Oracle wrote:I conclude that no one can counter the arguments presented by Daniel Pipes because they have resorted to shooting the messenger [Washington Times].
Well done Mr Pipes; Turkey is truly a hypocrite and a tyrant of the worst kind.
Dear, please spare some time and escape from your lil' superficial world... that article is just a small part of usual "obedience game"... Don't be surprised if he soon concludes something disapointing for you... I really wouldn't like to shatter your wet dreams but you really asked for it...
A New Axis: The Emerging Turkish-Israeli Entente
by Daniel Pipes
National InterestWinter 1997/98
The Turkish-Israeli partnership offers many advantages to the United States. Most ambitiously, it could provide the nucleus of an American-oriented regional partnership made up of democratic allies -- as opposed to the authoritarian rulers upon which Washington has relied for five decades. Eisenhower's Baghdad Pact, Nixon's "twin pillars," and Reagan's "strategic consensus" depended mostly on dubious monarchs (Iraq's weak Hashemites, Iran's bombastic shah, the egregious Saudis) and ugly authoritarians (such as the Mubarak regime in Egypt today). But the Turkish-Israeli alignment creates, for the first time, the possibility of developing an alliance of pro-American democracies, such as exists in Europe. If cultivated carefully, Jordan might join in, with more states (perhaps Kuwait) adhering later. The final result could be that most elusive of all goals: a more peaceable Middle East. ... li-entente