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Racism day ?

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Postby Milo » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:00 am

A prime piece of sea front land and property just outside Protaras, its stunningly beautiful, is owned by a Lebanese family, the father owed it before them, its been in the family for decades. He has been offered silly amounts to sell, but he would never do so, some care little for money. And they only holiday in it infrequently themselves, they do let it to other Lebanese in between times.

Iranians are quite settled in the likes of Nicosia and have many successful companies, so too in Limassol and Larnaca, I know privately of Iranians that bought land here and built on it the couple we helped last year don,t live in it they just own it, many Iranians in business have got Cypriot citizenship, these guys don,t skimp a living here either. And now we have a prime piece of real estate in Nicosia being developed by Qataris.

Much of the same has happened in London with prime real estate, imo govts that welcome this influx of business savvy and money from whichever quarter of the world it comes are the ones that prosper. :D :D Of course controlling the influx is the problem, racism is just an ugly ignorant part of that, and really only begins to worry the local population when a recession hits and too many changes to traditions are allowed. Again this has happened in the UK, although that really involves in part the benefits system, in Cyprus there is no safety net for those without means to survive, imo this brings only those with the knowledge and cashflow to start again, there are many obstacles but actually its very easy in Cyprus to overcome these, just time is needed. Imo, and those that argue with me on the stinking property issues may be surprised, but I think Cyprus has it right on who and how they allow foreigners to do business and settle here, and contrary to popular and local beliefs many can and do so. I,m as surprised as Gasman that some of you are not aware of this fact.

The influx of foreign money in business and in property sales in Cyprus is not something the present govt will ignore if they have any sense. So far they welcome it, we foreigners are good for the economy and spend millions and millions every year :D :D Not me personally of course :roll:
Last edited by Milo on Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Gasman » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:14 am

Not you personally Milo? lol!

Yes I wonder how anyone with 'history' in Cyprus can come out with a blanket statement like 'foreigners are not allowed to buy more than one property' and more or less call me a liar for mentioning some that do. But I am used to being called a liar on here. It happens every time I mention anything that some do not like to hear.

I've just found Nicosia Race Course! Am struggling a bit with their website. Says next performance is 25th June. Pari-mutuel betting, no fixed odds.
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Postby Milo » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:38 am

Gasman wrote:Not you personally Milo? lol!

Yes I wonder how anyone with 'history' in Cyprus can come out with a blanket statement like 'foreigners are not allowed to buy more than one property' and more or less call me a liar for mentioning some that do. But I am used to being called a liar on here. It happens every time I mention anything that some do not like to hear.

I've just found Nicosia Race Course! Am struggling a bit with their website. Says next performance is 25th June. Pari-mutuel betting, no fixed odds.

I wish, on earning millions :roll: :roll: Our time is lost as we now are content with what we have and you need to get to a certain age to realise that. We left the UK to get away from the madness, Cyprus gives you time to see that its not important anymore making fat cats fatter.

Mugs game betting, mind you the sudden rise in virtual betting shops has,nt gone unnoticed by me :roll: I know of someone this weekend who just won on a special type of bet and accumulated 18000 euro, then went back in and lost the lot, by the way he was foreigner living here, so in a very small way related to this thread.

Am glad you have,nt let the Forum 'elite' (could,nt think of a better word, it is Monday :roll: ) stop you from posting what are always interesting topics, if the reasonable people on this Forum all left there would be something of a wind passing thru it :roll: Keep on going girl. I know you don,t need help but sometimes I,ve got your back ok :)
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Postby B25 » Mon Jun 28, 2010 9:52 am

Gasman wrote:Not you personally Milo? lol!

Yes I wonder how anyone with 'history' in Cyprus can come out with a blanket statement like 'foreigners are not allowed to buy more than one property' and more or less call me a liar for mentioning some that do. But I am used to being called a liar on here. It happens every time I mention anything that some do not like to hear.

I've just found Nicosia Race Course! Am struggling a bit with their website. Says next performance is 25th June. Pari-mutuel betting, no fixed odds.

You deliberately stated the things you did you deceive. the law stands. Aliens can only officially own;

1 apartment
1 villa
4014m2 land to build 1 property.

