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Why the Native GCs will regain ALL their lands ...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby DT. » Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:04 am

Vincehugo wrote:
SKI-preo wrote:
At least Turkey is trying to unravel the mess created by 36 years of dogma

Are you kidding me?
The IPC is just a face saving exercise as the Quasi judicial nature of the commission does not make findings of "guilt" in the way a formal court would. Nominal compensation is being paid and only the most desparate refugee with gambling addictions opts for "compensation" through the IPC. The IPC is a tool to achieve partition which will make the region unstable and partition will ultimately lead to war sometime down the track. Restitution has only been awarded in a couple of cases and the refugees have not been able to return anyway. If a refugee returns will he enjoy democratic rights or recognised human rights?

Remind me - what are the RoC doing towards untangling the mess?

I see, on the anniversary of the invasion this joker is asking the ROC what they are doing about untangling the mess created by the invasion and occupation of Cyprus by 40,000 turkish troops.

On behalf of the ROC we apologise for not providing an easier enviroment for Turkey to carry out its occupation.

Let your brain catch up with your tongue every now and then :roll:
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Postby Vincehugo » Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:11 am

DT. wrote:
Vincehugo wrote:
SKI-preo wrote:
At least Turkey is trying to unravel the mess created by 36 years of dogma

Are you kidding me?
The IPC is just a face saving exercise as the Quasi judicial nature of the commission does not make findings of "guilt" in the way a formal court would. Nominal compensation is being paid and only the most desparate refugee with gambling addictions opts for "compensation" through the IPC. The IPC is a tool to achieve partition which will make the region unstable and partition will ultimately lead to war sometime down the track. Restitution has only been awarded in a couple of cases and the refugees have not been able to return anyway. If a refugee returns will he enjoy democratic rights or recognised human rights?

Remind me - what are the RoC doing towards untangling the mess?

I see, on the anniversary of the invasion this joker is asking the ROC what they are doing about untangling the mess created by the invasion and occupation of Cyprus by 40,000 turkish troops.

On behalf of the ROC we apologise for not providing an easier enviroment for Turkey to carry out its occupation.

Let your brain catch up with your tongue every now and then :roll:

So, peddling propaganda, insults and not much else - as I thought.

Classic GC response to a straight question.
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Postby DT. » Tue Jul 20, 2010 10:12 am

Vincehugo wrote:
DT. wrote:
Vincehugo wrote:
SKI-preo wrote:
At least Turkey is trying to unravel the mess created by 36 years of dogma

Are you kidding me?
The IPC is just a face saving exercise as the Quasi judicial nature of the commission does not make findings of "guilt" in the way a formal court would. Nominal compensation is being paid and only the most desparate refugee with gambling addictions opts for "compensation" through the IPC. The IPC is a tool to achieve partition which will make the region unstable and partition will ultimately lead to war sometime down the track. Restitution has only been awarded in a couple of cases and the refugees have not been able to return anyway. If a refugee returns will he enjoy democratic rights or recognised human rights?

Remind me - what are the RoC doing towards untangling the mess?

I see, on the anniversary of the invasion this joker is asking the ROC what they are doing about untangling the mess created by the invasion and occupation of Cyprus by 40,000 turkish troops.

On behalf of the ROC we apologise for not providing an easier enviroment for Turkey to carry out its occupation.

Let your brain catch up with your tongue every now and then :roll:

So, peddling propaganda, insults and not much else - as I thought.

Classic GC response to a straight question.

Are you for real?
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:44 pm

Vincehugo wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Vincehugo wrote:Firstly, if we might just go back to my original point, do you accept that the IPC does not provide for GC's to claim purely for loss of use - that this can only be covered as part of a claim for a full and final settlement of their property rights? A simple YES or No will do?

Rephrase the question, please? Leave out double negatives and keep to one clause if you ask for only one answer!

Secondly, do you believe that it is OK for a GC to sign a legally binding contract to forego their rights to property in Northern Cyprus, take the money offered and then claim that they still own the property. Again a simple YES or NO will do?

The IPC do not produce legally binding documents recognisable in the RoC.

Thirdly, you see it as OK to use the international courts to hound down the Orams outside the legislation of the RoC but you don't think that it would be acceptable for those taking money from the IPC to be pursued if they were to try and "double dip"?

It's not "double dip" as the GCs own those properties and they are entitled to compensation for loss of use but they should not be blackmailed into losing their homes -- that is illegal.

Fourthly, what is the equitable remedy proposed by the RoC for those TC's who, according to your precious RoC Land Registry, still own property in the South? How do they go about enforcing their rights - especially when the land has been gifted by the RoC government for others to build houses on (and please don't tell me that this hasn't happened - it's just not believable).

It's irrelevant whether it's believable to you or not. If you doubt it, find out.

Have you ever tried to look at the situation from an objective perspective, rather than your xenophobic and intransigent stance. How do you think Cyprus is going to move forward . . REALISTICALLY and PRACTICALLY. At least Turkey is trying to unravel the mess created by 36 years of dogma ON BOTH SIDES through the introduction of the IPC. What is the RoC doing - 6 months residency rules for property claims, out of court settlements to avoid escalation to the ECHR, procrastination in the negotations for a solution.

All Turkey has to do is leave. Turkey is the cause of ALL the mess and this "IPC" is further Turkish mess.

Cyprus is moving forward, as in the case of the Orams ...

1. There is no double negative here. It is a straightforward question - you just have to answer it. (Sorry if you don't understand English). Or carry on wriggling.

Why don't you answer it then!

do you accept that the IPC does not provide for GC's to claim purely for loss of use - that this can only be covered as part of a claim for a full and final settlement of their property rights? A simple YES or No will do?

