fi wrote:From what I've heard from people on this forum, there must be a special settlement here outside of what democracy normally dictates to make TC feel more confident that nothing is going to be done against their will.
This is a tricky part as to not hamper the functionings of the state. Also room must be given for change in the future in the case that trust has been built, or changes are needed for the functioning of the state. Of course there must be provision that BOTH sides must approve these changes.
Unlike the Anan plan we must exclude any external intervention, participation in the internal functionings of the state
Fi, I've been reading your replies in these threads, and I find it interesting that you are more flexible on the "power sharing" issue than on either the settlers issue or the property issue. This is on a par with the result of the surveys I've done so far, which show that the strongest demands of GCs regard settlers and properties, not power sharing.
I understand your "knee-jerk" reaction to analyses of what is and what is not democratic, and I also agree that there are other models beyond the unitary state system of "one man - one vote". Having said that, you should also appreciate that the Annan Plan had extra safeguards that you wouldn't find even in a regular federal system: Normally in federations, you have equal representation of states in the central government, and then simple majority rule once this equality of states has been achieved. In the Annan Plan, after TC insistence, this system of federal governance was embellished with "extras" to safeguard the positive participation of TCs to each decision, whether in the executive or legislative branch. So in this sense, Fi is right to point out that "TCs ask for something that is outside normal democratic parameters". I also am flexible to consider these extra demands, so long as functionality is not as a result hampered.
For instance, though I accept the model of "positive participation for both communities" at the top level, I thought it was totally unnecessary to translate this principle to the lower administrative levels as well, so that every department director will have a "shadow" from the other community as well.