Yet, we try hard to convince the word that we are the part that upholds legality and that our approach to the TC's is based on the rights the constitution gives them as citizens of the RoC. Now, you want the ES to become and behave like a Greek School, with an average of five saintly icons in each class, morning players to the orthodox god etc, etc. Perhaps the ES should stop using the English language, after all, the English have done so much against us. And the TC's who are also the victims of the invasion, as some of the bash patriots have told us on numerous occasions, can go to hell or at best, stay in the north and study at their institutions.
These are extremely bad messages we are sending to the TC's, especially those genuinely concerned about Cyprus. The words of Eroglu come to my ears again. The bash patriots are proving Eroglu right, once again, like they have all through the recent, turbulent years of Cyprus. The bash patriots, these idiotic nationalists, have always played the tune of the TC nationalists. It is a miracle we still have part of our country with these idiots around.