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Why America has a green light to invade, occupy and murder..

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Why America has a green light to invade, occupy and murder..

Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:11 am

Why America has a green light to invade, occupy and murder people according to Kikapu…

Ladies & Gentlemen, I present you with a FREE tour of the (sick) mind of a fool who justifies countless American atrocities in this way…

1) if it wasn't for the Americans, all of Europe would be speaking German now

2) America winning the cold war

3) saving Asia from the Japanese Empire at great cost

4) all the foreign humanitarian Aid America gives to the world

5) 500,000+ people America takes in as immigrants from around the world

6) being first in line to assist victims of major natural disasters around the world

7) the American Peace Corps where thousands of Americans travel to most remote places in the world


So according to Kikapu’s first three points we were “saved” by America so that America could kill us herself later at her leisure! :?

And according to Kikapu’s next three points (4..6), America sends humanitarian aid and/or accepts immigrants to retain a “right” to murder you later! :?

And finally, America “retains a right” to illegally invade, occupy and murder nations because they’ve got a “peace corps” traveling around the world! :?

If this individual isn’t sick in the head I don’t know who or what is! :lol:
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Postby The Grim Reaper » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:20 am

God Bless America for keeping Death :evil: busy.

(Huh?)...ha....ha...ha..ha....etc....etc.. (Plonkers)
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:21 am

Wouldn’t it be nice if American aid packages included a warning note that read…

“Please accept this $20,000 package, but be it known to you that upon acceptance you will have added 10 years to our green light to invade, occupy, and murder nations as we see fit!”

Do you think anyone would’ve accepted such aid? :?
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:25 am

Here’s another one for immigrants… :?

“We are pleased to inform that your application to enter the US as a permanent resident has been accepted at the very generous cost of just 10,000 victims somewhere in Africa, Asia, or the Middle East!

Please sign on the dotted line…”
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:41 am

Here, Kikapu saw fit to EQUATE American atrocities around the world with a military operation to liberate occupied Cyprus against Turkey!

But we already know from your past statements, that if and when in the next "necessary war" in Cyprus against Turkey, the TCs will be "decimated" by the GCs, using your words. I'm sure you will be using full International laws while you achieve your objectives, right.?!!!

So why would the USA be different in the way they fought/ fight their wars no matter what kind it is. How do you differ from the US with your idea of the next hypothetical war in Cyprus and the TCs.??

Kikapu, obviously has never heard of a country’s right of self defense or has a very screwed up understanding of what it means…

The UN Charter (Article 51)

…and numerous Chapter VII Resolutions.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:01 am

The FREE tour of the fool’s mind continues with this gem…

“American Empire is based on Military Power with bases around the world and economic power at home. America does not steal others property, land and it's natural minerals.”

You have to ask yourself, does the fool ever follow the news?

Iraq doles out $350 million to 3 'hot spots'

“The Times first disclosed that increased Iraqi oil revenues stemming from high prices and improved security are piling up in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York rather than being spent on needed reconstruction projects.” ... hot-spots/

The Plan to Steal Iraq's Oil ... 11793.html

How Much Iraqi Crude Oil is Being Stolen? Mystery of the Missing Meters

And hundreds of other articles confirming the theft of Iraqi resources by the US... :roll:
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:23 am

Kikapu, has spent the last 3-4 years here pretty much complaining about Turkey’s violations against Cyprus which I agree with, but why is he so adamantly ignoring and even defending America’s numerous, constant, and horrific violations against other countries?

Can there be two sets of rules in Kikapu's world?

Who can answer this question?
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:47 am

If you believe all of this is for stealing oil and natural resources wrap your crooked head around this kaku on future civilizations
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Postby miltiades » Thu Jul 08, 2010 7:39 am

Get Real! wrote:Kikapu, has spent the last 3-4 years here pretty much complaining about Turkey’s violations against Cyprus which I agree with, but why is he so adamantly ignoring and even defending America’s numerous, constant, and horrific violations against other countries?

Can there be two sets of rules in Kikapu's world?

Who can answer this question?

Let me start by apologizing to all of Cyprus's American friends for the vitriolic comments by this mentally deranged individual whose hatred for America and the West in general is far more potent than the hatred harboured by the likes of Bin Laden and the Islamist extremists. He , GR , despises in a psychotic perverted fashion everything that America and the West stands for , in fact I believe that as a child he encountered some unpleasant experience which rendered him incapable to use logic instead of naked hatred . HE IS NOR REPRESSENTATIVE OF THE CYPRIOT PEOPLE.
He is a sick individual consumed with enormous amount of hatred against the USA in fact he is very dangerous and the security forces in Cyprus ought to monitor his behaviour. He is one so called Cypriot , a basket as far as I,m concerned , who would not hesitate in becoming the first Cypriot suicide bomber. Such is the depth of this man's detestation of America that renders him a perfect candidate for Al Qaeda.
On a few occasions I posted that in spite of our differences I liked the guy , I made a number of posts inviting him to have a drink with me. I withdraw passed sentiments and I declare right here that I consider this lunatic a danger to be avoided at all costs. He is a first class idiot of the highest order , a fool , an arrogant and rather ignorant individual who spends hours searching for Anti American links in order to satisfy his insatiable hatred of America. Let it be known that people with views such as his are a bloody menace to the Cypriot cause, to our American Cypriot brothers who are tirelessly lobbying for the removal of the occupying troops from Cyprus. This sick perverted individual does not stop for one second to consider the implications of an American recognition of the "trnc". He does not care either since he is hell bent on war against Turkey.
Now here is my message to you plonker.If I ever come across you I will spit in your face you sick busaket.
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Re: Why America has a green light to invade, occupy and murd

