1. GDP per capita is higher in TRNC than Turkey, but does that mean it is anywhere near its potential and at a level to be proud of. In addition, Turkey's GDP per capita is weighed down by a sizeable poor rural population. More frankly, strip out the public sector in the TRNC and then imagine how weak the GDP per capita would be.
2. There is a TRNC government, not Turkish government. The more resistance to opening up the economy to the outside, the more dependent we are on Turkey. GCs are engineering a situation that is completely contrary to what they want, and know the Cyprus problem becomes more intractible as a solution moves further towards the horizon.
3. Yes, we know that, but we have no alternative, between a rock and a hard place. GCs won't give us any love, so we are left with no alternative.
4. Regarding pipeline, I am sure that was more a knee jerk comment (the kind you get from GR), if you want pipeline statistics and why such a small pipline is child's play for Turkey please restate, happy to oblige with facts.