...what about the displaced, runaway? we can assume by now that Turkish Cypriots have all been compensated for their loss. we can assume that the IPC will settle the losses of Greek Cypriots. Since Turkey has admitted blame, she will pay this compensation. do you think that north cyprus, as it's called deserves its independance as a State that is Sovereign under these circumstances? do you think that it can be so with a Turkish Army of occupation? is it as a Cypriot that you speak? in terms of Humanity, how do you think Turkey can best demonstrate that she is a world leader?
...what about the displaced? and if they are displaced somewhere else in the world are they inferior to the Turkish displaced; if not why would the displaced who are Greek be any different?
...and if there were displaced who are Turkish and they could return as a whole village, southward, would you forbid it. and if Turkish people as Individuals chose to live as a minority southward, would that be forbidden too?
... i hope you will take the time to answer my questions, thanks.