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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Jul 25, 2010 10:43 pm

Acikgoz wrote:Seriously what's the point.

A simple read of pyrpo's post would tell you the relationship with reality is severed.
A simple look at wyoming's post also demonstrates exactly why it would be a waste of time.

The realities of the situation is what you people need to look at.

1. Illegal invasion and occuppation
2. Ethnic cleansing and cultural destruction
3. Countless murders rapes torture committed by the invading Turkish army
4. Countless UN resolutions condemning the occuppation of Cyprus
5. ECHR rulings that recognize the ownership rights of the Greek cyps
6. Illegal settlers imported into Cyprus in violation of the Geneva convention
7. Continual denial of Greek cyp refugees to return to their homes and properties
8. The EU has ordered Turkey to remove her occuppation army from Cyprus
9. A declaration by the Tc of a separate state partition which is in clear violation of the 1960 Zurich agreement, which they agreed to in 59.
10. Continued use of the Turk navy for intimidations and harassment of Cypru's and Eu territorial waters, and constant violation of ROC airspace......
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Postby Acikgoz » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:06 pm

Cowboy, when I see an original thought that is worth investing the time on you then I will.

In the meantime, here's a situation, Annan Plan rejected settlement by RoC which would have alleviated most of your issues.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:24 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Malapapa wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The world witnessed that we said yes and you people said no, so they are now saying you people are wrong and they will not stand aside and wait for you any longer, so the pressure will be on to help you gcs understand exactly how wrong you are.

TC's can't even speak on behalf of themselves without Turkey's permission. What makes you think you can speak on behalf of the world?

Read what the world is saying, the lastest isthe EU bill for direct trade, which is translated as fuck you GC you will never find a solution we need to move on and keep our promise to ease the isolation of the TCs.

Actually, it translate to "we will open up "free trade" with the "trnc" under EU supervision if Verosa is given back to the GCs and Turkey opens her ports to the RoC", which by itself would mean Turkey recognising the RoC officially (officially no longer recognising the "trnc") before any further chapters can be opened on Turkey's EU talks. The ports in the north need to be under EU supervision for several reasons, one being to maintain control who and what comes and goes, but more importantly, the EU wants to make sure that Turkey does not close her ports to the RoC few weeks after "free trade" opens with the north in thinking, now that "free trade" is now operational that they can once again not recognise the "RoC. Don't think that the EU is just going to accept Turkey's word that she won't close her ports after the fact. With the north's ports under EU's supervision and if Turkey closes her ports again to the RoC, then the whole package deal would become non & void and that everything will be back to what they are today.

What I want to know is, just how will the north benefit from "free trade", since anything the north wants, the north can get through Turkey if not directly from some other countries.? If "free trade" is established under the terms described above, the RoC stands to gain far more than the "trnc", considering the fact that they do not have too much to offer to the EU then as they do now. Can someone explain to me what is it that the "trnc" will gain by "direct trade" under EU's supervision.??

Nothing my friend. VP thinks direct flights will boost tourism. Why? Because she thinks the tourist package per person will go so much down that will make it super competitive. IT WILL NOT!! Maybe on a tourist package of 500 Euros per person now having chartered direct flights to Larnaca, the cost will go down by about 10 Euros (which is the bus fee from Larnaca to the occupied) .This saving practically means nothing.

The same thing will happen with direct trade. So far the TCs have not been able to export almost anything to Europe, in fact their MAJOR CLIENTS are the GC Spermarkets to whom they sell their agricultural products.And not only that, they do a lot of cheating also, do you think they could easily flood Europe with "TC cheries" like they did last year flooding the GC market with cherries they actually had imported from Turkey?

The whole thing actually aims at partial recognition. The regime in the occupied always used hypnotizing tactics on the TCs, trying to divert them from understanding their REAL PROBLEM. Their real problem is not the "hostile GCs", is not their isolation, IT IS THE INVASION AND OCCUPATION AND THE STEALING OF GC PROPERTIES!

The whole issue of direct freight and direct flights is for gaining partial recognition, for the illegal regime.

Now this reminds me of an old Turkish joke -which probably you already heard-..

"A Turk goes to the doctor, and says: Doc whenever I touch my head with my finger I feel pain. If I touch my belly I feel pain. If I touch my heart I feel pain. I touch my leg, my chest, I feel pain. What's the matter with me? (so what's the matter with "trnc" :wink: )

After careful examination the doctor says: There is nothing wrong with your head, or belly, or leg, or heart. Simply your finger is broken.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Total rubbish, why do you bother?
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:25 pm

The Annan plan had elements of confederation, no doubt, we went through this many times, especially around the time of the referenda. Even so, are we anywhere near to achieving something better? I know that many Cypriots, with their myopic outlook, may think that the current state of affairs is better, but no doubt, reality will hit them hard one day. The chance we missed goes back to the early days of Erdogan and the massive demonstrations of the TC's who took to the streets in the thousands while we believed our enlightened leaders that everything was a communications trick by Turkey. In fact this story is used even today ad naseum by our clueless politicians who have no way to analyse correctly the changes that are taking place in Turkey.

