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Proposals on Famagusta

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:03 pm

A bomb yes, but how many bombs can you say you suspect? And what do you do about the delayed ship bearing a UK, Italian of German flag? Who pays the delay of thousand of dollars per hour? The RoC? How many of these hoaxes can you pull off before the EU slams a fine?

Smarten up VP. Look at the map. Any shipping to and from Cyprus and Europe would prefer Limassol. It is half a day's sail more to Famagusta. Now look up the cost of shipping and the addition of half a day to a voyage. Oil consumption for ships is measured in tons per hour and every mile counts.

If ALL ports of the island were open and fully functioning Limassol would still outrank all the others and would be preferred by any sane businessman.

Now let me ask, how many bomb scares were announced in goods that are right now coming across the green line? How are TC potatoes finding their way to Athens supermarkets? Probably through a collaboration between sane business people on both sides of the line.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jul 26, 2010 7:38 pm

Thank you for confirming that it is possible for gc port authorities to find ways to do over tc businesses leaving the victim to fight for his rights in a gc system, our fears are not baseless if only you addressed them rather than dismiss them.

Your other comments are irrelevent as our shipping now goes via Mersin and is far more costly.

As for the current system you claim a success which is only a trickle if this was to increase couple this with a gc admin that wants to thawt growth in the north, Nikitas as you well know theres more than one way to skin a cat why do you adamantly want to push us into situation where we be left to the mercy of gcs.
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Postby humanist » Mon Jul 26, 2010 10:53 pm

As for the current system you claim a success which is only a trickle if this was to increase couple this with a gc admin that wants to thawt growth in the north, Nikitas as you well know theres more than one way to skin a cat why do you adamantly want to push us into situation where we be left to the mercy of gcs.

way too paranoid and I wonder if your paranoia is shared by the other 35,000 TC's currently living in Cyprus (occupied area).
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:13 pm

humanist wrote:
As for the current system you claim a success which is only a trickle if this was to increase couple this with a gc admin that wants to thawt growth in the north, Nikitas as you well know theres more than one way to skin a cat why do you adamantly want to push us into situation where we be left to the mercy of gcs.

way too paranoid and I wonder if your paranoia is shared by the other 35,000 TC's currently living in Cyprus (occupied area).

I am average TC so you can work out the rest, but why do you say paranoia when we are the ones at risk not yourselves and all I am trying to do is ensure we are not manipulated exploited and discriminated against.
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Postby Viewpoint » Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:36 pm

I have had no response to the proposal the Maraş be open under the TRNC and GCs and other refugees are allowed to return, would Gcs actually come back and start the rebuild?
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 26, 2010 11:46 pm

Viewpoint wrote:I have had no response to the proposal the Maraş be open under the TRNC and GCs and other refugees are allowed to return, would Gcs actually come back and start the rebuild?

Doesn't that speak volumes? :?
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Postby Viewpoint » Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:04 am

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:I have had no response to the proposal the Maraş be open under the TRNC and GCs and other refugees are allowed to return, would Gcs actually come back and start the rebuild?

Doesn't that speak volumes? :?

So no GCs would return to their property that does speak volumes, could you explain why?
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Postby Nikitas » Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:37 am

"into situation where we be left to the mercy of gcs."

Hardly that, opening Famagusta and allowing TC businessmen to choose their shipping points does not exactly amount to being in the GCs mercy.

As for refugees returning under TC administration, try it and see. My view is that all Famagustians would return and they would bring their mayor and city council with them. And then what would be the response of the TC administration which fought hard for separate municipalities since the 50s?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue Jul 27, 2010 4:33 am

I would like to congratulate VIEWPOINT for not lowering himself to retaliate in the same fashion as the person who brought SODOMY into a political discussion...If Cyprus Problem is worth discussing it is worth discussing with dignity and civility...Thank you,Viewpoint,for reminding us all that "turning the other cheek" can indeed be the best policy! :)
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Tue Jul 27, 2010 8:00 am

Nikitas wrote:A bomb yes, but how many bombs can you say you suspect? And what do you do about the delayed ship bearing a UK, Italian of German flag? Who pays the delay of thousand of dollars per hour? The RoC? How many of these hoaxes can you pull off before the EU slams a fine?

Smarten up VP. Look at the map. Any shipping to and from Cyprus and Europe would prefer Limassol. It is half a day's sail more to Famagusta. Now look up the cost of shipping and the addition of half a day to a voyage. Oil consumption for ships is measured in tons per hour and every mile counts.

If ALL ports of the island were open and fully functioning Limassol would still outrank all the others and would be preferred by any sane businessman.

Now let me ask, how many bomb scares were announced in goods that are right now coming across the green line? How are TC potatoes finding their way to Athens supermarkets? Probably through a collaboration between sane business people on both sides of the line.

As an ex-Merchant seaman who worked for some years on containerships, I can tell you that containers regularly don't get loaded on the right ship and or can't be found in big container terminals. This is usually the case in inefficient/disorganised ports and not usually the case in "old" EU countries. I can't say that it would happen in Limassol or Famagusta but I can say that it could.
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