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Why do TC's claim we don't support their full right of retur

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby MicAtCyp » Mon Aug 01, 2005 10:32 pm

Murtaza I beleive you talk in terms of 15th Century. Today wars are economic. Or should I say alliances?
Everybody needs everyone.Big Fish needs the small one.Not to eat it but to work for it. :lol: :lol:
Realities today is capitalism. The TCs took 3 times more land from us. What did they gain?Within 30 years they lost 20 years salaries.With those salaries they could buy double than what they grabbed.
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Postby Main_Source » Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:37 am

The heart is full of hate for Turks because you seem to think that anything the Ottoman Empire had as a COLONY, Turkey will always have a legitimite claim to rule...and as a result, you still oppress us.

Does a handfull of European countries still have claim to rule over Afica? Does Britain still have claim to rule half the world?
Does Italy have claim to rule all of Europe and North Africa, because of the Romans?

Justice is people claiming back what rightfully belongs to them.

The Turkish government is nothing more than a group of theives and parasites.
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Postby bg_turk » Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:19 am

Actions speak louder than words. The GC administration is preventing TCs from returning at the moment. Even those TC who have nothing to do with the Turkish occupation, cannot return to their ancestral homes. Why is that?
Last edited by bg_turk on Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby bg_turk » Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:21 am


Turkey is not ruling over you, it is merely granting TC the right to rule over themselves.

Your nationalistic proclamations of "Freedom or Death" can be applied to TCs as well. TC have the same right to be free and not be ruled by greeks, as you do not to be ruled by turks. Why can't TC be free and live in their own state?
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Postby Main_Source » Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:23 am

Firstly, Turkey granting TC to rule themselves is a joke...we know who pulls the strings in the occupied teritories.

Secondly, they are supposedly granting TC self rule, at the expense of 200,000 GC refugees and a massive effort to ethnicly cleanse GC from their ancestral homes. It's not the first time in Turkey's history they have done this...yet you play the same game all the time and try to act innocent.

If Tc want to live in their own state than that is fine...but if it's at the expense of thousands of people and the stealing of our properties and trying to rid a culture from a part of the island that has been there for 3,500 years...then they can move to Turkey and live freely there.

You are trying to make us suffer and hide behind the superpower Turkey, because we are the majority on an island that has been our home for about 2,000 years before you people existed.

and if it wasnt for nationalist proclomations such as 'Freedom or Death'...we would have never rid ourselves from the oppressive Ottoman rule...which is what I suppose people like you would love to see.
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Postby Main_Source » Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:35 am

Actions speak louder than words. The GC administration is preventing TCs from returning at the moment. Even those TC who have nothing to do with the Turkish occupation, cannot return to their ancestral homes. Why is that?

Because Talat has absoloutly no plans to do the same for GC. He will not even stop the development of GC properties...yet he tries to fool people that he is for unification.

We ALL know that if RoC let 100 TC return to the homes that they left (who are now occupied by GC refugees)...Talat would not expel even one Turkish settler, so a GC could have back what is rightfully theirs.
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Postby bg_turk » Tue Aug 02, 2005 4:53 am

I am talking about TC who have nothing to do with Talat, and do not recognize his authority. Why are they not allowed to go back?

Is TMT forcing them to stay? lol
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Postby Murtaza » Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:06 am

Main_Source wrote:The heart is full of hate for Turks because you seem to think that anything the Ottoman Empire had as a COLONY, Turkey will always have a legitimite claim to rule...and as a result, you still oppress us.

Does a handfull of European countries still have claim to rule over Afica? Does Britain still have claim to rule half the world?
Does Italy have claim to rule all of Europe and North Africa, because of the Romans?

Justice is people claiming back what rightfully belongs to them.

The Turkish government is nothing more than a group of theives and parasites.

what the bs you are writing? we have no claim to rule others, You are making this complately wrong. You are tried to rule Turks. Reality is reality, Yes Turkey has no right for land, but I am sure Turkey have right to protect Turks. She is even doing this to Uygurs, and ottoman never ruled china.
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Postby MicAtCyp » Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:08 pm

bg_turk wrote: Actions speak louder than words. The GC administration is preventing TCs from returning at the moment. Even those TC who have nothing to do with the Turkish occupation, cannot return to their ancestral homes. Why is that?

Who told you they cannot. Within one year 2000 already returned.10,000 already work on RoC controlled areas. How many you think the total TCs remained in Cyprus after been displaced by settlers?

wrote: Why can't TC be free and live in their own state?

As soon as they find a state were 90% of the properties is not stolen from us they are free to live there.
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Postby magikthrill » Tue Aug 02, 2005 6:16 pm

bg_turk wrote:Why can't TC be free and live in their own state?

because they never owned their own state.

why cant aboriginal GCs be free and live in their ancestral homes?
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