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Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby DT. » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:14 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

think you might be on the road to recovery.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:24 pm

boomerang wrote:ofcourse bir knows what has to be done...he lived through prejudices and racism in the OZ the last 40 odd years...if you were to compare the 60'and 70's in oz with today it's like chalk and cheese...starting with the ill treatment of aboriginals with target shooting to the stolen generation and the raping of their lands...and finishing with the immigrants where it was taboo to speak your own language in public...

those days are long we are a true multiculture society where my rights are as good as walk down the street and you hear many languages...

all this could not be achieved without re inforcing democracy, human rights and the rule of thumb...

what surprices me the most is bir must have been asleep all this time as he seems to have not been part of this revolution...

bir wants to keep the old flame alive and well by insisting on apologies, and then comes up with a beautyrealities on the ground, a bbf system...

if you, bir, want apologies then you shouldn't speak of realities on the ground coz what happened in the past was also a reality on the ground at that time...but it seems good ol' bir not only wants the cake, but to eat it aswell...

here is one bir, why don't the peace loving tcs, demonstrate against the da vinci on the mountain as a sign of respect, huh?...even if the goal is not achieved respect will go a long way...

When will you stop pretending to be so thick????
How can you compare Australia with Cyprus...I remember very well how things were in the early 70s here,and I know well how things changed...Here in Oz all sorts of goverments,from the Federal down to the Local,had all sorts of affirmative action programs,equal opportunity commission,ethnic affairs commissions,human rights commissions,Multicultural Affairs departments what have you,all working towards the same end :celebrating diversity and fighting racism and prejudice...While in Cyprus the legitimate (!) government did everything to isolate and discriminate against a significant minority,to the point of installing hatred in their recruits for national service...The other side did pretty much the same...In Australia people were encouraged to take pride in their ethnicity and their languages,in Cyprus people were vilified for being different. Nay,they were killed and thrown into wells,chased out of their homes,and terrified out of their minds,with immunity,for simply being different...How can you compare the two????And why do I waste my time arguing with someone as deluded as you are?//
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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:27 pm

DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

think you might be on the road to recovery.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:40 pm

All you guys are jumping the gun, on any cypriot identity, first of all and i hate to say it, the cultures of both sides keeps us from being united. Its not the situation thats keeping cyprus divided its the cultures of not letting go of the past for the common good. In a free society the past will come out in due time. The way cypriots try to come together is to knock the shit out of each other and bring up things that happened 10-30-40-50-400- years ago. This method will never work.
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Postby Acikgoz » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:45 pm

boomerang wrote:
Acikgoz wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
Acikgoz wrote:Hmmm, don't think you answered the question - application and real world - read it 3 times but really nothing there for me. Perhaps worth trying again Omer.

I don't understand - do you underestimate people power?

No. I believe people power, for all Cypriots, can only be a viable method for unity if all people believe they will be best served by the cause. Currently the situation does not provide fertile ground for people power. The point being what pragmatic steps are you proposing to foster trust, confidence and love to allow pan-Cypriot nationalism to flourish.

getting rid of the graffitti of the mountain will go a long way...if the tcs were fair dinkum about a solution they would demonstrate it...

Personally I'd be more than happy if they removed it, also the abomonation of the destruction of the mountain behind bes parmak. The island of Cyprus is scarred beyond recognition as far as I'm concerned.
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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby Omer Seyhan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:45 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.
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Postby umit07 » Wed Jun 16, 2010 3:57 pm

Omer dude, you're off your head mate :lol:
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Postby Omer Seyhan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:04 pm

umit07 wrote:Omer dude, you're off your head mate :lol:

Seriously, try it!
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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:06 pm

Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.

:lol: :lol:

It is not Cypriots I meet in real life that I have problems with...
It is certain ones I meet in this forum every day...You know the ones who tell you Cyprus is a Greek island,the TCs are Ottoman remnants,Traitors,Thieves etc....The ones who call you a liar when you tell them something that happened to you back in the 50s and 60s...The ones who insult you at the drop of a hat...The ones who use "Turk" as an insult,sometimes Turks-TCs together...Get my drift?
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Re: Open Challenge to "Omer Seyhan"...