They can own business premisis and accommodation for staff, but the property must be registered in the staffs name.

If these aliens have EU or Cypriot citizenship, that you misleading forgot to mention, then they could be martians and still be allowed to buy.

If there is crooked goings on thats another thing, but legally this is the situation.

I am getting sick to death with your F slaggings off of everything GC, its time you reflected just where you are and with whom you are living with. I wonder if your so called GC friends and neighbours know how you really feel about them????

You are a smart woman, but this crusade of bashing us is getting a bit much. I am guessing alot of it is for Oracles benefit, but you are coming across as total anti- GC. If you were a TC, I could understand it, but I don't get why you have taken on this role to slate our every move.

These are not just opinions, these are reseached findings, quotes, articles and whatever else to try and prove a point. You opinion is one thing your trolling is something else.

Have a nice Day
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Postby Milo » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:17 am

B25 wrote:
Gasman wrote:Not you personally Milo? lol!

Yes I wonder how anyone with 'history' in Cyprus can come out with a blanket statement like 'foreigners are not allowed to buy more than one property' and more or less call me a liar for mentioning some that do. But I am used to being called a liar on here. It happens every time I mention anything that some do not like to hear.

I've just found Nicosia Race Course! Am struggling a bit with their website. Says next performance is 25th June. Pari-mutuel betting, no fixed odds.

You deliberately stated the things you did you deceive. the law stands. Aliens can only officially own;

1 apartment
1 villa
4014m2 land to build 1 property.

They can own business premisis and accommodation for staff, but the property must be registered in the staffs name.

If these aliens have EU or Cypriot citizenship, that you misleading forgot to mention, then they could be martians and still be allowed to buy.

If there is crooked goings on thats another thing, but legally this is the situation.

I am getting sick to death with your F slaggings off of everything GC, its time you reflected just where you are and with whom you are living with. I wonder if your so called GC friends and neighbours know how you really feel about them????

You are a smart woman, but this crusade of bashing us is getting a bit much. I am guessing alot of it is for Oracles benefit, but you are coming across as total anti- GC. If you were a TC, I could understand it, but I don't get why you have taken on this role to slate our every move.

These are not just opinions, these are reseached findings, quotes, articles and whatever else to try and prove a point. You opinion is one thing your trolling is something else.

Have a nice Day

You state what the law says, attributed to non EU citizens, as EU citizens can buy now what they wish, BUT I know that non EU citizens DO own much more than one property and business,s, some of your fellow countrymen don,t follow the law, never have, and probably never will when money falls into the equation, of course rules anywhere are made to be broken for a price, but you know that don,t you?

We for instance were offered a second house to buy with everything being 'arranged' for us before EU membership, we did not ask for this either, and declined.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:25 am

B25 wrote:
Gasman wrote:Not you personally Milo? lol!

Yes I wonder how anyone with 'history' in Cyprus can come out with a blanket statement like 'foreigners are not allowed to buy more than one property' and more or less call me a liar for mentioning some that do. But I am used to being called a liar on here. It happens every time I mention anything that some do not like to hear.

I've just found Nicosia Race Course! Am struggling a bit with their website. Says next performance is 25th June. Pari-mutuel betting, no fixed odds.

You deliberately stated the things you did you deceive. the law stands. Aliens can only officially own;

1 apartment
1 villa
4014m2 land to build 1 property.

They can own business premisis and accommodation for staff, but the property must be registered in the staffs name.

If these aliens have EU or Cypriot citizenship, that you misleading forgot to mention, then they could be martians and still be allowed to buy.

If there is crooked goings on thats another thing, but legally this is the situation.

I am getting sick to death with your F slaggings off of everything GC, its time you reflected just where you are and with whom you are living with. I wonder if your so called GC friends and neighbours know how you really feel about them????

You are a smart woman, but this crusade of bashing us is getting a bit much. I am guessing alot of it is for Oracles benefit, but you are coming across as total anti- GC. If you were a TC, I could understand it, but I don't get why you have taken on this role to slate our every move.

These are not just opinions, these are reseached findings, quotes, articles and whatever else to try and prove a point. You opinion is one thing your trolling is something else.

