BirKibrisli wrote:Some sobering thoughts by an Australian journalist for the Pich....
Spreading the israeli propagander as i have said many times is a jewish past time, it is nonstop brainwashing ,and you have only to look at this forum to see who is working for the jewish lobby spreading thier garbageNone of this is accidental. The Israel lobby, worldwide, is orchestrated in Jerusalem by a department in the Prime Minister's office with the rather Orwellian name of the Ministry for Public Diplomacy and Diaspora Affairs. Less than 24 hours after the attack on the Mavi Marmara, the ministry hit the internet with ''important talking points'' for Jews around the world, the first of which was - surprisingly - that ''the Palestinian people are not under blockade''.
''Write letters to your local newspapers, comment on blogs and news websites, call in to radio programs and post links to social networking sites to help spread the real version of events,'' urged the deliciously named Mr Ronen Plot, the Ministry Director-General. ... -y3ft.html