Having dealt for now with the Thieves of places such as Luriciginia and if Boomie and Acie have finished whispering sweet nothings in each-other's ears, will press on with how ...
The Murderers and Rapists Are Now Portrayed as Victims!
How many of the "settlers", the Illegal Settlers, the one's who are now claiming homeship, how many of these "served" with the Murdering and Raping Turkish Army?
A murdering and raping service for which many were rewarded with grants of the homes and lands of others, that they had so inhumanly and barbarically forced out of their homes by the point of a gun and bayonet and who rewarded those who resisted with instant and summary execution and who treated civilian women so, so badly. Two generations of a Turkish Army of Occupation gifted houses by the Illegal Regime.
How many Murderers and Rapists of the Thuggish Turkish Army are now being put forward by the Propagandists and Apologists of the Illegal regime as the New Victims if they are resettled back to where they came from?
Another curious and very Turkish interpretation of victim-ship.
(Once again the above comes with apologies to tissy brothers and sisters of sound morals)