SpartanGamer wrote:Yup! He shot himself IN THE HEAD with a SAWN OFF SHOTGUN! That must of been a messy job to clean up...
What I don't understand is when he shot the cop in the face, point blank range, that the shot didn't kill the officer!
An interesting point, the probability is that the sawn-off shotgun was loaded with pellets suitable for small game or birds, the absence of a 2nd weapon (mentioned severally but as yet undiscovered), may well prove to be a 'Get Out' manoeuvre for the Police forces involved when it comes to them explaining why they went to such extraordinary lengths (and public expense) to capture a man KNOWN to be addicted to the use of 'Steroids' which are KNOWN to be the cause of traumatic mood swings.
One Police officer, suitably clad (in the bulletproof gear dozens were) with face visor, (as bomb disposal) could have easily approached and confronted Moat, even to the extent that he could have been challenged to open fire under peril of his own life OR, his brother could have been engaged to mediate.
In no way can Moat be excused for his actions BUT, were we privy to all the details which led up to them, we might be in a position to understand them a little better and a little less ready to accept that it was necessary to declare virtual WAR on a lone fugitive.
The general population in the UK seems to be under a lot of pressure, it may get worse, perhaps the sensationalised spectacle we have all just been treated to (as an example of how concerned the police are as to the safety of UK citizens) may turn out to be the forerunner of many more such episodes, there does seem to be an awful lot of 'Bed-hopping' going on in the 'Decadent' UK, if one wishes to accept the comment of Abu Hamza al-Masri as a fair description of the society which exists there. IMHO.