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jul 08, 2010 6:40 pm

Get Real! wrote:Why America has a green light to invade, occupy and murder people according to Kikapu…

Ladies & Gentlemen, I present you with a FREE tour of the (sick) mind of a fool who justifies countless American atrocities in this way…

1) if it wasn't for the Americans, all of Europe would be speaking German now

2) America winning the cold war

3) saving Asia from the Japanese Empire at great cost

4) all the foreign humanitarian Aid America gives to the world

5) 500,000+ people America takes in as immigrants from around the world

6) being first in line to assist victims of major natural disasters around the world

7) the American Peace Corps where thousands of Americans travel to most remote places in the world


So according to Kikapu’s first three points we were “saved” by America so that America could kill us herself later at her leisure! :?

And according to Kikapu’s next three points (4..6), America sends humanitarian aid and/or accepts immigrants to retain a “right” to murder you later! :?

And finally, America “retains a right” to illegally invade, occupy and murder nations because they’ve got a “peace corps” traveling around the world! :?

If this individual isn’t sick in the head I don’t know who or what is! :lol:

Hi GR,

I can see you have now totally lost all your arguments, so now you are inventing stories to save what ever face you have left. A man who is always demanding evidence from others for their arguments is now starting to tell little porkies. I have already stated that America had/has done bad things in the world, therefore, everything what you have wrote above was pointless and redundant as well as incorrect in trying to suggest I approve in what America did/ does when violating International laws or violating others Human Rights. Even with your exaggerated false statements above in painting America and me in bad light, the facts are, America had/has done more good things for the world than bad, which you have not been able to repudiate what I wrote below, which I was only scratching the surface in all the good things America has done for the world. No one has stated that if America does good she then has the right to do wrong also on the same people she did good for. This is nothing but your invention and a figment of your imagination, but I guess you will do and say anything to try and save yourself having already lost your argument with my post below.! :wink:

Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:There's nothing misleading nor childish. America does more good than not than any other country by far. Naturally, if you only focus on the bad things she had/has done, then it is not surprising if you do not see all the good she does also.! A little objectivity can serve you well, GR.

How about you demonstrate your (presumed) objectivity by enlightening us on all the good America does… I’m all ears and it better be good!

No one is advocating or defending violations of international laws. There are always going to be necessary wars which will violate some of the international laws no matter what. Surely if you thought Cypriots could free themselves from Turkey's occupation by means of a "necessary war", I doubt you will be too concern with International laws too much, if the objectives were met.

The issue has NOTHING to do with “necessary” or “unnecessary” wars but your ridiculous sweeping statement:

“Has America done more good things in the world than bad things...absolutly.!”

...which you must now demonstrate for all to see!

And yes, God also blesses idiots. Look around the forum and you will find plenty.!

There cannot be two sets of rules… one for the undesirables like Turkey and one for your beloved US!

Kikapu, it’s by no accident you receive so much criticism from Turkish Cypriots here, because deep down inside you ARE full of shit just as they say!

Now, let’s hope that God will bless YOU to compile that list of ”good American deeds” before I compile mine of your bad… :wink:

GR wrote:How about you demonstrate your (presumed) objectivity by enlightening us on all the good America does… I’m all ears and it better be good!

See below.!

GR wrote:The issue has NOTHING to do with “necessary” or “unnecessary” wars but your ridiculous sweeping statement:

You are the one who is bringing up the issues of International Laws into the conversation and all I'm saying is, International laws are ofter ignored in times of wars, be they be necessary wars or unnecessary wars. But I see you want to side step this point to the question I put to you above in the case Cyprus against Turkey's occupation. But we already know from your past statements, that if and when in the next "necessary war" in Cyprus against Turkey, the TCs will be "decimated" by the GCs, using your words. I'm sure you will be using full International laws while you achieve your objectives, right.?!!!:roll: :roll:

So why would the USA be different in the way they fought/ fight their wars no matter what kind it is. How do you differ from the US with your idea of the next hypothetical war in Cyprus and the TCs.?? :roll:

I have already stated that America has done bad things in the world, so what is it that you want to argue about. Is it about as to just how bad they were.? Really, is this your objective. If I denied that US did bad things in the world, you may then have a case, but right now, you are just arguing with yourself on this one. The point still remains however, that American has done more good than they have done bad in the world and will continue to do so in the future, no matter how many human rights abuse pictures from Iraq you want to post here for us all to see. It does not change the facts.

Kikapu wrote:“Has America done more good things in the world than bad things...absolutly.!”

GR wrote:...which you must now demonstrate for all to see!