Postby Omer Seyhan » Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:10 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Omer Seyhan wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Okey,sunshine...Before you disappear again only to return with more bullshit and selfstimulating comments ( :wink: ) here is a challenge for you... You keep talking about Cypriot nationalism,but you are very short on detail...Perhaps you can show us, step by step, how your Cypriot nationalism will help us move one centimetre towards a solution,given the mutual mistrust and suspicion that exist between the TCs and GCs, out there, in the real world....I am all eyes and ears...

Ok, challenge accepted ( I thought I was doing this anyway in my posts). :roll:

I don't really talk about Cypriot nationalism though. Just let me correct you. My method is Liberal or civic nationalism, which is ultimately citizenship.

*** Liberal nationalism is a kind of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in a non-xenophobic form of nationalism compatible with liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual rights. Ernest Renan and John Stuart Mill are often thought to be early liberal nationalists. Liberal nationalists often defend the value of national identity by saying that individuals need a national identity in order to lead meaningful, autonomous lives and that liberal democratic polities need national identity in order to function properly.

On a last note, I really can't commit to not disappearing again, when duty calls I have to go... I hope you understand.

Okey,"Omer"...We have established that you are an idealist and a dreamer...There is nothing wrong with either...I have been accused of both in the past...Of course people need a national identity and a sense of belonging to be happy and well adjusted individuals and groups,we don't need Renan or Mill to tell us that...But how can you develop a national identity or sense of belonging when you are told you cannot be Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,and get accused of leaving your ancestral lands at the drop of a hat,to pave the way of Turkey's territorial ambitions...???

Anyway,you are right in what you said elsewhere,we cannot do much to change anything in Forums like this...The best we can hope for is to let people know we are just like they are,flesh and blood that feels and hurts very much like themselves...Given our realilty,the demonisation of the "other" for so long,it would be something if we can achieve even that...
Most people.myself included use this forum as therapy...We get our frustrations and our anger out on each other,knowing well we are all helpless victims of international geopolitical power plays which have been going on for a very very long time,and have no intention of stopping...

Ok, you keep telling me you get rejected by greek speaking Cypriots. I dont know how Australian Greek speaking Cypriots are but here is an idea.

If you are not allowed to take part in your local Cypriot association or if they present it as Greek speaking only then do the following.

Get a website and designer to design it professionally. I dont know where you live, but you can call it in Turkish for example:

Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Ulusal Birlik Federasyonu (AKUBF) or

The Australian Cypriot National Unity Federation


Avustralya Kıbrıslılar Milli Federasyonu (AMKF)

National Federation of Australian Cypriots

And this should be your logo:


You should then organise a trip with school children to meet the High Commissioner of Cyprus in Canberra, bring a gift, a book by Sevgul Uludag or Osman Turkey, ask the children to read poems, hold flags of the RoC and present him with flowers, and invite him to visit he association next time he is in ......wherever you live. You could bring a camera crew.

Then tell him that it is your intention to apply for funding from your Government to provide services to Australia's Turkish speaking Cypriot community who are citizens of the Republic.

Tell him your first event idea is a poetry evening by Nese Yashin and you need AU$2500 to fly her over and set it up.

Tell him you want to organise a Cypriot festival with other Cypriot (Greek and Turkish speaking organisations) and ask him to have a word / put pressure on those who rejected you.

Tell him, you are Cypriot and proud of it, shake his hand and leave quietly remembering to shake hands with the secretary on the way out.

:lol: :lol:

It is not Cypriots I meet in real life that I have problems with...
It is certain ones I meet in this forum every day...You know the ones who tell you Cyprus is a Greek island,the TCs are Ottoman remnants,Traitors,Thieves etc....The ones who call you a liar when you tell them something that happened to you back in the 50s and 60s...The ones who insult you at the drop of a hat...The ones who use "Turk" as an insult,sometimes Turks-TCs together...Get my drift?

Ok, just ignore them, dont let them govern you.
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