CBBB wrote:Please, please, please STOP abandoning your pets!!!!
Those bloody Cypriots again!
Oops, I forgot to post the relevant link!
CBBB wrote:Please, please, please STOP abandoning your pets!!!!
Those bloody Cypriots again!
Selena79 wrote:Our dog got poisoned yesterday morning in Nicosia, Agios Andreas area. No farming area or similar, the posion was placed just on the street. 2 birds died as well.Our dog is still in coma after 24 hours. she might not make it. Its a 4 months old mix puppy we got fromt he Limassol dog shelter.Needless to say that moments like this i just hate all the uncivilized bloody cypriots and i am proud to be from a civilized country where such things cant happen.Based on previous expereience with the police i am quite sure that they will do exactly nothing. This even despite the fact that opposite where they placed the poison 2 toddlers play on the street every day.Any advice is welcome.
[/size][/size][/size][/size]CBBB wrote:Oops, I forgot to post the relevant link! ttp://www.cyprus44.com/forums/44346.aspCBBB wrote:Please, please, please STOP abandoning your pets!!!!Those bloody Cypriots again!
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