We are masters at losing everything while going for maximum gains. We have done this throughout our recent history but we never learn. Makarios, this micro megalomaniac, had so many chances to solve the Cyprus issue before the invasion but he did not even want to badge an inch, and in our haste not to upset this sacred cow, we still blame everybody else but our selves for our misfortunes. We still believe that the whole world sleeps and wakes up scheming against Cyprus and its gallant Greek inhabitants.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:29 pm

paliometoxo wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:yes the AP was more like turkey plan lets give turks everything and gcs nothing plan.. wonder why tcs said yes?

werent you going to get Maraş? rid of the Turkish army? and reduction in Turkish settler? wouldnt say thats nothing...more like you Gcs are to greedy and always want more.

thanks for being so generous .. 650 turkish army left to stay forever? no thank you Maras? thats not enough reason to give away our land to turkey and let them control cyprus..

i think its turkey being greedy trying to take over all of cyprus in the illusion of two states and thats being kind to us? i would hate to see what turkey considers being greedy.

no turkish army no green line no asking for passports every one goes home sounds fair to me.. no turkish settlers, or maybe gcs could bring a few million from greece also even the numbers more?

650 soldiers against 850.000 GCs when you will have 950 soldiers against 250.000 TCs rather one sided dont you think?

You have brought enough Pontians and Russians can we ask them to leave with the Turkish settlers?

Im all for no armies but then who would deal with internal fighting?
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:31 pm

paliometoxo wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
paliometoxo wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Bananiot wrote:If Turkey is what B25 claims to be then we are up against it, finished, capout! However, it is very amusing to read that the reason we did not vote for solution back in 2004 was because Turkey would not honour her signature. This means of course that we are wasting our time having talks with them and that we should just accept our fate. This trainee magician is of the bash patriotic type too!

If the majority of GCs are as clueless as B25 how will overcome this very major problem, its a viscious cycle GCs do not trust Turkey and TCs do not trsut GCs....noway out of this me thinks.

with a lot of people that is the case but no one is willing to make a step a huge step to show trust gcs wont open ports in fear of upgrading the fake state status.. tcs or should i say turkey wont take any flags down or show some kind of good will to help because they are simply not interested in doing so its two states or nothing... and on this side its not two states in a million years. how can you come to a deal with some one when you both completely disagree on what the solution is. apart from the minority on both sides who want to re unite and live together which does not help. hard liners like .... and gcs like... (not naming any one) who condem the pro peace people and make it hard to find a solution thats fair to both sides.

if any one was going to recognise the trnc they would of done it decades ago

and yet turkey is trying to force it by means of threatening and blackmailing to get it.. turkey should take note from greece and back away. cyprus is neither greece or turkey.

So you agree that the mistrust between the TCs and GCs is a major factor to why we will never find a solution. Shouldnt the recognized part of the island take bolder steps to win the Tcs around, strngthen their economy so the hold of Turkey weakens and allows TCs the opportunity to move closer to the GCs?

i do agree it is a major factor of course it is.. but why should gcs make all the steps and tcs nothing? instead of making steps with us the turks demand more and say why should we give anything how does that help?

instead of pushing up borders and drift further apart making any type of solution possible there should be more done to re assure both sides that gcs and tcs can be trusted.

Your side is the recognized side in the EU, a few concessions would help build trust and understanding, to date we have seen the opposite and not one iota of trust has been built up.
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Postby paliometoxo » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:31 pm

no its the turkish that fills the south with them when they smuggle them into the south for money.. actually you guys flood us with indians and non eu's.. even worse
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:34 pm

paliometoxo wrote:no its the turkish that fills the south with them when they smuggle them into the south for money.. actually you guys flood us with indians and non eu's.. even worse

Your not making sense.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:39 pm

Acikgoz wrote:Cowboy, when I see an original thought that is worth investing the time on you then I will.

In the meantime, here's a situation, Annan Plan rejected settlement by RoC which would have alleviated most of your issues.

Aparteid and legalizing a racist TC state would not have solved anything .
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Postby humanist » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:41 pm

Cyprus will be freed again and it will be an independent nation with one people one citizenship and one international identity, where all citizens are free and are not discriminated based on their ethnicity. The UN and EU cannot and do not have any other option but to advocate for free and truly free nations and if that means the TC's walk away with a percentage of Cyprus because that's what they want and someone is prepared to give it to them then so be it.
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