actually Bir i was talking about you, but come to think about it...
...and thanks.
Cyprus: three governments, one capital; free!
BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Omer Seyhan wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Omer Seyhan wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:You got 2 things wrong with our arguments....
One: The younger generation who has imbibed the hatred and the bitterness is,if anything,less interested in living together...They know nothing else than the present situation and most are too happy to stay apart...
TWO: Those of us who lived in Cyprus during the 50s and 60s and 70s are not living in a time warp...We know what it was like before the mindless conflict started,and most of us had also good memories of friendship nd living together or side by side with the "other"...
Those of you who think the best policy is to forget and forgive are grossly mistaken...Sweeping problems like this under the carpet has never worked anywhere in the past...People and communities have long and collective consciences..We need to make a concerted effort to deal with what happened in an objective and realistic matter...The best thing we can do is to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to get to the bottom of eveything,bring closure to a lot of pain and heartache,provide people with a platform to be heard and ackowledged...The worst thing about this is to be told that your pain and suffering were imaginary,or self-inflicted for certain political or strategic gain or whatever...A lot of that is happeneing on this Forum,and the culprits are essentially people who learnt of the events from pure propaganda channels....I sometimes lament the passing and wasting of so many years,during which both sides simply reinforced the historical enmity and the prejudices...
I totally 100% agree with you on the idea of a Truth and Reconciliation Committee. I think it is long overdue and I think perpetrators of war crimes should still be hunted / punished in accordance with the law.
However, your approach is wrong.
Because either you are innocently politically naive or you know what constraints exist but you seek to deliberately ignore them for a dark and murky reason.
Ask yourself: To what extent was the inter-communal conflict organically grown in Cyprus where Cypriots coexisted happily for 500 years? Did Cypriots not unite during WW2, the Union Strikes of the 1920s? Where did the inspiration, arms etc come from for EOKA and TMT? What are the CIA's, MI6s role in all this? What did Nato members Greece / Turkey do? How does Cyprus relate to Ergenekon? How does what Ergenekon did in Turkey relate to Cyprus?
In truth and reconciliation, these questions above will need answers, and the answers may not be to the liking of certain political figures..... dare I say it Rauf Denktash and many others....
One man, Martin Packard author of "Getting it Wrong" has wrote a uniquely superb book on Britain / America's role in Cyprus - a role which is far from positive. Others such as Dr Ahmet Cavit An (author of TMT'nin Kurbanlari) has written books on Turkey's clandestine involvement in setting up TMT and putting it against G/Cs, others I'm sure have focused on Greece and the influence of Greek American CIAmen on the junta.
Answers to the above questions will not only "Karıştır Ortalığı" as we say in Turkish or turn everything upside down but will shame the UK, Greece and Turkey against whom the Cypriots will unite and turn.
Does this inspire them to do it?
This is why Truth and Reconciliation at this moment in time will not occur as a state policy, as TRNC is run by Turkey and the RoC does not want to lose Greece's support and antagonise Britain and America. Therefore the state will not encourage it.
Truth and Reconciliation can only begin from bottom up, from the people like you and me, putting pressure on governments, lobbying, working together and building bridges, and conducting independent research. This is something Sevgul Uludag, a Turkish speaking Cypriot journalist already does and has won many awards for. Have you read "Oysters of the Missing Pearls"?
Well,at least we agreed on something...
The truth has to come out,however painful it is,and then reconciliation can begin...Ahmet Cavit is a personal friend of mine and I have read many of his books and articles...And yes I have read Uludag's Incisini Kaybeden Istiridyeler...In the original,unlike you...Now stop pretending that you speak Turkish,and get on with my challenge...You need to spell out step by step how we will find a solution given the realities on the ground...
If you have no idea,it is okey to say so...We need dreamers and idealists like you too....Nothing can be achived without dreaming about it first...
What difference does it make if I read the book in Turkish or English, surely, its the message thats important?
And I'm meaning to ask, why do I bother you so much? If you don't support my ideas argue against them. If you can't tolerate me then ignore me and talk to somebody else.....
And why do you keep asking me to speak Turkish with you? Evet, ben de Türkçe konuşabilirim, ne oldu? Ama burada tek Ingilizce konuşmamız gerekir...
Because you pretend to be of Turkish Cypriot origin,and I can't stand people who have false pretensions...The Turkish you wrote above is not coming from someone whose mother tongue is Turkish...Why don't you come clean and tell us who you are and where you learnt your Turkish????
It is of little importance what you are,as long as you don't try to deceive us...Got it???
Oh put a sock in it you imbecile!
The guy is probably a young TC born in the UK. Turkish is probably his second language.
It is absolutely inspiring to see young people evolve to people with forward thinking rather than dwell on the past! He is your superior Bir! A superior being so shut it and let Natural Selection run its course!
Bir, you really have lost it mate. Get some help quickly!
I wasnt born yesteday,you prized idiot...I don't care what he is,he can be a martian for all I care,but he is not going to put one over me...His mother tongue is not Turkish or Turkish Cypriot...I can spot his Turkish a mile away or being acquired at some university,probably here in Australia...If we let natural selection takes its course Turkey will swallow all of Cyprus,you dingbat.. How will You and this false prophet stop them????
Paphitis wrote:I would not be surprised if Omer was educated in Australia.
Australia is a progressive and great country. Probably the best country in the world according to many not just Australians.
Australia did not become great because of the the backward qualities of people such as Bir. It became great because many Australians portray similar qualities to individuals such as Omer. It became great because Australians look to the future and work hard to improve and evolve the nation more and more.
This is what Omer is trying to achieve for Cyprus. And this is what you are trying to prevent.
