fi wrote:That's a shame, and imagine that I was complaining that CYTA only offers up 1mbit ADSL and doesn't offer faster connections.
I actually have spent and do spend the bulk of my 'working' time lobbying and complaining in the UK about the state of BB access (and before that dial up access) there - and 2mbs residential connections are not unusal and there are even some 4 and 8mbs residential services starting to appear in limited areas

It a bizzare way it was desire to continue such 'work' in the UK that led in a large part to my decsion to move to Cyprus (basically in UK i could not maintain the time necessary for this 'work' whilst also keeping out of debt - but in Cyprus and can)
In case anyone is interested my earlier work (re dial up access in uk) was thorugh an organisation called CUT (campaign for unmeterd telephony) and my current 'work' is through an organisation called ABC (access to broadband campaign)
As far as telecoms in the digital age goes I am a big 'fan' / 'follower' / 'co conmspirator'of a gentleman named David Isenberg - for his personal homepage for the briefest and clearest expositon of his views - and for a copy of his 'seminal' work "THE RISE OF THE STUPID NETWORK" that led to his current role as one of the 'leaders' of those challenging the 100 year old othodxy of old world telecoms mentalites and became a 'bible' to those of campainign down on the ground try