Demonstrate what exactly, GR, that if it wasn't for the Americans, all of Europe would be speaking German now, except for Cyprus, because you would most probably be speaking Turkish, Cyprus given to Turkey as a token of gratitude for being a silent supporter of Nazi Germany during WWII, once the British and the rest of Europe got taken over by the Nazis. Americans gave their lives and treasure to Europe where they could have just ignored Europe and said "you are on your own, pal". No, not only they gave their lives, but also re-built Europe from the ashes so that former Nazi Germany became a economic power house along with Japan.

How about America winning the cold war against the Soviet Union and stopping the expansion of communism where many former Soviet satellite states have all became independent and are all looking at the western Democracies to build their countries economically under the capitalist system.

How about saving Asia from the Japanese Empire at great cost.?

How about all the foreign humanitarian Aid America gives to the world each and every year who is the supporter of the UN and it's programs by 25% of the overall cost.?

How about the 500,000+ people America takes in as immigrants from around the world to settle in their new country.?

How about America being first in line to assist victims of major natural disasters around the world. America gives the most and the longest.

How about the American Peace Corps where thousands of Americans travel to most remote places in the world to teach the locals to survive, paid by the US government.?

How about ................................? I could just go on, GR.!

America is an Empire, whether they would want to admit it or not. Only they are not in the same category of all the other empires like the Romans, Greeks, Ottomans, Japanese, Soviet Union the British and so on. All those list Empires were territory expansionists where they took everything in sight and benefited their own country from the mineral wealths of the countries they had conquered so to enrich themselves. American Empire is based on Military Power with bases around the world and economic power at home. America does not steal others property, land and it's natural minerals. They buy what they want. As an Economic Power Empire, America wants to make sure global markets can go to sleep at night, knowing business will be as usual the next day. America's involvement in wars and conflicts around the world are mostly based on ideology, ie, crush communism and Fascism, since they are both bad for business and the capitalist system and for economic reasons which the world relies on.

This is my slogan, so take it for what it's worth. "America follows where the Oil flows".! We are in Iraq because of the oil. We are not there to steal the oil, but to pay for it, and we have paid for it through the nose, so that it reaches to the world's markets. If Democracy comes about as a by-product of Bush's unilateral invasion, well, that would be a good thing also, but bottom line is, we are there for the oil. Iran is next on the list. Do I approve this form of strategy.? Of course not, but it is the reality. America may be doing the dirty deed where everyone benefits from it, but we will all be bitching again, if the oil flows are restricted and prices shoot through the roof by anti West leaders.

You don't need to remind me any of Americas past and present bad deeds, because I know them all and have told you so. All of the above good deeds that America does which the whole world benefits while at the same time getting a black eye for it, can't be ignored. But you of course, GR, do ignore Americas continued contribution to the world in so many ways. So be it.!

GR wrote:Kikapu, it’s by no accident you receive so much criticism from Turkish Cypriots here, because deep down inside you ARE full of shit just as they say!

It seems to me like, you have already lost the argument and now scraping the bottom of the barrel to change or distract the original topic, which was "May God Bless America", which you took an exception to, just as you did my last year's "Happy 4th of July" post. I knew you would try and take a bite at this topic. You did not disappoint me. I am disappointed with your above remarks however, but even then, you have set yourself up to fall by committing the same blunders VP, YFred or Runaway would make against me in trying to win an argument, which they have not done so yet.

If some of my TC friends believe that I'm full of shit for arguing against their stance on Fascism, Racism and NeoPartitionism for wanting a better future for all Cypriots and Cyprus, then does that mean you also support VP's, YFred's and Runaway's positions of being Fascists, Racists and NeoPartitionist.?? If so, then Bananiot has been right about you for long time, for you being a partitionist in disguise.!

But since you have opened the "full of shit" remark, then let me also remind you, that almost all of the TCs think you are "full of shit" and if that wasn't enough, almost all of the GCs on the forum believe you are "full of shit", not to mention all of the GC Americans on this thread. So, GR, if you and I were to be judged as who's being the biggest "full of shit" character, you will win the prize my friend.! :D

GR wrote:Now, let’s hope that God will bless YOU to compile that list of ”good American deeds” before I compile mine of your bad… :wink:

No need for me to bother God to bless me to deal with you, GR. I'll only turn to God if it's something I can't take care of it myself. This Cypriot kid from Küçük Kaymakli has been naturally blessed all of his life, or else he would have been killed in 1963.!

GR, no disrespect to you, but I don't know how you can go from a simple "God Bless America" to full blown madman with your reaction to GG and others. My post was made towards my fellow Americans to celebrate 4th of July. How the hell did you get involved in this topic. Are you not the one telling GG to keep her nose out of the Cypriot discussions, since she is not a Cypriot. Well, you are also not an American, so why the hell did you put your nose into the business of the Americans regarding "May God bless America".?? All citizens would want God to bless their country, as I also want God to Bless Cyprus and the United Kingdom, despite their own past and present bad deeds.!

I've said all there's to be said on this subject. I do not intend getting into a long drawn debate with you over simple remarks made on this thread by me when I stated "May God Bless the USA".!
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