Oracle wrote:In-between all Turkey's wars and Invasions, there is "Peace".
... whilst Turkey gathers strength, for the next Expansionist push!
this is a valid point. if their vision is to lead as a Muslim State and Nation, it changes nothing philosophicly, because Islam is still a religion of love.
deeper still, when one looks at Nature, the rest of God's creation, "Peace" is an unnantural state. yet there is no need for love, love is. our reason sets us apart, not a flaw, but a dangerous acid test, a default if you will to this Creation; when we want love.
Hope is a Turkey that sees in their giving no rival unmatched. they are able. war is what any good believer fights against when it is amongst Men, and the faithful do so lovingly with grace. for the displaced, not a word, and their numbers grow worldwide. we have our wells "they" filled with human remains so the water is undrinkable; big deal. we are an island afterall, our population at present is small. as a People we can choose to lead by example. Blahblahblah...
Bizonal, what does it mean, not that enclaves has anything to do with it, such a dirty word (is there a smiley for poohpooh?).
Bicommunnal means Partition, that's it! but i never heard of a "Bi" community where it means tearing a whole in two simple parts. think bicycle (thanks vp).
...any way gotta go my son is probably mad at me by now.
you know the routine, please read my manifesto...