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Proposals on Famagusta

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:30 am


what you say is possible, although it would make goods a little uncompetitive. In any case the problem is not one of taxation. The EU has granted the TC chambe rof commerce the full authority to certify goods and services produced in the occupied areas. These goods can then be moved via authoristed ports. The RoC has offere preferential port charges for TC goods. But the point is not to move goods and overcome the so called isolation.

The goal is to have ports and airports certified for international traffic and thus move a step closer to recognition without giving anything in return.

It is obviouis that citrus from the Morphou area can be moved more cheaply via Limassol than Famagusta. The insistence on Famagusta is for obvious reasons.
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Postby Bananiot » Sun Jul 25, 2010 11:41 am

Nikitas, where did you see that the opposition leader of Turkey called for the colonisation of Famagusta?
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:40 pm

Nikitas wrote:VP you havea a religious ring to your posts. "You have sinned, you must pay" is the underlying theme.

OK, we have sinned, but the punishment is supposed to be commensurate with the crime. 1974 and the ensuing years are definitely not proportional to whatever sin you attribute to the other side.

Do I detect a hint of mehamet in those views? The precept of total submission of the sinner to the will of the victor?

As for the gifting to Greece etc, the GC community reacted violently to the attempt to impose Enosis, if you believe that the coup was to impose Enosis, which is debatable. How are the TC reacting to the deCypriotisation of the north?

Interesting viewpoint but I would not say I am relgious, I do always admit to not trusting the intentions of GCs one iota. So in the face of this mentality and no moves by the GCs to take actions to eleviate or dispell my concerns in fact the opposite has happened my beliefs and been rubber stamped time and time again. So in light of my viewpoint do you now understand why I am trying to cover all bases so as not place TCs at the mercy of Gcs ever again, tieing GCs to an agreement they have not opportunity to get out of or dodge or manipulate to their benefit and the detrement of TCs.

As to the terrorists who supported enosis you should really ask them why they fucked everything up for you, your support for an enosis supporter such as makarios was unanimous, which is a reflection of the peoples will, the fighting done in 1974 against the coupists was just to little to late.
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Postby Viewpoint » Sun Jul 25, 2010 12:45 pm

Nikitas wrote:Andrea

what you say is possible, although it would make goods a little uncompetitive. In any case the problem is not one of taxation. The EU has granted the TC chambe rof commerce the full authority to certify goods and services produced in the occupied areas. These goods can then be moved via authoristed ports. The RoC has offere preferential port charges for TC goods. But the point is not to move goods and overcome the so called isolation.

The goal is to have ports and airports certified for international traffic and thus move a step closer to recognition without giving anything in return.

It is obviouis that citrus from the Morphou area can be moved more cheaply via Limassol than Famagusta. The insistence on Famagusta is for obvious reasons.

Nikitas would you surrender your goods to Turkish ports for transportation especially perishable products such as oranges which can be ruined if paperwork hold them up for 24 hours? Do you expect us to trust GCs with our products, its like asking a TCs to hand over his livelihood into the hands of a GCs whos intentions may not be very professional or under strct instructions or supported by your administration.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:39 pm


Twleve thousand TCs do trust the GCs for their livelihood EVERY SINGLE DAY when they come to work in the south.

Your argument holds no water. Can you provide any evidence that Limassol port personnel have deliberately held back cargo, or delayed ships? Modern shipping works like air traffic with exact loading and departure times. There is no room for bullshit moves like you describe.

Even more important. Right now Cypriot shops are selling fruit and vegetable products produced in the north, and there is no attempt by anyone to sabotage that trade, something the could do more easily than by delaying shipping.
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:46 pm

A point to add to the above. If, hypothetically, Famagusta port is open, will the TC merchants have a choice which port to use? Or will they be blackmailed into using only Famagusta even when other ports are cheaper and faster?
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Postby Acikgoz » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:46 pm

Nikitas, how are we gettting on with GC newspapers advertising TC products and businesses?
These people in the largest majority come home every evening.
They do not rellocate their families south.
What was it that you wondered wasn't holding water?
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Postby Nikitas » Sun Jul 25, 2010 3:49 pm

"would you surrender your goods to Turkish ports for transportation especially perishable products "

If 12000 workers can trust GCs for their livelihood, then surely they can trust them with cartons of oranges to be moved onto a ship. That was the point re the trust thing.
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Postby bill cobbett » Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:01 pm

Re : Threatened Colonisation of Varosi...

A very helpful comment from Kılıçdaroğlu, Turkish opposition leader of the CHP.

An extract of an article from Hurriyet...

CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu made an incredible political gaffe, worse than those of Özal, during his trip to the island this week, demonstrating the acute deficiency of foreign policy experts in the top echelons of the post-Deniz Baykal CHP. Very recently at a luncheon with European Union ambassadors, Kılıçdaroğlu presented a rather pro-EU image, recalled that Turkey’s EU trip was launched by the CHP leader late İsmet İnönü and stressed that CHP was committed to Turkey’s EU membership although it was critical of the defeatist policies pursued by the ruling Justice and Development Party, or AKP, government in Ankara. Yet, Kılıçdaroğlu told Hürriyet Online Ankara Representative Zeynep Gürcanlı that, if Cyprus talks were being continued to facilitate Turkey’s European bid, since the EU would never admit Turkey in, perhaps it was time to pull out of those talks, and since the 2004 UN peace plan was collapsed by Greek Cypriots, it should be the Greek Cypriots to beg at the doors of Turkish Cypriots to agree to continue the talks. Furthermore, he reportedly stressed as well that, if it was up to him, he would immediately open Varosha – a deserted touristic resort suburb of Famagusta – to Turkish Cypriot settlement
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Postby Acikgoz » Sun Jul 25, 2010 4:05 pm

Nikitas, in a TC village in Kofunye, a relative had sizeable vineyards. I can't remember who they sold the produce to but it was a GC firm. The GC firm deliberately delayed the picking up of the harvest despite agreements, as perishables this was incredibly costly to my relative. This happened a couple of harvests in a row, my relative left Cyprus because he could no longer provide for his family.

No you cannot trust when there is no trust. If GCs are willing to spoil the enjoyment of TCs for a political purpose, then what trust when the politics to this day has such mal purpose. If you have ever lived in Cyprus, you will know the system is worked for those running it. To deny that is to be a fool or a liar.
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