2. Irrelevant. If you sign a contract and accept money in return are you not bound by the agreement you signed? Anything else is immoral. So just more wriggling.

If the contract is illegal then of course you are not bound. The Orams signed a "contract" and "bought" a house -- but the courts overthrew it!

3. Of course it's a double dip. You are benefiting twice from the "ownership" of a single property. It's not blackmail or illegal - GC's are not forced to go to the IPC - but if they do they can't expect to receive money from the IPC and still own the property. And, even though I thought I'd already made it clear, the IPC will not pay out purely for loss of use, only as part of a full and final settlement of any property claim. GC's have been up in arms about the possibility of this sort of behaviour with regard to TC properties in the South (hence, supposedly, the 6 month rule). It's double dipping and double standards. And more wriggling from you.

It's not "double dip" because the IPC has no right to take over other peoples' properties at gunpoint (courtesy of 43,000 Turkish troops). I lease out an apartment for which I am payed rent -- yet the property is still mine and it is NOT "double-dip". You really are stuck on that hope!

4. I have found out - it has happened - but you haven't answered the question about the equitable remedy available to the TC's through the RoC courts. Another case of wriggling I fear.

Let's see your evidence then!

5. Turkey isn't going to leave until there is a realistic solution. Get over it. I think you'll find that the cause of all the mess lies a lot nearer to home but the IPC at least offers some means of untangling the mess. What REALISTIC suggestions do you have. Or would you rather carry on with your wriggling?

The IPC only offers to solve the problem of thieves. We don't go along with that, so get over it!

As for the Orams - remind me, how is Mr Apostolides getting on moving back into his old house? What did all that really achieve, and what's more, could any future cases really be expected to follow the same course. If so, why haven't we seen the flood? If you think that the Orams case represents Cyprus moving forward then you really are out of touch with reality.

Mr Apostolides is free to enforce whatever he wishes now. His arrangement with the Orams is now private -- and his property is acknowledged world-wide as being his! How about yours? :lol:

Rouse and whiff the capuccino.

Lay off the caffeine ...
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jul 20, 2010 12:50 pm

Murataga wrote: The origins of this island are NOT Greek.

"American archaeologists excavating the Franchthi cave in the southern Argolid peninsula of Greece (which has a sequence of levels from 25 - 50,000 Before Present) recovered obsidian, a highly valued volcanic glass used for making tools, in layers dated to about 9500BP. Trace-element analysis of this obsidian by J.E. Dixon of Edinburgh University reveals that it must have come from the island of Milos, some 130 kilometres to the southeast. According to Dixon and Colin Renfew an authority on the archeology of the Cyclades, Milos was an island even in late Pleistocene times, so boats crossed to Milos before 7000 BC.
Shifting land and sea.
The tectonic activity in that region may render present day data on sea depths inapplicable to the late Pleistocene. (The Mediterranean is tectonically very active. For example, the north coast of Cyprus has uplifted by one metre since Byzantine times). But, the obsidian finds coincide with discoveries of large fish bones in the same Mesolithic levels at Franchthi. According to Sebastien Payne of the University of Cambridge, who is analysing the fauna from Franchthi, this link suggests seagoing activity possibly correlated with the supposed early obsidian trade."

Source: New Scientist

Show us some earlier evidence, then, which isolates the people inhabiting Greece from the people inhabiting Cyprus!
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Postby Vincehugo » Tue Jul 20, 2010 1:32 pm

Sorry Oracle. I made the stupid mistake of thinking for a moment that this was a forum for sharing facts and rationally debating the Cyprus Problem and, more importantly, a Cyprus solution. I can see now that I got it wrong. Your prejudice and bigotry doesn't seem to allow you to deal with simple questions of fact.

Enjoy your day - I have better things to do.
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Vince is right.....

Postby cymart » Tue Jul 20, 2010 3:11 pm

Cyprus is not moving forward in any way as a country or a society and is run mostly by corrupt,incompetent cretins whose main aim is to either take power or maintain their hold on it!That applies on BOTH sides and the biggest tragedy is that the majority of people here either cannot see it,pretend not to, or have given up any hope of ever changing things and are now following the trend themselves!The easy way is always to blame somebody else but never to analyse their own mistakes-that is too risky for them!
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Re: Vince is right.....

Postby Oracle » Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:04 pm

cymart wrote:Cyprus is not moving forward in any way as a country or a society and is run mostly by corrupt,incompetent cretins whose main aim is to either take power or maintain their hold on it!That applies on BOTH sides and the biggest tragedy is that the majority of people here either cannot see it,pretend not to, or have given up any hope of ever changing things and are now following the trend themselves!The easy way is always to blame somebody else but never to analyse their own mistakes-that is too risky for them!

What a gross and unsubstantiated generalisation. BTW cymart, there are not two "sides" but one Cyprus under occupation! What a shame people are too cretinous to realise the burden the RoC has to face in simply surviving under such circumstances let alone trying to give its people a more than reasonable welfare and education system as well as an above average, daily safe existence.
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Postby Gasman » Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:22 pm

Has anyone else noticed that more and more often now, you see the 'TRNC' being described as 'under Turkish control' and not as'under occupation' or 'occupied territory'?

Even on BBC news website (O's favourite 'auntie' and the news she professes to trust)
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jul 20, 2010 6:32 pm

Doubtless, there are many ways to describe the illegal Turkish occupation of Cyprus and its colonisation controlled by Ankara. And doubtless, whichever term I use to describe the atrocity, the gasbag will troll with another delectable, to her/him, alternative version!

Still, there's no other way she/he can harness attention but by sadistically parading her/his pleasure at our injuries .... :roll:
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