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Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby DT. » Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:28 pm

Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.

:shock: this is good!
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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby boomerang » Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:42 pm

DT. wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.

:shock: this is good!

its not going to work omer....i had a fight with the cypriot community coz of the greek flag flying besides the cypriot flag outside the building a few years ago...havent gone back...

the cypriots here at die hards....the funny thing they take this bullshit to the grave....everytime i visit the cemetery i am confronted with a tc grave with the turkish flag inside a cyprus map etched on the headstone...the graves are accross the road from each other...
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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:52 pm

Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.

They will reject your request for assistance Omer!

The RoC put a stop to CyBc (which does broadcast Greek and Turkish language programs) Satellite services to Australia in order to save 120,000 Euros a year. They would not dare do this to the UK because many vote in elections. But the RoC Government doesn't care much about maintaining Cypriotism in Australia.

That's the impression I get anyway.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:57 pm

Further to the above, The RoC High Commissioner in Canberra is such a useless cross eyed prick. You wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire!
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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby Omer Seyhan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:59 pm

boomerang wrote:
DT. wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.

:shock: this is good!

its not going to work omer....i had a fight with the cypriot community coz of the greek flag flying besides the cypriot flag outside the building a few years ago...havent gone back...

the cypriots here at die hards....the funny thing they take this bullshit to the grave....everytime i visit the cemetery i am confronted with a tc grave with the turkish flag inside a cyprus map etched on the headstone...the graves are accross the road from each other...

So when the older generation are dead then it will be time for change, is that it?
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Postby Omer Seyhan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:01 pm

Paphitis wrote:Further to the above, The RoC High Commissioner in Canberra is such a useless cross eyed prick. You wouldn't spit on him if he was on fire!

Well, possibly but he has a position with responsibility and he's got to be answerable to somebody, right?
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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby Omer Seyhan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 9:05 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.

They will reject your request for assistance Omer!

The RoC put a stop to CyBc (which does broadcast Greek and Turkish language programs) Satellite services to Australia in order to save 120,000 Euros a year. They would not dare do this to the UK because many vote in elections. But the RoC Government doesn't care much about maintaining Cypriotism in Australia.

That's the impression I get anyway.

That's so silly. So its not worth spending 120,000 euros to update Aussie Cypriots who seem to be stuck in a time warp. Somebody has got to help these poor people. It makes me so angry when I know that BRT will be broadcasting in Australia soon its own TMT propaganda. :allout:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:36 am

You got 2 things wrong with our arguments....

One: The younger generation who has imbibed the hatred and the bitterness is,if anything,less interested in living together...They know nothing else than the present situation and most are too happy to stay apart...

TWO: Those of us who lived in Cyprus during the 50s and 60s and 70s are not living in a time warp...We know what it was like before the mindless conflict started,and most of us had also good memories of friendship nd living together or side by side with the "other"...

Those of you who think the best policy is to forget and forgive are grossly mistaken...Sweeping problems like this under the carpet has never worked anywhere in the past...People and communities have long and collective consciences..We need to make a concerted effort to deal with what happened in an objective and realistic matter...The best thing we can do is to establish a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to get to the bottom of eveything,bring closure to a lot of pain and heartache,provide people with a platform to be heard and ackowledged...The worst thing about this is to be told that your pain and suffering were imaginary,or self-inflicted for certain political or strategic gain or whatever...A lot of that is happeneing on this Forum,and the culprits are essentially people who learnt of the events from pure propaganda channels....I sometimes lament the passing and wasting of so many years,during which both sides simply reinforced the historical enmity and the prejudices...

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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby Paphitis » Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:45 am

Omer Seyhan wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.

They will reject your request for assistance Omer!

The RoC put a stop to CyBc (which does broadcast Greek and Turkish language programs) Satellite services to Australia in order to save 120,000 Euros a year. They would not dare do this to the UK because many vote in elections. But the RoC Government doesn't care much about maintaining Cypriotism in Australia.

That's the impression I get anyway.

That's so silly. So its not worth spending 120,000 euros to update Aussie Cypriots who seem to be stuck in a time warp. Somebody has got to help these poor people. It makes me so angry when I know that BRT will be broadcasting in Australia soon its own TMT propaganda. :allout:

No! Australian Cypriots are not caught in a time warp. Most people who attend Cypriot Communities functions are in the 70+ senior citizen category. Most first and almost 100% of the second generation of Australian Cypriots do not speak Greek or Turkish, are not interested in Cyprus, and consider themselves Australian and not Cypriot.

I have never seen any Greek or Turkish Flags on gravestones myself!
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:17 am

It is almost frightening that the RoC will axe the CyBc service to save a measly 120,000 Euros. The service should be available to update Cypriots if nothing else.

As for the Cyprus High Commission, I would recommend that the RoC close it down to save a few more Euros. The RoC diplomats there are an embarrassment so the way I see it, we are better off without consular services. Perhaps they can relocate to Venezuela, North Korea or Iran instead. They got Cuba covered! :lol:

The Greek and Cypriot Government offer around 10,000,000 annually to offer Greek Language Courses. They even send over some teachers from their education systems. However, the money is paid to the Greek Archdiocese, and only half of the money reaches its intended purpose. The remainder ends up in personal accounts and funds the construction of churches or is squandered. Perhaps Greece and Cyprus should cut this as well, if only to end the corruption. If not, then they should both seek to have more control on how these funds are utilized, because most of the funds are not used for the benefit of the Greek and Cypriot communities or those families that seek to raise Cypriot children.

It is just too hard sometimes.

A while ago I hinted that Cypriot citizens in Australia should be allowed to vote. Unless this happens in the near future, there will be no Cypriot Community in existence in Australia. That is some 200,000 Cypriots consumed or Assimilated as part of the Australian Ethnos or nation. No longer Cypriot but Australian with a name like Sotos. :lol:
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