Cap wrote:yialousa1971 wrote:Cap wrote:The modern day Greeks(save for the Diaspora) and Turks are in the same boat. All talk and zero contribution.
While North America, Europe and Japan are engaged in innovation and groundbreaking technology in every aspect of civilization The Greeks are drinking their Frappedaki and playing tavli at the kafenio after a good days riot and the Turks are drinking Turkish coffee and boasting about what a powerful army they have after a good day's honor killing and Kurd bashing.
You haven't got a clue! Right now there is a large Oil leak in America which they can't stop, innovation my arse!
Ok, but you a drive a German/Japanese/French.. car , wear, French/Italian/American clothing, watch American movies on an Japanese/Korean flatscreen while posting on laptop with Intel processor(American) wearing a pair of spectacles (Salvino D'Armate-Italian invention), sipping on Scotch whiskey and thinking you should take an Aspirin (Felix Hoffmann- German invention) cos this a**hole cap is giving you a headache.