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Cyprus Turkish Airline goes bust

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Gasman » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:30 pm

T'was only a few months ago that this was in the news:

Stavrakis: Eurocypria will close by Friday without cash boost
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Postby Gasman » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:33 pm

So they gave them the money and now ...

THE FINANCE minister yesterday defended the government’s decision to inject ailing airline Eurocypria with €35 million, saying the state cannot behave like a petty crook and rip off banks.

Charilaos Stavrakis got a grilling before the House’s joint watchdog and finance committee over the state’s decision to inject the €35 million into Eurocypria when a study said the airline was not viable.

And the study had not been presented to parliament before legislators voted to approve the funds by increasing the company’s share capital.

Stavrakis said the study had nothing to do with the increase in share capital and that letting the company default on its debts would have cost €55 or €85 million – a much greater cost.

The money was used to repay a €28 million loan and the rest was spent on operational expenses.

“Clearly, this study, despite it not being sacred, supports the correctness of the decision taken by the majority in parliament,” the minister said.

He added: “Either we should have let the company bankrupt and shaft the banks and all other creditors, like some petty crooks behave, or we should have rescued Eurocypria, rescuing Cyprus tourism and the credibility of the Cypriot economy.”

Finance committee chairman Nicolas Papadopoulos said Cyprus now faced the danger of the European Commission asking for the return of the money.
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Postby B25 » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:35 pm

Svetlana wrote:The northern area of Cyprus is part of the ROC, how can you prevent EU nationals crossing the Green Line, within the same country?

This is true only on paper. How can you claim this when you have no juristiction over there.

Yes the north is RoC, but this is just academic to hold onto it, otherwise it should be treated as 3rd world to all except TCs and GCs.
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Postby Jerry » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:37 pm

Hang gliders GR, not to be confused with aerial execution of course.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:38 pm

Jerry wrote:Hang gliders GR, not to be confused with aerial execution of course.

oops! :lol:
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Postby EricSeans » Tue Jun 22, 2010 4:01 pm

Jerry wrote:I think if a few of these carpetbaggers had to endure a long delay by customs and immigration on arrival for "technical" reasons word would soon get around and they would stop using Larnaca. A complete ban would probably result in a slapped wrist for the ROC from the EU.

I think they have a bloody cheek, they abuse GCs at every opportunity on their crummy forums but they are only too happy to take advantage of the ROC facilities when it suits them. "We are EU citizens, you can't stop us" they say. The bastards pick and choose the law as and when it suits them.

I couldn't agree more about these hypocritical riff-raff. Police and customs should be turning over more of those who appear to have broken the laws of the Republic. Or perhaps they could set up a "name and shame" rogues gallery at the terminal. :twisted:
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Postby Jerry » Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:05 pm

It's all the fault of the GCs, now they have forced the CTA staff to go on strike and demonstrate, it's just not fair. The metmechik have carved out a place on the island for them, safe from the wicked murdering Greek Cypriots, they should be allowed to keep it and flog off the "empty" bits to low life scum from the UK the Fiserable Muckers

Even Frank is getting concerned

CTA have been grounded this morning because they were flying whilst insolvent. Further problem arises because CTA staff handle all airlines at Ercan airport those booked on Pegasus, Atlas Jet and Turkish Airlines are having problems checking in.
Many CTA staff are demonstrating at the roundabout entrance to the airport and the car park was closed. So all in all, chaos at the airport

Ha bloody Ha carpetbagging scum, I hope this is the first of many bankrupcies that your hosts, the wonderful "trnc", have to endure and then screw even more cash out of you to prop up their tinpot regime.
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:23 pm

Quite right boys.

The Freedom of Movement is for law abiding EU citizens to go go about their lawful business. It isn't there for the convenience of Thieves and Trespassers.

These Low-Life Thieving ScumBaggers, and the Cheapskate Tourists staying in Stolen Hotels should be given a thorough check at LCA and if they can't prove they are going to the Turkish Army Occupied North on legitimate business ought to be thrown in jail on remand for several years before a fair trial.

A few Tissies of the Morally Bankrupt sort (apologies and respect to those of you of decent character) should also be searched for Dodgy Kochans.
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:41 pm

IMPOSTALIEDUS wrote:nothing is being done about carpetbaggers in the south ,AND YOU HAVE THEM ,only last week three gc were arrested ,one a land registry employee and another an estate agent for forging tc title deeds into gc deeds . they had made deals worth 3.5 million euro before being found out by sheer luck,how much has allready been sold without any buyer knowing its tc land, most purchasers in the south have no deeds to prove otherwise

Good points, but not ones that GCs on this forum want to address.
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Tue Jun 22, 2010 7:46 pm

Jerry wrote:I think if a few of these carpetbaggers had to endure a long delay by customs and immigration on arrival for "technical" reasons word would soon get around and they would stop using Larnaca. A complete ban would probably result in a slapped wrist for the ROC from the EU.

I think they have a bloody cheek, they abuse GCs at every opportunity on their crummy forums but they are only too happy to take advantage of the ROC facilities when it suits them. "We are EU citizens, you can't stop us" they say. The bastards pick and choose the law as and when it suits them.

I do believe they actually pay for their flights, so you can hardly say they are "taking advantage". If you don't want them to fly through LCA, stop taking their freakin money.
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