of their organs in Kosovo war'

Serb prisoners had their internal organs removed and sold by ethnic Albanians during the Kosovo war, according to allegations in a new book by the world's best known war crimes prosecutor.

Carla Del Ponte, who stepped down in January as chief prosecutor at the Hague tribunal for crimes committed in the Balkan wars of the 1990s, said investigators found a house suspected of being a laboratory for the illegal trade. ... o-war.html


EU police arrest Kosovo war crime suspect

(PRISTINA) - European Union police in Kosovo on Wednesday arrested a man for alleged war crimes committed in guerrilla-run prisons in neighbouring Albania during the 1999 conflict, a statement said.

The officers "carried out a house search and arrested a male suspect in connection with war crimes" near the southern town of Djakovica, the EU rule of law mission (EULEX) said.
"The case relates to the ongoing EULEX investigation into a possible mistreatment of persons held in KLA (Kosovo Liberation Army) facilities in northern Albania during the conflict in 1998-1999," it added.


War crimes retrial for ex-Kosovo PM

Haradinaj had been charged, along with two former commanders in the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), with attacking Serb civilians as Kosovo fought for independence from Serbia in 1998. ... 14831.html


War crimes suspect arrested in Kosovo

A war crimes suspect has been arrested by European Union police officers in Kosovo, officials say.

Local media identified the suspect as Sabit Geci, a member of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA).

The suspect is accused of torturing prisoners between April and June 1999 at a detention facility run by the KLA in the town of Kukes, northern Albania.


Exclusive: KLA Ran Torture Camps in Albania

The Kosovo Liberation Army maintained a network of prisons in their bases in Albania and Kosovo during and after the conflict of 1999, eyewitnesses allege. Only now are the details of what occurred there emerging.

In a run-down industrial compound with shattered windows and peeling plaster in Kukes, Albania, chickens rummage for food and two trucks sit idle in a courtyard surrounded by rusted warehouses and a crumbling two-story supply building.


Kosovo Albanian Mafia and KLA
Reports from USA and other countries


War crimes court orders retrial of Kosovo leaders

Trial of former Kosovo prime minister Ramush Haradinaj and KLA hierarchy was marred by witness intimidation, judge rules

The Yugoslav war crimes tribunal has ordered a retrial for Kosovo's former prime minister, Ramush Haradinaj, two years after he was acquitted of murder, rape and torture.

The tribunal's president at The Hague, Patrick Robinson, said the original trial of Haradinaj and two other former commanders in the Kosovo Liberation Army was marred by witness intimidation and that the trial chamber "failed to appreciate the gravity" of the intimidation.

The most senior Kosovan Albanian to be tried for war crimes in The Hague, Haradinaj, 42, had been charged along with Idriz Balaj and Lahi Brahimaj with ethnic cleansing of Serbs as Kosovo fought for independence from Serbia. ... aj-retrial


Kosovo War-Crimes Trial Splits West and Prosecutors

PRISTINA, Kosovo — Ramush Haradinaj, a stocky ethnic Albanian former guerrilla commander and, briefly, Kosovo’s prime minister, is either one of the most impressive leaders to emerge in the Balkans in recent years or a vicious war criminal. Or perhaps both.

Mr. Haradinaj and two other men began to stand trial at the United Nations tribunal in The Hague in March, charged with killing 40 people in 1998, during the conflict between the Kosovo Liberation Army guerrilla group and Serbian-dominated security forces.

But the prosecution’s leading witness, Tahir Zemaj, and his son and nephew were shot dead during the investigation. Another witness, Kjutim Berisha, died two weeks before the trial when he was hit by a car in Podgorica, the Montenegrin capital. ... ation_army


Former Kosovo Liberation Army trio sentenced for war crimes

The EULEX Court on Friday (October 2nd) sentenced three members of the so-called Llapi Group -- Latif Gashi, Nazif Mehmeti and Rrustem Mustafa-Remi -- to prison terms ranging from three to six years for war crimes committed in the 1998-1999 conflict in Kosovo.

The three were found guilty of inhumane treatment of civilian detainees, beating and torture, said EULEX.

This latest trial against the three opened on July 7th in Pristina District Court, with a EULEX prosecutor.

