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It's Raining in North Cyprus

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Acikgoz » Fri Jul 16, 2010 7:45 pm

1. GDP per capita is higher in TRNC than Turkey, but does that mean it is anywhere near its potential and at a level to be proud of. In addition, Turkey's GDP per capita is weighed down by a sizeable poor rural population. More frankly, strip out the public sector in the TRNC and then imagine how weak the GDP per capita would be.

2. There is a TRNC government, not Turkish government. The more resistance to opening up the economy to the outside, the more dependent we are on Turkey. GCs are engineering a situation that is completely contrary to what they want, and know the Cyprus problem becomes more intractible as a solution moves further towards the horizon.

3. Yes, we know that, but we have no alternative, between a rock and a hard place. GCs won't give us any love, so we are left with no alternative.

4. Regarding pipeline, I am sure that was more a knee jerk comment (the kind you get from GR), if you want pipeline statistics and why such a small pipline is child's play for Turkey please restate, happy to oblige with facts.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:20 pm

Acikgoz wrote:Kikapu,
1. GDP per capita is higher in TRNC than Turkey, but does that mean it is anywhere near its potential and at a level to be proud of. In addition, Turkey's GDP per capita is weighed down by a sizeable poor rural population. More frankly, strip out the public sector in the TRNC and then imagine how weak the GDP per capita would be.

2. There is a TRNC government, not Turkish government. The more resistance to opening up the economy to the outside, the more dependent we are on Turkey. GCs are engineering a situation that is completely contrary to what they want, and know the Cyprus problem becomes more intractible as a solution moves further towards the horizon.

3. Yes, we know that, but we have no alternative, between a rock and a hard place. GCs won't give us any love, so we are left with no alternative.

4. Regarding pipeline, I am sure that was more a knee jerk comment (the kind you get from GR), if you want pipeline statistics and why such a small pipline is child's play for Turkey please restate, happy to oblige with facts.

1. I did say thanks to Turkey's hand out. Without it, the GDP per capita of the "trnc" will be same as Turkey's. That's where Turkey will be taking the "trnc's" GDP.!

2. I didn't say no "trnc" government. I said no Turkish Cypriot Government, which is what Erdogan quoted as saying that there is one. The "trnc's" government is equal to Turkish Government.!

3. Even if the RoC gave you all you wanted, short of partition, you would still be in bed with Turkey, so lets not kid ourselves.! Turkey is not about to let the "trnc" loose to do as they please. Time to wake up my friend.

4. As you have said, Turkey has been promising water pipeline for ages. Why not do it and be done with it already. But go ahead and give us your information on the pipeline statistics. I think the whole purpose of this exercise by Erdogan was to let it be known that the "trnc" is a country and that she can make bi-lateral agreements with another country. No one is listening however, except the "trnc" and Turkey.! There's nothing there, there.! Just hot air.!
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Postby Acikgoz » Fri Jul 16, 2010 8:56 pm

1. Esplaining why your statement is redundant
2. Are you playing semantics then?
3. Not the case. As discussed before with Pratis, if Annan Plan accepted then we are more in bed with GCs than anyone else in the world.
4. OK this makes more sense from you, not the capabilities of Turkey to produce a pipleline. I could be coming from left field here, but my take on it has been that if they build it prior to a likely solution then they can negotiate better terms post solution as anything else will smack of pure bias. Given no solution in sight, build the pipeline and allow TRNC to develop without looking for excess profit, also shows people in Turkey this govt is positively active on TRNC. Additional aspect, Israel frustration.
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Postby Kikapu » Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:20 pm

Acikgoz wrote:1. Esplaining why your statement is redundant
2. Are you playing semantics then?
3. Not the case. As discussed before with Pratis, if Annan Plan accepted then we are more in bed with GCs than anyone else in the world.
4. OK this makes more sense from you, not the capabilities of Turkey to produce a pipleline. I could be coming from left field here, but my take on it has been that if they build it prior to a likely solution then they can negotiate better terms post solution as anything else will smack of pure bias. Given no solution in sight, build the pipeline and allow TRNC to develop without looking for excess profit, also shows people in Turkey this govt is positively active on TRNC. Additional aspect, Israel frustration.

2. No.! It is, what it is.!

3. Had the AP passed, both the TCs and the GCs would have been in bed with Turkey, since Turkey would have ruled supreme the whole island.!
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Postby Acikgoz » Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:33 pm

3. Are you talking in the abstract or in actual constitutional rights you believe Turkey would be granted?
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Postby humanist » Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:46 pm

Mr Ed ....... hush hush ....... Turkey loves the TC's and they love her ..... they don't mind being outnumbered by their settler brothers and sisters.

Whats really interesting if the latest information is correct for every TC there is at least one soldier
35,000 soldiers / 35,000 TC's

the settlers are just a bonus .............. but lets blame the RoC for evrything lol
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Postby Me Ed » Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:05 pm

They can't even see what's happening in front of their noses.

Why don't I read?:

With the help of Turkish loans:

TC entrepreneurs secure funding for prestigious hotel/casino in northern Cyprus.
TC entrepreneurs to build desalination plants in northern Cyprus.
TC entrepreneurs to invest in power stations in northen Cyprus.

Don't be silly! With pipelines it can all be controlled by the Turks and the TCs wont even get a look in.

The TCs always accused the GC of treating them like second-class citizens but it looks like its actually happing to them in the occupied areas the because Turks are running rings around them and leaving them with without as much of a sniff.
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Postby Jerry » Fri Jul 16, 2010 11:21 pm

I can't see any sense in this pipeline plan. What is the point of pumping salt water from Turkey to a de-salination plant in Cyprus. Have I missed something?
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Postby Acikgoz » Sat Jul 17, 2010 12:18 am

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:39 am

Acikgoz wrote:Palio, what do TCs know of the GC state? Would they not too justifiably call them a rape state, of course they do. Both are justified in their outlook.

Well, if we have no ability to have more open markets we will be more dependent and therefore less autonomous. If this was Turkey's big plan, then GCs are falling right into it. Fact is GCs are forcing Turkey's hand, going into bed with Israel the latest politically, J-Lo the latest publicly. Before we know it and things change on an even more permanent basis we'll have Pratis saying how this was Turkey's plan all along......

Funny how a few days ago I mentioned how 2 regular TCs believed the best thing for TCs was for a veli to come from Turkey. Something I had not come across for years, and only then with TC extremists.

For all your greed of total domination, you will lose more in your pursuit of it.

Whats a veli......? Did you mean to say Villo?
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