This whole Ottoman shit is a miserably failed experiment, and you just gotta know when to quit!
You just can’t fit a square peg in a round hole!
Acikgoz wrote:Oh Goebbels, what about animal produce, fish etc? Is that free to move?
You want hypocracy and control, we can export potatoes to RoC, but we cannot export to EU countries because they demand photosanitary certificates (as does RoC from other countries). So RoC is happy with our produce, whose citizens are European, yet all other Europeans cannot import from us because RoC doesn't authorise our quality control. Is that what they call an embargo?
Roll up roll up for your next b**** slap.
bill cobbett wrote:You can aways tell when garagoz acigoz is getting desperate ... starts refering to Big Mak and usurp.
Anyway let's not forget The Increasing Trade brought about by the Green Line Regulations...
4.1. Value of trade
Pursuant to Art 8 of the Commission Regulation (EC) 1480/200411, the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce (hereafter: TCCoC) reported on a monthly basis on the type, volume and value of goods for which it has issued accompanying documents.
The authorities of the Republic of Cyprus also communicated the type, volume and value of goods that have crossed the Line in monthly reports to the Commission. Those reports included goods that entered the government-controlled areas through the crossing points of Pergamos and Strovilia, which are under the authority of the SBA Administration.
According to reports from the TCCoC, the total value of goods for which accompanying documents were issued in the reporting period amounted to €5,471,461 whereas the value of goods actually traded was about €4,473,408.12
In comparison to the previous reporting period, figures show again an increase in the total value of goods crossing the Line. According to the reports provided by the authorities of the Republic of Cyprus, the total trade value of goods which actually crossed the Line increased by almost a third to €4,473,408, compared to € 3,380,805 in the previous reporting period. It should be noted, though, that trade in potatoes accounted for almost 30% of the overall trade value and is the main component of the increase in Green Line trade.13
In January 2008, goods worth more than € 700.000 crossed the Line. This was the highest level recorded since the GLR came into force. The main component was Turkish Cypriot potatoes, worth about € 350,000.
Although not covered by the scope of the GLR, it may be noted that trade from the government-controlled areas to the northern part of Cyprus amounted to a value of € 1,015,340 in the reporting period (thereof € 626,533 between February and April 2008) compared to € 1,027,688 in the previous one according to figures from the Cyprus Chamber
11 12 13
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1480/2004 of 10 August 2004, OJ L 272, 20.8.2004, p. 3. See Annexes I, II and III See section 4.4. below
of Commerce and Industry. Trade from the government-controlled areas to the northern part of Cyprus therefore remained about the same and amounts to less than a quarter of the trade in the opposite direction.14
The Turkish Cypriot community applies a trade system, which, in principle, "mirrors" the restrictions of the Green Line Regulation. It, for instance, mirrors Art 6 (1) GLR in the sense that goods contained in the personal luggage of persons crossing the Line from the government-controlled areas to the northern part of Cyprus are exempt from 'turnover tax', 'excise duty' and 'other duties', provided these goods have no commercial character and their total value does not exceed € 135. This regime is not always consistently applied. In the autumn of 2007, for instance, Turkish Cypriots shopping in the government-controlled areas were facing major problems in bringing back their shopping items across the Line and Turkish Cypriot potato growers were largely banned altogether from bringing back potato seeds bought from Greek Cypriot traders.
Yep as above showing that the claims of Economic Isolations and Embargoes are a loada pollocks.
Interesting... the last couple of sentences give two examples of how the Illegal Regime place restrictions on the movement of goods.
Acikgoz wrote:You answered it all in your 1st point. RoC is your constitution not ours. The rest just leads onfrom there.
We have our own constitution which we had to establish once you kicked us out of OUR CONSTITUTION.
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