This was only the latest chapter, however. The original investigation into the case lasted from 2001 to 2002. It first went to trial in 2003 and all three were convicted and sentenced. But in 2005, the Supreme Court of Kosovo ordered a new trial.

Now that it too has ended with convictions, the government is angry. "The war of the Kosovo Liberation Army was a liberation war, just and supported by all Kosovo citizens," the administration said in a press release after Friday's verdict. ... feature-02


People often look for parallels between Cyprus and Kosovo and indeed there are two…

1. Serbia is unfortunate to have a Muslim minority; the cursed Ottoman remnants again, just like Cyprus!

2. The minority Muslims in Serbia, spurred on by Albania were trouble makers seeking to violate Serbia’s sovereignty to form a breakaway state much like the “Turkish Cypriots” on Cyprus!
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Postby Linichka » Mon Jul 26, 2010 8:36 pm

Did the full moon make you dizzier than usual, GR? Since when did you give a damn about Moslems trampling on the rights of Christians? This Kosovo case is hardly unique. What about Egypt, Sudan, the PA, where Bethlehem now has a Moslem majority, due to Moslem bullying? (Naturally, given the Arab penchant for distorting the truth, most like to claim Israelis were the reason they emigrated, once they're safe in another country, but catch one alone without cameras or microphone, and they will usually admit that their unlovely sheethead neighbors drove them out.)
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:05 am

From the Human Rights Watch report…

Abuses by the KLA

As presented in the Background chapter, the KLA was responsible for serious abuses in 1998, including abductions and murders of Serbs and ethnic Albanians considered collaborators with the state. In some villages under KLA control in 1998, the rebels drove ethnic Serbs from their homes. Some of those who remained are unaccounted for and are presumed to have been abducted by the KLA and killed. According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, ninety-seven Kosovo Serbs who went missing in 1998 were still missing as of May 15, 2000.

The KLA detained an estimated eighty-five Serbs during its July 19, 1998, attack on Orahovac. Thirty-five of these people were subsequently released but the others remain missing as of August 2001. On July 22, 1998, the KLA briefly took control of the Belacevac mine near Obilic. Nine Serbs were captured that day, and they remain on the ICRC's list of the missing.

In September 1998, the Serbian police collected thirty-four bodies of people believed to have been seized and murdered by the KLA, among them some ethnic Albanians, at Lake Radonjic near Glodjane (Gllogjan). Prior to that, the most serious KLA abuse was the reported killing in August of twenty-two Serbian civilians in the village of Klecka, where the police claimed to have discovered human remains and a kiln used to cremate the bodies. The manner in which the allegations were made, however, raised questions about their validity.

The KLA, which evolved between 1996 and 1999 from a scattered guerrilla group to an armed movement and ultimately to a more formidable armed force, engaged in military tactics in 1998 and 1999 that put civilians at risk. KLA units sometimes staged an ambush or attacked police or army outposts from a village and then retreated, exposing villagers to revenge attacks. Large massacres sometimes ensued, helping publicize the KLA's cause and internationalize the conflict.

Elements of the KLA are also responsible for post-conflict attacks on Serbs, Roma, and other non-Albanians, as well as ethnic Albanian political rivals. Immediately following NATO's arrival in Kosovo, there was widespread and systematic burning and looting of homes belonging to Serbs, Roma, and other minorities and the destruction of Orthodox churches and monasteries. This destruction was combined with harassment and intimidation designed to force people from their homes and communities. By late-2000 more than 210,000 Serbs had fled the province; most of them left in the first six weeks of the NATO deployment. Those who remained were increasingly concentrated in mono-ethnic enclaves, such as northern Mitrovica, Kosovo Polje, or Gracanica.

Most seriously, as many as one thousand Serbs and Roma have been murdered or have gone missing since June 12, 1999. Criminal gangs or vengeful individuals may have been involved in some incidents since the war. But elements of the KLA are clearly responsible for many of these crimes. The desire for revenge provides a partial explanation, but there is also a clear political goal in many of these attacks: the removal from Kosovo of non-ethnic Albanians in order to better justify an independent state.

Ethnic Albanians are not exempt from the violence. Albanians accused of "collaboration" with Serbian authorities have been beaten, abducted, or killed, notably in the municipalities of Prizren, Djakovica, and Klina. Attacks against political party activists, especially against the Democratic League of Kosovo (LDK), continued after municipal elections on October 28, 2000.
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