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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:57 pm

On the ticks of course… you did say a brilliant mind! Surely you don’t just squash them… :?
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Postby Milo » Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:08 pm

Get Real! wrote:On the ticks of course… you did say a brilliant mind! Surely you don’t just squash them… :?

I did, should I not have done :? they,re a bit crawly. I did,nt say it was ME with the brilliant mind, although I,m sharp enough, no, I just married a brilliant mind. Is,nt it cool, a thread about racism turns into ticks.
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Postby Gasman » Tue Jun 29, 2010 8:49 pm

Is,nt it cool, a thread about racism turns into ticks.

Yes and those ticks are very racist anyway. I am sure they pick on the Brit dogs!

I'm early retired too - or I was - only semi retired now, or, according to Lady O - early retarded! Fully, not semi.
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:53 pm

Milo wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Milo wrote:A prime piece of sea front land and property just outside Protaras, its stunningly beautiful, is owned by a Lebanese family, the father owed it before them, its been in the family for decades. He has been offered silly amounts to sell, but he would never do so, some care little for money. And they only holiday in it infrequently themselves, they do let it to other Lebanese in between times.

Hmm ... you sound suspiciously like an Estate Agent .... :?

Milo wrote: ... there are many obstacles but actually its very easy in Cyprus to overcome these, just time is needed.

... who might just be on the fiddle! :evil:

Oh for gods sake woman :roll: :roll: Your being paranoid again putting us all in your orrible little boxes with labels, I don,t work at all anymore I,m an early retiree because I was so successful in my worklife before :lol: :lol: :lol: Being a Managing Director of my own company 8) I would slit my throat before being one of those sleazy hated dishonest and evil estate agents. But I do know many expats who run business,s here and have done for years, after the initial bureaucracy they find things easy now with help from accountants etc. So although its rare here to do well its certainly possible. Our work does,nt involve anything other than a comp and a brilliant mind :lol: :lol: Lana thought I was a lawyer, I wish, my daughter is though :D

The quote above about the Lebanese family is because we know well the man that works for them, that is all, I honestly don,t know whay I,m explaining all this to you, I have had a couple of drinks though so I,m feeling mellow :roll:

Methinks thou doth protest too much :wink:

First you boast you don't work, and then you admit your work involves a little "savvy" .... very, very interesting!
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Postby Gasman » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:26 pm

Doesn't matter what you tell her Milo. She will make up her own version and post it as gospel later! So tell her anything!

She's had some very fanciful ideas about WHAT I do for a living, WHERE I do it, how much money I make from it etc. Even WHAT I spend it on and how 'obsessed' with money I am!

According to her I am either selling houses in the North or buying houses in the North depending on her mood. Rather insulting but would be more insulting if said by someone with any savvy.

There's another thread on here with people moaning they got dobbed into the Taxman by someone after posting on the forums.

Hmmm... wonder who that could've been?
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Postby Milo » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:31 pm

Who the sam hill is protesting :roll: O sweetie, I say OUR as its his and whats his is mine if you follow my drift, don,t worry your little mind quite so much what I do or don,t do eh? You,ll get a headache :wink: Just be content that I chose to live here with all my millions, for now at least :D

You really should come and live here too, its lovely :wink:
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Postby Gasman » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:37 pm

When I read O's quote of your post - I thought you'd turned into one of those attention seeking nutters who BOLDS and COLOURS odd bits in.

But I see now that it was O's VERSION of your post!
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Postby Milo » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:40 pm

Gasman wrote:Doesn't matter what you tell her Milo. She will make up her own version and post it as gospel later! So tell her anything!

She's had some very fanciful ideas about WHAT I do for a living, WHERE I do it, how much money I make from it etc. Even WHAT I spend it on and how 'obsessed' with money I am!

According to her I am either selling houses in the North or buying houses in the North depending on her mood. Rather insulting but would be more insulting if said by someone with any savvy.

There's another thread on here with people moaning they got dobbed into the Taxman by someone after posting on the forums.

Hmmm... wonder who that could've been?

Funny that according to Mrs O I am also obsessed with money and my own self importance which seems to be a favourite saying to the women on here from the old dear :lol:

Taxman in Cyprus needs to park outside any Developers office for a few days then their Lawyers and watch how many brown envelopes go between them, thats were the unpaid taxes are.

Selling houses in the north? How did she manage to pin that on a Brit? Only Cypriots sell houses in Cyprus be them GC or TC, and according to one nameless developer in Paphos even if you own one of his only HE can sell it for you, or you don,t sell it at all. Sewn up by the locals me thinks.
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:47 pm

Milo wrote:
Gasman wrote:Doesn't matter what you tell her Milo. She will make up her own version and post it as gospel later! So tell her anything!

She's had some very fanciful ideas about WHAT I do for a living, WHERE I do it, how much money I make from it etc. Even WHAT I spend it on and how 'obsessed' with money I am!

According to her I am either selling houses in the North or buying houses in the North depending on her mood. Rather insulting but would be more insulting if said by someone with any savvy.

There's another thread on here with people moaning they got dobbed into the Taxman by someone after posting on the forums.

Hmmm... wonder who that could've been?

Funny that according to Mrs O I am also obsessed with money and my own self importance which seems to be a favourite saying to the women on here from the old dear :lol:

Taxman in Cyprus needs to park outside any Developers office for a few days then their Lawyers and watch how many brown envelopes go between them, thats were the unpaid taxes are.

Maybe your hubby with a "brilliant mind" for fleecing the Roc will not be too happy about some of the "not-so-brilliant" clangers you have made as to your "retired" billionaire ventures? Hey? :wink:
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Postby Milo » Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:54 pm

Oracle wrote:
Milo wrote:
Gasman wrote:Doesn't matter what you tell her Milo. She will make up her own version and post it as gospel later! So tell her anything!

She's had some very fanciful ideas about WHAT I do for a living, WHERE I do it, how much money I make from it etc. Even WHAT I spend it on and how 'obsessed' with money I am!

According to her I am either selling houses in the North or buying houses in the North depending on her mood. Rather insulting but would be more insulting if said by someone with any savvy.

There's another thread on here with people moaning they got dobbed into the Taxman by someone after posting on the forums.

Hmmm... wonder who that could've been?

Funny that according to Mrs O I am also obsessed with money and my own self importance which seems to be a favourite saying to the women on here from the old dear :lol:

Taxman in Cyprus needs to park outside any Developers office for a few days then their Lawyers and watch how many brown envelopes go between them, thats were the unpaid taxes are.

Maybe your hubby with a "brilliant mind" for fleecing the Roc will not be too happy about some of the "not-so-brilliant" clangers you have made as to your "retired" billionaire ventures? Hey? :wink:

Firstly he does,nt make fleeces :roll: second I said millions not billions, and third he,s a bit busy right now in a Larnaca hotel with one or two passports, and I don,t live here :wink:
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