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Armenia in Mossad's Cross-Hairs

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Armenia in Mossad's Cross-Hairs

Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:48 am

Armenia in Mossadʼs Cross-Hairs

Few realize that Armenia does not recognize Israel (at least in that there are no ambassadors between the two countries), few realize that this policy has begun to change. The reason why is the question. There is an old myth that Israel opposes Islamic movements worldwide, but the persistent support of Mossad operatives for the Islamicists of Chechnya, Bosnia and Azerbaijan speaks against that old myth.

Armenia relies on Russia for both financial and military aid, as well as a major market for Armeniaʼs natural resource and electronics sector. Both the Israelis and Americans support Turkey and, by extension, Turkeyʼs client, Azerbaijan. In some ways, Azerbaijan though Turkish sponsorship, has “honorary” NATO membership. As it stands now, the Mossad, Jewish Chabad activists and the Israeli state back Azerbaijan and their Islamic war on Armenia, both in a persistent close relationship between Azerbaijan and Israel, and the Azeri Jewish communityʼs support of the anti-Armenian political leadership there.

At the same time, the Israelis, partially though Azeri channels, were behind the “revolution” in Georgia in 2003, making Tbilisi a major region for Mossad activism, and the base of operations against both Russia and her much smaller client, Armenia. Hence, there is a close working relationship between the US, the Soros Empire, Israel and the Islamic moments in Azerbaijan and Turkey against the Russia- Armenia-Iran nexus developing as one of the major anti-American and anti-Israeli movements in world politics.

Making this picture more complicated, the Russians, as well as the Armenians, have been sending tanks and anti-aircraft weapons systems to the Greeks in Cyprus, thus angering the Turkish-Israeli alliance on the island. Greece, unsurprisingly, has tilted more and more toward Russia and Armenia, which is what prompted Sorosʼ substantial work among the Greek rioters early this year. To eliminate a government that is willing to lean to the Armenia-Iran nexus through Russia needed to be destabilized. Greece is an important prize for the anti-NWO coalition in that it is a means of splitting NATO and its Israeli connection. In some respects, the Russian support for Greek nationals against Turkey is a response to NATOʼs attempt to encircle and isolate Russia and, more successfully, the landlocked and vulnerable Armenia.

Apparently, some Armenians hold that Georgia, long a client of Israeli interests, is acting as a launching pad for operations to destabilize the present Armenian government that looks both the Iran and Russia or support. The Armenian community in the Islamic Republic of Iran is large, wealthy and loyal to the Islamic government. The Armenian Orthodox community is officially recognized by Iran and functions autonomously. There is some reason to believe that there is a connection between the Armenians in Iran and the Jewish attack against the Armenian community in Jerusalem in October of 2004 (and many other times thereafter), where a procession commemorating the Holy Cross of the Armenian church was disrupted by Jewish fundamentalists who physically assaulted the archbishop and his clergy. It looks as though the Israeliʼs have overplayed their hand. Turkish intelligence has reported that Mossad in involved not merely in creating a Kurdish identity in Iraq (which suits their interest for obvious reasons) but in Turkey as well.

The Ankara state is in a fight for its life against a large and Israeli armed Kurdish rebels in its southern mountains. In response, Ankara began to normalize relations with Russia, the nightmare of all Armenian nationalists. Whether this was the plan all along to break the Yerevan-Moscow nexus is another matter, but is a provocative thesis especially after the failed Israeli-led attempt to take the pro-Russian Ossetian region last Summer.

It also remains clear that the Israelis back the Islamicsts in their war against a similar situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, where the Armenia enclave in Azeri territory voted to join Armenia, leading to a joint Azeri-American attack on the region almost identical to the Ossetian crisis. The only difference was that it was done at the time a weak Russia under Yeltsin, where the Ossetnian situation was marred its bad timing: the growing of Russian power and economic might under the Putin-Medvedev coalition.

Nonetheless, the situation was the same: a pro-Russian separatist revolt against a pro-American power.

It seemed, as of last year, that the movement to break the Moscow-Yerevan-Tehran movement was going well until the faux pas of the Israeli head of operations in Georgia, Rivka Cohen, spouted off that the Israelis would never recognize, and would in fact deny, the Armenia Holocaust of 1918-1921 by Turkey.

In fact, the denial of the Armenian Holocaust is a stock in trade of Mossad operations both in Asia as well as America, where it is now part of the official ADL posture. Cohenʼs idiotic statement halted, at least for the short term, the growing relations between Moscow and Ankara over Armenia protest. The Azeris attempted some damage control when they refused to support the most recent element of the Intifada in Gaza with weapons or even medical supplies, something has pleased the Israelis very much. Some had held that this was in part due to the strong–almost universal–support of the Azeri Jewish community against both Moscow and Yerevan, led by the Chabadnik rabbi Meir Bruk, whose substantial investment in Azeri politics generally suggests a deliberate policy of using the Azerbaijani state against the developing Armenia-Iran nexus.

The existence of a Chabad center in the Islamic state of Azerbaijan (which has about 200 Jews total, though many wealthy) strongly suggests a Mossad presence that exists to disrupt relations between Russia and Armenia over the current ambiguous stance of Turkey, which, it should be added, also has the added benefit of splitting Greece off from this anti-NWO nexus as well. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that the Israelis are operating in the ever-strategic Caucasian Mountains through their two present clients: Azerbaijan and Georgia, and that the movement has moved toward the former after Israelʼs humiliating defeat in Georgia over the Ossetian issue.

The fact that Bruk holds meetings with the British ambassador to “keep him up to date” on Israelʼs operations in the region is telling, as the Rothschild dynasty has set their face against both Russia and Armenia, and have openly financed the anti-Russian new president, Heidar Aliev, though relations have been strained as of late. Rabbi Bruk has called the Azeri president “A model of tolerance,” and has referred to Armenia as “spiritually weak because she lacks tolerance.” Suddenly, quite literally out of nowhere, “hate crimes” against Jews are being reported by the international press and “swastikas” show up on graffiti prominently in the Armenian capital city of Yerevan.
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