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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Oracle » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:35 am

I find your obtuseness rather offensive if not downright disgusting.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Jan 14, 2011 1:46 am

Oracle wrote:I find your obtuseness rather offensive if not downright disgusting.

That means you can not find any evidence of any innocent GCs killed by TCs during 63-74 period...Just as i thought... :)
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Postby wallace » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:03 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Lit wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:If I was Turkey and had the power Id let these idiots spends all that money finding and drilling for naural resources and then blow them all to kingdom come, dangerous things these oil rigs.

Life is too short to be filled with so much hate, VP. Seek help.

Yeah...Tell that to those Turkish Cypriots whose lives were cut even shorter by their GC compatriots during 56-74 period,for no reason other than being of a Turkish ethnic origin! You might have to find them first though...Some of their murderers might still be alive,you never know your luck!

For every GC you blame as a murderer, there are 10 times more amongst the TC population.

Statistics alone would make a lie of the above accusation. In any logical person's mind that is...The TCs were only 18 % of the population during 64-74 period,they couldn't possibly provide 10 times more murderers than the majority GCs...But dont let that fact cloud your twisted ,propagandist mindset!

Only 18% of the population, and so many massacred GCs!

Think about it, Bir ....

What are you talking about? How many GCs were killed by TCs during the 64-74 period,Oracle? i can only think of the 8 GCs (from memory) killed near Gonyeli after being dropped off by the British...Who were the others?

That was in 1958!!! So you did start the conflict as Piratis says!!!! Thanks for the confirmation. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Jan 14, 2011 9:20 am

wallace wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Lit wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:If I was Turkey and had the power Id let these idiots spends all that money finding and drilling for naural resources and then blow them all to kingdom come, dangerous things these oil rigs.

Life is too short to be filled with so much hate, VP. Seek help.

Yeah...Tell that to those Turkish Cypriots whose lives were cut even shorter by their GC compatriots during 56-74 period,for no reason other than being of a Turkish ethnic origin! You might have to find them first though...Some of their murderers might still be alive,you never know your luck!

For every GC you blame as a murderer, there are 10 times more amongst the TC population.

Statistics alone would make a lie of the above accusation. In any logical person's mind that is...The TCs were only 18 % of the population during 64-74 period,they couldn't possibly provide 10 times more murderers than the majority GCs...But dont let that fact cloud your twisted ,propagandist mindset!

Only 18% of the population, and so many massacred GCs!

Think about it, Bir ....

What are you talking about? How many GCs were killed by TCs during the 64-74 period,Oracle? i can only think of the 8 GCs (from memory) killed near Gonyeli after being dropped off by the British...Who were the others?

That was in 1958!!! So you did start the conflict as Piratis says!!!! Thanks for the confirmation. :lol: :lol: :lol:

No,there were TC policemen killed by the EOKA before 1958! Bananiot has provided the evidence elsewhere! good try! :lol:
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Postby DT. » Fri Jan 14, 2011 10:20 am

Η Λευκωσία και τα προάστεια της στις 7 Ιουνίου του 1958 τέθηκαν σε συναγερμό, ύστερα από επανειλημμένες επιθέσεις έξαλλων τουρκικών στιφών εναντίον ελληνικών περιουσιών. Έτσι, δεκάδες χιλιάδες Έλληνες τέθηκαν σε συναγερμό. Ήταν μία μεγαλειώδης κινητοποίηση που πραγματοποιήθηκε σε λίγα λεπτά ευθύς μετά από την έναρξη των κωδωνοκρουσιών. Στόχος των Ελληνοκυπρίων ήταν να διασφαλίσουν με νύχια και με δόντια ζωές και περιουσίες ελληνικές από τις απρόκλητες και αδικαιολόγητες επιθέσεις αφιονισμένων Τούρκων διαδηλωτών, που ύστερα από εντολές της Τ.Μ.Τ. πραγματοποιούσε το όργιο των βανδαλισμών.

Nicosia and the suburbs were on high alert on 7th June 1958 after repeated attacks by Turks against Greek properties. 10's of thousands of Greeks were on standby to protect Greek Cypriot properties from the raging vandalisms of the Turkish Cypriots who were acting on orders of the TMT

Αφορμή για τα επεισόδια στάθηκε η ρίψη βόμβας γύρω στις 10:15 μ.μ. της 7ης Ιουνίου 1958 από διερχόμενο αυτοκίνητο ενάντια στο γραφείο Πληροφοριών του Τουρκικού Προξενίου, που βρισκόταν στην οδό Κερύνειας κοντά στο σταθμό της Αστυνομίας Τροχαίας.

The reasons for the attacks was the bomb thrown into the Turkish consulate by a passing car on Kyrenia street.

