bill cobbett wrote:my dear o, first thing to consider is to reduce the number of appliances that need electricity, so for instance go for gas powered fridge, and of course the usual cy solar water heaters.
then look at green ways to generate electric, with wind generator and solar panels with a bank of leisure batteries and inverters to get up to 240v, all sourced in gb where these things are affordable. use this system for low wattage things you want on a lot of the time when home, like lights, tv, pcs etc
on top of all that you will need a generator for the heavier uses, a 45kva one will more than power a whole house but very, very big and very, very expensive, suggest a 6-7kva silent running diesel one which is big enough to run some appliances at the same time but not all at same time, so don't expect to boil a kettle of water, heat the water in winter, do the ironing, make the toast and run the washing machine all at the same time. again pretty affordable in gb.
Thanks b.c. Our requirements will be minimal. May not need a fridge (unless hubby wants super-cooled Keo

) and certainly no other electrical white-goods. I've found some really cool briefcase sized solar cells which I've worked out I can hook up to a "leisure battery" that I will attach a car cigarette lighter socket to and we can power a laptop and recharge mobile phones etc. And hot water is taken care of in the usual way as you mention ... except, do you need power to get the water into the tanks?