YFred wrote:cymart wrote:and unless they've lived in the north before or have close family who did,they don't give a damn about politics or the politicians and think its all bullshit being pedalled by a load of crooked bullshitters!What worries most of them now is the deep quagmire the place is sinking into with the economic recession and the increasing cost of living etc!Be sure that if another referendum comes along the scare brigade of rejectionists which includes much of the media,the church leader and a large bunch of developers,manipulators and fanatics will blow the 'no ' trumpet again and the majority will follow them out of fear or indifference,rather than risk opting for a major change which also carries risks,even if they understand that partition will be the outcome, when they have already lived with it since 1974!Of course Christophias and co. know this and that is why he is sitting on the fence,like humpty-dumpty!!But then he had a great fall as we all know and nobody could put him together again!....
What an absolute wasted opporotunity.
Your whole life has been a wasted opprtunity along with your ambitions for any kind of bright future. Keep teaching the Turkish youths your methodology. They'll learn to be independent propogandists in the highest form like yourself, with 72 virgins and a Mercedes waiting for them for all their success in the afterlife.