Η μυστηριώδης βόμβα (που όλοι πιστεύουν ότι είναι έργο της Τ.Μ.Τ.) εξερράγη στη βεράντα της οικίας και συνέτριψε μερικούς υαλοπίνακες. Ο ίδιος ο Ντενκτάς εκμυστηρεύτηκε ότι η έκρηξη ήταν επινόηση του για να προκαλέσει σύρραξη.

The mysterious bomb later admitted by Denktash that it was his idea had smashed some windows on the veranda of the property.

Λίγο αργότερα , στον τόπο της έκρηξης συγκεντρώθηκαν κάπου 200 έξαλλοι Τούρκοι που κατέβηκαν σε διαδήλωση προς την Τουρκική συνοικία. Σε λίγο ομάδες Τούρκων μπήκαν στις Ελληνικές συνοικίες της Χρυσαλινιώτισσας και του Αγίου Κασσιανού, ενώ άλλοι, επιβαίνοντας σε αυτοκίνητα περιέρχονταν τις οδούς των συνοικιών του Αγίου Ιωάννη, του
Αγίου Αντωνίου, το Καϊμακλί και την Παλουριώτισσα.

A little later on the site of the explosion 200 angry Turks had arrived. A short while later groups of Turks had entered the Greek neighbourhoods of Chrysaliniotissa and Ayios Kassianos while others in cars headed for Ayios Ioannis, Ayios Antoniou, Kaimakli and Pallouriotisa.

Οι Τούρκοι κραύγαζαν «τταξίμ», βρίζανε χυδαία τους Έλληνες προβαίνοντας σε προκλήσεις εναντίον των Ελλήνων.

The Turks were chanting Taksim and cursing at the Greek population.

Τότε άρχισαν να κτυπούν οι καμπάνες των ενοριών Αγίου Κασσιανού και Χρυσαλινιώτισσας καλώντας το λαό σε συναγερμό. Σύντομα βγαίνουν απ’ τους δρόμους λάμψεις από φλόγες που φώτιζαν την περιοχή της συνοικίας. Επρόκειτο για πυρκαγιά που εξερράγη στο αυτοκίνητο του ποδοσφαιριστή του «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΥ» Νάκου Αναστασιάδη. Η φωτιά κατασβήστηκε από την Πυροσβεστική Υπηρεσία αλλά προξενήθηκαν μεγάλες ζημιές στο αυτοκίνητο.

The bells started ringing in Ayios Kassianos and Chrysaliniotissa to alert everyone. SOon after flames were visible from the area coming out of the car of the Olympiakos player Nakos Anastiades. The fire was put out after damaging the car.

Στην συνέχεια έξαλλοι οι Τούρκοι επιτέθηκαν εναντίον του οικοτροφείου του Παγκυπρίου Γυμνασίου, στον Άγιο Κασσιανό, που δεν λειτουργούσε και έσπασαν τα τζάμια των παραθυριών. Περιέχυσαν επίσης με βενζίνη τις ξύλινες θύρες ελληνικών ξυλουργείων και επιπλοποιείων στην συνοικία του Αγίου Κασσιανού. Το πυρ κατασβήστηκε έγκαιρα από προσδραμόντες γείτονες προτού επεκταθεί.

The Turks carried on attacking the Pancyprian gymnsium in Ayios Kassianos that was not operating and broker the windows. They poured petrol over o n the wooden doors of the Greek carpenters and furniture makers of Ayios Kassianos. The neighbours managed to put out the fires.

Λίγο μετά τα μεσάνυκτα άρχισαν να κτυπούν όλες οι καμπάνες των εκκλησιών της Λευκωσίας και των προαστίων. Σε λίγο μία λαοθάλασσα βρισκόταν στους δρόμους. Πλήθη Ελληνοκυπρίων από το Καϊμακλί, την Παλουριώτισσα και άλλα προάστεια συγκεντρώθηκαν στο άνοιγμα παρά την Πύλη Αμμοχώστου και αλλού με στόχο να προστατεύσουν τις Ελληνικές συνοικίες.

Shortly after midnight the bells rang again. In a short while a sea of people was in the streets. Crowds of Greek Cypriots from Kaimakli, Pallouriotisa and other suburbs concentrated around Famagusta gate and elsewhere to protect the Greek properties.

Στην πλατεία Αρχιεπισκοπής συγκεντρώθηκαν χιλιάδες λαού, πολλοί από τους οποίους έφεραν την νυκτερινή τους περιβολή. Αλλά πλήθη κατευθύνθηκαν στις γειτονικές προς την Τουρκική συνοικία οδούς.

In the square of the archbishopric thousands wearing the evening outfits headed towards the Turkish neighbourhoods.

