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Can someone please explain...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Nikitas » Thu Jul 15, 2010 2:47 pm

"painful events are not repeated"- can you guarantee that there will be no repeat of 1974?

"liberations for all"- presumably meaning that all individuals are free which in turn means enjoying those things covered by the cliche "human rights" ie freedom to move, do business, buy land and enjoy it in their homeland. Is that what GCs have been enjoying since 1974? Or will enjoy post settlement under a BBF?

"A peaceful homeland"- under Pax Turkana with 40 000 soldiers and 400 tanks permanently stationed on the island. With constant overflights by jets and an ever present navy around Cyprus to remind us all that links with the outside world can be cut off at any moment.

When the biggest and most powerful player in the game sends that kind of message what are the chances of "moving on"? If anything the ones stuck in the past and definitely not moving on are not the GCs but those that talk about "strategic depth" and practice what they preach.
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:07 pm

Check on this site who are the ones that consistently use 1974 to defend continued oppression.
Check on this site who knowingly promotes full democracy when all evidence points to aggression towards TCs that would be in a minority in such a situation.
There are soldiers in the north, and in the south, fortunately there actually is peace on the island. The violence is local not communal. The racist incidents that have been witnessed have actually occurred in the south.
When was the last time links with the outside world were cut off by jets and navy?
Which community is politically stuck in the past? Which community has voted to move forward?

1974 did not happen in a vacuum. If stability of the region and safety of people is threatened then actions must be taken. The only guarantee is the trust that is developed between the communities. The written word, as Mak the knife demonstrated, is not worth the paper it is written on.

Keep blaming Turkey and TCs and you get nowhere as all it shows is the failure to evaluate the problem and its causes correctly.
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Postby Nikitas » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:24 pm

So Turkey moved to reinstate human rights and legality. Where did this happen and for who?

You are a little out of touch. The GC media are full of daily opeds of blame for their leaders and politicians about mishandling the GC issue. Unlike the north, the GCs are not in denial, they are fully aware of their mistakes. But the price extracted for those mistakes is way beyond any reasonable sanction and no matter what you or any one else says, accepting the status quo and suicidal plans like that promoted by Annan is not going to fly.

The "stability of the region and safety of the people" were the very reasons invoked by the Greek dictators for moving against Makarios. Funny how the same cliches are used by cynics when it suits them.

You bought the fairy tale that Turkey moved to save TCs from impending disaster. It was nothing of the sort, it was a deal between Turkey and the dictators to dissolve the RoC and proceed to double union. Do some research on the Evros agreement of 1968 and you will see how it was set up. Obviously there is no tangible proof because Turkey and Greece, as well as the RoC insist on keeping the files regarding this period firmly closed. That insistence by itself should be an alarm bell for all Cypriots.

This week RoC depty Marinos Sizopoulos, presiding over the parliamentary committee for the Cyprus file, stated that the file will be opened when the time is ripe. Leaving the disclosure of the facts surrounding 1974 from the RoC point of view closed indefinitely. What is being kept from the public? What else would be damaging than the double union deal?
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:47 pm

Nikitas, Turkey forced a "peace" and end to Enosis via the partition and ensured the end of communal violence. This was at the cost of various human rights.

The GC media constantly blame leaders for mishandling the Cyprus issue, mailny from the point of view that they should be harder on TCs and Turkey.

Well we can say we have seen since 1974 "stability of the region and safety of the people"

Turkey and Greece may well have their own reasons for why they behaved as they did. GCs behaved as they did and that is the issue for us, we don't need to look to other shores as our offenders originated from the island. If more effort had been made to ensure harmony between GCs and TCs then no outside nation could have brought the influence to bear. Enosis was what we feared most, Makarios knew that it should be played down in the latter years, but still in the 70s GCs were calling for Enosis or death in their thousands.

So they open the Evros agreement you describe. Then what, will that undo the resentment built up by our communities then and the ongoing vilification going on now? No.

I guess what I am saying is that the public is responsible for its own actions.
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Postby Gregory » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:49 pm

Acikgoz wrote:Nikitas, Turkey forced a "peace" and end to Enosis via the partition and ensured the end of communal violence. This was at the cost of various human rights.

The GC media constantly blame leaders for mishandling the Cyprus issue, mailny from the point of view that they should be harder on TCs and Turkey.

Well we can say we have seen since 1974 "stability of the region and safety of the people"

Turkey and Greece may well have their own reasons for why they behaved as they did. GCs behaved as they did and that is the issue for us, we don't need to look to other shores as our offenders originated from the island. If more effort had been made to ensure harmony between GCs and TCs then no outside nation could have brought the influence to bear. Enosis was what we feared most, Makarios knew that it should be played down in the latter years, but still in the 70s GCs were calling for Enosis or death in their thousands.

So they open the Evros agreement you describe. Then what, will that undo the resentment built up by our communities then and the ongoing vilification going on now? No.

I guess what I am saying is that the public is responsible for its own actions.

when will you face up to yours? You mention everyone's mistakes apart from god's 18% = 51% chosen tc people.
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu Jul 15, 2010 3:55 pm

Seeing as you want to get biblical, this is the message in a nutshell:
"Let him who is without sin cast the first stone"
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Postby EPSILON » Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:51 pm

Acikgoz wrote:Nikitas, Turkey forced a "peace" and end to Enosis via the partition and ensured the end of communal violence. This was at the cost of various human rights.

The GC media constantly blame leaders for mishandling the Cyprus issue, mailny from the point of view that they should be harder on TCs and Turkey.

Well we can say we have seen since 1974 "stability of the region and safety of the people"

Turkey and Greece may well have their own reasons for why they behaved as they did. GCs behaved as they did and that is the issue for us, we don't need to look to other shores as our offenders originated from the island. If more effort had been made to ensure harmony between GCs and TCs then no outside nation could have brought the influence to bear. Enosis was what we feared most, Makarios knew that it should be played down in the latter years, but still in the 70s GCs were calling for Enosis or death in their thousands.

So they open the Evros agreement you describe. Then what, will that undo the resentment built up by our communities then and the ongoing vilification going on now? No.

I guess what I am saying is that the public is responsible for its own actions.

Romans, Ottomans, British , even Alexander the Great finally left all their occupations to the local people.Turks will end at the same point, basis G/cs have not internal confusion about who they are and where they must go
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:58 pm

Nor are TCs confused, that is the issue, GCs want us out of our own lands. Full democracy to either get rid of us or assimilate us. We don't like it, just as much as they wouldn't like to be assimilated to Turkey and fear being over run by Turks.
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Postby EPSILON » Thu Jul 15, 2010 5:59 pm

Acikgoz wrote:Nor are TCs confused, that is the issue, GCs want us out of our own lands. Full democracy to either get rid of us or assimilate us. We don't like it, just as much as they wouldn't like to be assimilated to Turkey and fear being over run by Turks.

I am refereing to locals and T/cs are not!!!
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:27 pm

So are you saying they will eventually leave, be forced out or assimilated?
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