Bir, you belong in a museum!
Paphitis wrote:I would not be surprised if Omer was educated in Australia.
Australia is a progressive and great country. Probably the best country in the world according to many not just Australians.
Australia did not become great because of the the backward qualities of people such as Bir. It became great because many Australians portray similar qualities to individuals such as Omer. It became great because Australians look to the future and work hard to improve and evolve the nation more and more.
This is what Omer is trying to achieve for Cyprus. And this is what you are trying to prevent.
Bir, you belong in a museum!
The concept of government-backed web censorship is usually associated with nations where human rights and freedom of speech are routinely curtailed. But if Canberra's plans for a mandatory Internet filter go ahead, Australia may soon become the first Western democracy to join the ranks of Iran, China and a handful of other nations where access to the Internet is restricted by the state.
News » February 9, 2010 » International » Full story
Oz PM, FM accept racism is a reality
Tuesday, February 9, 2010,13:19 [IST]
In two separate incidents, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Foreign Minister Stephen Smith raised concern over the existence of racism Down Under.
While Rudd said that his Asian son-in-law has told him about racism in the country, Smith told the Parliament on Tuesday, Feb 9 that it was 'clear' that race was a motive in some of the attacks against Indians.
insan wrote:Paphitis wrote:I would not be surprised if Omer was educated in Australia.
Australia is a progressive and great country. Probably the best country in the world according to many not just Australians.
Australia did not become great because of the the backward qualities of people such as Bir. It became great because many Australians portray similar qualities to individuals such as Omer. It became great because Australians look to the future and work hard to improve and evolve the nation more and more.
This is what Omer is trying to achieve for Cyprus. And this is what you are trying to prevent.
Bir, you belong in a museum!
First, China. Next: the Great Firewall of... Australia?
By Marina Kamenev / Sydney Wednesday, Jun. 16, 2010The concept of government-backed web censorship is usually associated with nations where human rights and freedom of speech are routinely curtailed. But if Canberra's plans for a mandatory Internet filter go ahead, Australia may soon become the first Western democracy to join the ranks of Iran, China and a handful of other nations where access to the Internet is restricted by the state. ... 15,00.htmlNews » February 9, 2010 » International » Full story
Oz PM, FM accept racism is a reality
Tuesday, February 9, 2010,13:19 [IST]
In two separate incidents, Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd and Foreign Minister Stephen Smith raised concern over the existence of racism Down Under.
While Rudd said that his Asian son-in-law has told him about racism in the country, Smith told the Parliament on Tuesday, Feb 9 that it was 'clear' that race was a motive in some of the attacks against Indians. ... ister.html
Is this Bafidi boi really live in down under?![]()
BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:I would not be surprised if Omer was educated in Australia.
Australia is a progressive and great country. Probably the best country in the world according to many not just Australians.
Australia did not become great because of the the backward qualities of people such as Bir. It became great because many Australians portray similar qualities to individuals such as Omer. It became great because Australians look to the future and work hard to improve and evolve the nation more and more.
This is what Omer is trying to achieve for Cyprus. And this is what you are trying to prevent.
Bir, you belong in a museum!
For your information,I spent 20 years of my life actively working,in NSW and Federal govenment instrumentalities,to impliment and develop multiculturalism in Australia...If Australia is a livable,mature country,where people cherish and celebrate cultural differences instead of fearing and suppressing them, it is thanks to people like myself...You,as an upstart prized idiot,will never know how much you owe faceless,dedicated people like me who have put tremendous amount of their sweat in promoting a harmonious multucultural Australian society....
But you cannot compare Australia with Cyprus where religious and ethnic differences are used to discriminate and trample upon people's rights with the blessing of the legitimate(!) RoC government...Get a grip on this reality before it bites you on your pompous arse...
Paphitis wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:Paphitis wrote:I would not be surprised if Omer was educated in Australia.
Australia is a progressive and great country. Probably the best country in the world according to many not just Australians.
Australia did not become great because of the the backward qualities of people such as Bir. It became great because many Australians portray similar qualities to individuals such as Omer. It became great because Australians look to the future and work hard to improve and evolve the nation more and more.
This is what Omer is trying to achieve for Cyprus. And this is what you are trying to prevent.
Bir, you belong in a museum!
For your information,I spent 20 years of my life actively working,in NSW and Federal govenment instrumentalities,to impliment and develop multiculturalism in Australia...If Australia is a livable,mature country,where people cherish and celebrate cultural differences instead of fearing and suppressing them, it is thanks to people like myself...You,as an upstart prized idiot,will never know how much you owe faceless,dedicated people like me who have put tremendous amount of their sweat in promoting a harmonious multucultural Australian society....
But you cannot compare Australia with Cyprus where religious and ethnic differences are used to discriminate and trample upon people's rights with the blessing of the legitimate(!) RoC government...Get a grip on this reality before it bites you on your pompous arse...
Really? You can't compare Australia to Cyprus! Why? Is it because you don't want to see Australia's mature democracy implemented over all of Cyprus in the future? Is it because you wish to skew Australia's near perfect democratic standards when applied to Cyprus to suit the interests of Turkey and some TCs!
For your information, Australia has had far more bloodshed over the last 200 years than Cyprus! From Aborigines, to the Boer War, WW1 and WW2. The amount of Aussies that died through various conflicts and the near genocide of Aboriginals would be enough to populate the entire "trnc".
Give us a break you nincompoop. If Australia can achieve its utopia in a mere 220 years, then it should be a breeze for Cyprus!
If it is not possible in your eyes, then we is no way there can be a solution.
Build that wall!
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