Have a nice Day

Its high time you get off your high horse.

It would be a pitiful world if we all kept our silence with regards to wrong doings taking place in ones country of residence. I do, all the time and you fall into the category of people who lambast me for criticising the northern regime. We can all be brown nosing like you seem to do. Like in any country rules are made and rules are broken and go on unpunished. If laws are broken you should support those that are barave enough to criticise this.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:45 am

Before Gasbag gets too overinflated, pops and covers us all with its slime, at having fooled Milo; if you care to take a look back through the thread, you will see that Gasbag was oblivious to the fact non-Cypriots can legally own more than one property and instead chose to make anti RoC-remarks about how they "allow" illegal practices by turning a blind eye and always finding a way round things (others are too stupid?). It was in fact pointed out to it, by me, they could own many properties, as businesses. Instead, it bleated on about some Arabs owning whole apartment blocks as though that was illegal but ignored by the careless authorities. What a lying scumbag it is!

Overblown Gasbag wrote:When did Cypriots ever take any notice of what was 'allowed'?
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Postby EricSeans » Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:51 am

Oracle wrote:There are villages in the UK where the Masonic powers serve to eliminate the possibility of "foreigners" buying up their precious properties.

pip-pip :wink:

Let's EXPOSE them! :twisted:
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Postby Milo » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:20 am

Oracle wrote: having fooled Milo;

When did Cypriots ever take any notice of what was 'allowed'?

Unlike yourself O I have seen and witnessed SOME Cypriots take no notice whatsoever of what is allowed, if that means I have been fooled by others, then those who have done the fooling are some of your very own countrymen, they are the scumbags and the slime of this precious country and when you and more important others finally realise that we can all stop giving out the truth, only today more truths have been exposed on yet another criminal fraud committed by another large Cypriot Developer in Paphos, these are the same scum who shake the hands of the ministers and give 'funds' to needy causes then put millions in their back pockets instead of the economy, these are the same people who have ruined the good name of Cyprus and continue to do so, they in turn rob the economy of much needed funds. This is not down to people who settle here and buy here and, this is down to your very own rapant countrymen who blinded by greed and hypocrisy carried on with the arm of proctectionism that people like yourself give them, if anyone is a fool O on this matter, it has to be you.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Jun 28, 2010 11:28 am

Milo wrote:A prime piece of sea front land and property just outside Protaras, its stunningly beautiful, is owned by a Lebanese family, the father owed it before them, its been in the family for decades. He has been offered silly amounts to sell, but he would never do so, some care little for money. And they only holiday in it infrequently themselves, they do let it to other Lebanese in between times.

Iranians are quite settled in the likes of Nicosia and have many successful companies, so too in Limassol and Larnaca, I know privately of Iranians that bought land here and built on it the couple we helped last year don,t live in it they just own it, many Iranians in business have got Cypriot citizenship, these guys don,t skimp a living here either. And now we have a prime piece of real estate in Nicosia being developed by Qataris.

Much of the same has happened in London with prime real estate, imo govts that welcome this influx of business savvy and money from whichever quarter of the world it comes are the ones that prosper. :D :D Of course controlling the influx is the problem, racism is just an ugly ignorant part of that, and really only begins to worry the local population when a recession hits and too many changes to traditions are allowed. Again this has happened in the UK, although that really involves in part the benefits system, in Cyprus there is no safety net for those without means to survive, imo this brings only those with the knowledge and cashflow to start again, there are many obstacles but actually its very easy in Cyprus to overcome these, just time is needed. Imo, and those that argue with me on the stinking property issues may be surprised, but I think Cyprus has it right on who and how they allow foreigners to do business and settle here, and contrary to popular and local beliefs many can and do so. I,m as surprised as Gasman that some of you are not aware of this fact.

The influx of foreign money in business and in property sales in Cyprus is not something the present govt will ignore if they have any sense. So far they welcome it, we foreigners are good for the economy and spend millions and millions every year :D :D Not me personally of course :roll:

Actually, the influx of money into property is not so good for the younger generations of Cypriots, because all of a sudden, many are finding it increasingly difficult and almost impossible to afford their first home.
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