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The Politics of Partition have failed

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

The Politics of Partition have failed

Postby Omer Seyhan » Tue Jun 15, 2010 12:28 am

Just in case some Cypriots who still pretend to be either 'Greeks / Turks' have gotten the wrong end of the stick – particularly regarding the election of Eroglu with his nationalist nonsense – or have actually believed their own propaganda about Cypriot unionists having 'surrendered' – I wish to remind them that the talks are still on with Turkey claiming that it is seeking a solution by the end of the year, the ultimate goal remains Cypriot unity. I suggest they get used to it...

The politics of partition have failed this island politically, socially and economically. The Cypriot Government has a responsibility to be advocates for Cypriot reunification and the practical planning for re-unification should begin now. The President should reintroduce Turkish ad open up seats for Turkish Cypriots that have remained vacant. It is necessary and indeed prudent for the Cypriot people to engage in dialogue on the shape and form such a re-united Cyprus would take.

All political parties and their representatives should be able to play a full and constructive role in all-Cyprus politics. I invite the UBP and DIKO to join the mainstream...
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Omer Seyhan
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Joined: Thu Apr 09, 2009 11:26 pm
Location: Ay Yorgi, Leymosun, Gipriz

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