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Postby Oracle » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:40 pm

Get Real! wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:I got one for you GR, the computer that you are using was thought of produced and given to the world by the USA.......

Hey bozo, unless you love making a total fool of yourself I strongly recommend that you keep out of it because you're daft and easy pickings...

The first was produced by a German:

“his greatest achievement was the world's first functional program-controlled Turing-complete computer, the Z3, in 1941”

Not that I was talking about inventions btw... :roll:

I'll deal with the rest of your rubbish in a separate post...

Not quite so fast, "Bozo"!

The first computer was invented by the Greeks! :D

The First Computer

A mysterious device found in Greek waters was used by ancient Greeks to track distant stars. ... m-computer
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
wyoming cowboy wrote:I got one for you GR, the computer that you are using was thought of produced and given to the world by the USA.......

Hey bozo, unless you love making a total fool of yourself I strongly recommend that you keep out of it because you're daft and easy pickings...

The first was produced by a German:

“his greatest achievement was the world's first functional program-controlled Turing-complete computer, the Z3, in 1941”

Not that I was talking about inventions btw... :roll:

I'll deal with the rest of your rubbish in a separate post...

The Jerkoff has spoken for your information the first known computer was invented by the Greek Archimedes.......a computer that calculated the calendar astrological and next eclipse lunar and solar........

Its Jerkoffs like you closed minded and obtuse who give Cypriots a bad name......How was that Mocha Latte you had this evening boy....!!!!I thought you were going to take your G3 and attack the occuppied areas with your master plan...Again I think you should try!!!

Who invented mass production for cars, computers, and all other high end technologies you seem to take for granted.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:48 pm

Lady Oracle seems to agree with me I must be correct.....Jerkoff boy....!!!!!
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:55 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:The ultimate ideal of America is the ideal the of freedom, human rights and unhindered thought,

You mean ideal as in fantasy? Because unfortunately for you, we can only go by what America is DOING in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Guantanamo prison and others, and certainly not what America may be fantasizing!

The American voice says no matter your race, ethnic background or religion you have a chance to one.

Again, what the “American voice” may be saying to illiterate nincompoops like you living there, and what she DOES in places like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Guantanamo prison and others, are two completely opposite things!

The Americans ultimate goal is to save the world from illogical knee jerk reactionaries that could one day have the capability to destroy the world.......

If history is anything to go by, there is no other illogical knee jerk reactionary fool on this planet than the US…

The US is the ONLY country in the world to have ever used WMDs against humanity, killing 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and 80,000 in Nagasaki in one go during WWII!

The US is also the worst abuser of the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” which was intended to control the spread of nuclear weapons, by assisting India, Pakistan, Israel, and God knows who else to attain them!

Furthermore, no other country in the history of mankind has setup so many coups in other nations, installed so many puppet governments, erected so many military bases to enable meddling in other countries, and manipulated UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions to their favor, conducted countless financial aid blackmails, and so much more, than the US!

Overall, the US is responsible for more death & destruction in the last 60 odd years than the rest of the world put together so if the history of military aggression is anything to go by… then if you can trust the US and Israel with nuclear weapons you can trust anyone!

If we take FACTS into consideration as opposed to western media hype, it becomes VERY clear which country is the world’s most dangerous.

Now beat it!
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Postby Linichka » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:08 am

"You could always offer your rear end for an alternative climax since you are so concerned about my wanking lady… you got my number?"

Oh, so you are into rear entry. It figures. Have your fun, hon.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:09 am

So little Wyoming jerk, have you made your mind up yet who invented the first computer? :?

Was it the US or an ancient Greek? How about we combine the two so you may save face… Onassis!

There you go! Onassis invented the world’s first computer! :wink:
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:14 am

You have no link to your passage where is it from?

The US is the ONLY country in the world to have ever used WMDs against humanity, killing 140,000 people in Hiroshima, and 80,000 in Nagasaki in one go during WWII!

The US is also the worst abuser of the “Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty” which was intended to control the spread of nuclear weapons, by assisting India, Pakistan, Israel, and God knows who else to attain them!

Furthermore, no other country in the history of mankind has setup so many coups in other nations, installed so many puppet governments, erected so many military bases to enable meddling in other countries, and manipulated UN Security Council and General Assembly resolutions to their favor, conducted countless financial aid blackmails, and so much more, than the US!

Overall, the US is responsible for more death & destruction in the last 60 odd years than the rest of the world put together so if the history of military aggression is anything to go by… then if you can trust the US and Israel with nuclear weapons you can trust anyone!

If we take FACTS into consideration as opposed to western media hype, it becomes VERY clear which country is the world’s most dangerous.

What a load of bullshit, What about Mao and his cultural revolution how many millions died ? How about Stalin ? or Hitler?

There is no evidence that the US gave nuclear know how to the Indians and Pakistan....Israel they probably did....Why do you give a shit about a bunch of Extremists who want to get their hands on Nuclear warheads, who will they be aiming them at..? Wont it be against the USA or Europe which Cyprus is a part of and why defend them? Yeah there is Guantanamo bay and civilian deaths in Iraq.......but i never heard you stand up against Sampson and Lysarides when they were wiping out Tc villages.....looking for the bad guys.....GR you are stupid man give it up, or i will wind you up into oblivion......
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:21 am

[quote="Get Real!"]So little Wyoming jerk, have you made your mind up yet who invented the first computer? :?

Was it the US or an ancient Greek? How about we combine the two so you may save face… Onassis!

There you go! Onassis invented the world’s first computer! :wink:[/quote


mass produced to what it is today its the Americans,,,

bite on this jerkoff ... /100-great things-about-america-part-4/
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:28 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:mass produced to what it is today its the Americans,,,

bite on this jerkoff ... /100-great things-about-america-part-4/

:? That’s based on your assumption that I’m interested in your stupid little links which won’t even work judging by your nervously fucked up postings! :roll:

Now sit down, eat this Burritos ---> 0 ...and shut up loser!
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Jul 05, 2010 12:36 am

A monkey like you always sprouts off a pile of shit when they have nothing else to say, when they are defeated and know themselves to be useless in continuing the debate....

How about the telephone you jerkoff.....If it wasnt for Alexander Graham Bell inventing the telephone you would be out of a job right now and probably picking olives from your granddaddies olive orchard....
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