repulsewarrior was on the Canadian news. and it was linked to those arrested in the US, obviously said the newscaster, bail is unlikely for the others, given the demonstration of a flight risk. chances are the whole incident will be dropped now that their head has evaded the Law. the spy in Cyprus, apparently was carrying a Canadian Passport...
...a Canadian Passport you say?
is it possible that we should be more concerned with this aspect of the case. my hope is that the Canadian Government will not dismiss its importance. if true, not unlike Israel therefore, Russia is in a state of corruption, where all credible passport issuers have something to fear. This on a larger scale means more to International policing than the evasion of a suspect given the full appearance of Justice.
to the people who think the accused's name is anything but Canadian, please consider the difference between British and English, ...and in the EU, State and Nation, like in Cyprus, are at present to be defined. it is a small world we live in, and only sixty years ago, "niggers" hung from trees in America. we have a long way to go it seems, while we resist a world where with expression there is free movement and association, real enemies flourish aided and abetted by citizens who ignore the Individual Rights of others because as Persons they have set themselves apart.
repulsewarrior was on the Canadian news. and it was linked to those arrested in the US, obviously said the newscaster, bail is unlikely for the others, given the demonstration of a flight risk. chances are the whole incident will be dropped now that their head has evaded the Law. the spy in Cyprus, apparently was carrying a Canadian Passport...
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