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France says Turkey must recognise Cyprus before talks

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Postby sophisticatedbeggar » Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:51 am

Murtaza wrote:what about 12 mil? It is not we demand to expand our territories, but greeks. we want to continue of statu qua

With all due respect, easy for you to say but you'd be telling us a different story if Turkey had the right to extend its borders to 12 miles and Greece was the one who would obejct to this and threaten with war... Status Quo is a very good thing when you are the one that's taking advantage of it, isn't it...?
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:56 am

With all due respect, which f***ing right are you talking about??
You have no right to close Turkey's opening to the Aegian Sea, we don't mind the mils being like it is today but we won't let you close our opening to the Aegian!
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Postby sophisticatedbeggar » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:02 am

bg_turk wrote:
sophisticatedbeggar wrote:
fi wrote:If Greece extends its borders, it would completely block turkis access to the aegan and mediteranean. Why do greeks want to block turkish access to international waters?

Errm, not sure if you know it but if you don't, there you go; we have the right to extend our borders to 12 miles...

The reason why we don't exercise our right is because the threat is right above our heads (yes, the peace loving, aspiring to enter the EU- Turkey has made it clear that exntending our borders is a casus beli)... Oh and also we are ruled by cowards and opportunists but that's another story...
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Postby sophisticatedbeggar » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:14 am

Turkey (( * wrote:With all due respect, which f***ing right are you talking about??
You have no right to close Turkey's opening to the Aegian Sea, we don't mind the mils being like it is today but we won't let you close our opening to the Aegian!

Err, excuse but Allah said so?

Please read ( from )

The quite transparent target of the Turkish actions is to create an impression (to the international society) of a bilateral problem between the two countries, in order to promote the old Ankara dream of Greek-Turkish negotiations on the Aegean Sea status. Greece does not recognize the existence of any territorial problems between the two countries. In addition, it has declared its right to extend the width of the marine territotial waters to 12 miles, according to the recently adopted international Marine law, which Turkey does not accept.

Oh, and please watch your language...
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:25 am

No, leave Allah alone, what the heck!! What does that have to do with politics??

Right, can you please give me a direct link to the place where you copied that text, I just searched the sit(with word "Turkey", no result).
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:33 am

Ok, what about the basic right of Turkey which is accession to high seas from her territorial waters??
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Postby sophisticatedbeggar » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:41 am

Turkey (( * wrote:No, leave Allah alone, what the heck!! What does that have to do with politics??

Right, can you please give me a direct link to the place where you copied that text, I just searched the sit(with word "Turkey", no result).

Re Allah, it was just a joke... chill out mate...
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Postby Turkey (( * » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:55 am

Right here you go:

I think I just got agressive, because foreigners love using religion against the Muslims, just like Kypros-Einai...Well whatever sorry if I was too agressive.

Check the mapy on the site, between 6 mils and 12 mils.You basically close our connection to high seas from our territorial waters! Plus that site really looks like a propaganda site. The site I gave you is based on Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs publications on the Aegean Problem. Can you give me a site like that, which is based on something rather than hatred...I hope you know that people would do anyhing for money, so I don't really trust research institutions.
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Postby Murtaza » Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:56 am

sophisticatedbeggar wrote:
Murtaza wrote:what about 12 mil? It is not we demand to expand our territories, but greeks. we want to continue of statu qua

With all due respect, easy for you to say but you'd be telling us a different story if Turkey had the right to extend its borders to 12 miles and Greece was the one who would obejct to this and threaten with war... Status Quo is a very good thing when you are the one that's taking advantage of it, isn't it...?

We are not taking advantage, we are trying to stop your expantion. You are trying to expand your territories and we are trying to stop you. I dont understand how this make us expantionalist. It was mostly agresive side, who want to change status qua(Specially after armed islands) and It is greece who is trying to change it. and Turkey have right to expand Its borders to 12 miles too.

why is this so much difficult? If we are agresive, It should be us who want to change status qua for our benefit. But greece is doing it. I dont know what is expansionist, If this is not.
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Postby bg_turk » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:00 pm

Murtaza wrote:
sophisticatedbeggar wrote:
Murtaza wrote:what about 12 mil? It is not we demand to expand our territories, but greeks. we want to continue of statu qua

With all due respect, easy for you to say but you'd be telling us a different story if Turkey had the right to extend its borders to 12 miles and Greece was the one who would obejct to this and threaten with war... Status Quo is a very good thing when you are the one that's taking advantage of it, isn't it...?

We are not taking advantage, we are trying to stop your expantion. You are trying to expand your territories and we are trying to stop you. I dont understand how this make us expantionalist. It was mostly agresive side, who want to change status qua(Specially after armed islands) and It is greece who is trying to change it. and Turkey have right to expand Its borders to 12 miles too.

why is this so much difficult? If we are agresive, It should be us who want to change status qua for our benefit. But greece is doing it. I dont know what is expansionist, If this is not.

I think Greece does not mind Turkey extending its maritime borders tp 12miles, because this would not affect them too much. Turkey minds so striongly because if Greece does, access to the Mediteranean from Izmir and Istanbul would be completely blocked, as far as I understand.
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