Στις 12:40 το πρωί της άλλης μέρας αστυνομική περίπολος λιθοβολήθηκε από το συγκεντρωμένο παρά τον σύλλογο «ΠΑΛΛΕΥΚΩΣΙΑΤΙΚΟΣ» πλήθος. Λίγο αργότερα πλήθος από χίλιους Έλληνες λιθοβόλησε 8 αυτοκίνητα γεμάτα από Τούρκους αστυνομικο

At 12:40 a police patrol was stoned and a crowd of Greeks threw stones at 8 cars full of Turkish policemen.

Στο μεταξύ πλήθος Τούρκων οπλισμένων με περίστροφα, τσεκούρια, ρόπαλα, μαχαίρια και πέτρες επιτέθηκαν εναντίον των Ελλήνων οι οποίοι συγκεντρώθηκαν κοντά στο «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟ» για να προστατεύσουν την συνοικία.

In the meantime crowds of Turkish armed policemen with revolvers, axes, bats, knives and rocks attacked against the Greeks that had gathered next to Olympiakos to protect the area.

Αιματηρή σύρραξη και άγριος λιθοβολισμός επακολούθησε. Πολλά πρόσωπα τραυματίστηκαν και η περιοχή πήρε όψη πραγματικού πεδίου μάχης. Πολλοί Έλληνες βρίσκονταν κατά γης με τραύματα από πυροβολισμούς περιστρόφων, κτυπήματα με τσεκούρια και μαχαίρια, ενώ Τούρκοι έμπαιναν σε Ελληνικά σπίτια και κτυπούσαν ή πυροβολούσαν τους ενοίκους.

A bloody fight began and vicious stoning. Many people were injured and the area looked like a battlefield. Many Greeks were on the ground with gunshot injuries, axe and knife stabbings while Turks entered Greek homes beating and shooting at the residents.

Ο ηρωϊσμός που υπέδειξαν οι Έλληνες κάτοικοι ήταν μεγαλειώδης γιατί αγωνίζονταν άοπλοι ενάντια σε πάνοπλους Τούρκους.

The heroism of the Greeks that were unarmed against the armed Turkish police was incredible.

Στο μεταξύ οι Τούρκοι έβαλαν φωτιά στο κτίριο του «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΥ» το οποίο πυρπολήθηκε και καταστράφηκε εντελώς. Η πυροσβεστική έφθασε όπως πάντα αργά και δεν μπόρεσε να προσεγγίσει, όπως και δεν μπόρεσαν να πλησιάσουν τα νοσοκομειακά φορεία. Οι Έλληνες μπόρεσαν τελικά να διώξουν τους Τούρκους από την περιοχή του «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΥ», αλλά αφού διασκορπίστηκαν στις γειτονικές οδούς και την οδό Ερμού, έβαλαν φωτιά στα γειτονικά καταστήματα. Ομάδες Ελλήνων κατεδίωξαν τους Τούρκους και έσβησαν τις πυρκαγιές. Ομως δεν μπόρεσαν να καταστείλουν έγκαιρα όλες τις πυρκαγιές και στις 2:00 το πρωί τμήμα της Λευκωσίας εφαίνετο φλεγόμενο. Ουρανομήκης φλόγες και πυκνά νέφη καπνού εκάλυψαν την πόλη.

In the meantime the Turks torched the Olympiakos building setting it ablaze and completely destroying it. The fire service was too late and coudnt approach the club and neither could the ambulances. The Greeks managed to chase away the Turks from the area of Olympiakos and had spread out onto the surrounding neighbourhoods of Ermou Street torching more Greek shops. Groups of Greeks gave chase and managed to put out some of the fires. By 2am the entire portion of Nicosia was up in flames.

Ολόκληρο τετράγωνο στην οδό Καρά Πουπά πυρπολήθηκε, ενώ πυρπολήθηκαν ξυλεμπορικά, γκαράζ, βιομηχανίες αλευροποιίας και σπορελαίων, φαρμακεία και άλλα

An entire block in Kara Poupa Street was torched with carpentries, garages, flour factories pharmacies and others going up in flames.

Πυκνές ομάδες Ελλήνων μάχονταν με αυταπάρνηση στους τόπους των πυρκαγιών και καταδίωκαν τους Τούρκους εμπρηστές ή αντιμετώπιζαν τις επιθέσεις και τους λιθοβολισμούς των κρυμμένων Τούρκων. Έτσι δεκάδες ελληνικά καταστήματα σώθηκαν από το καλά προδιαγεγραμμένο σχέδιο των Τούρκων σωβινιστών να εξοντώσουν τους Ελληνοκύπριους της περιοχής και να καταστρέψουν τα υποστατικά τους.

Groups of Greeks fought both the fires and the Turks at the same time in order to save the area from the Turkish plan of eliminiating the Greeks from it.

Στο μεταξύ στην ματοβαμμένη περιοχή του «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟΥ» κατέφθασαν, αργά όμως και πάλι, ισχυρές δυνάμεις βρεττανικών στρατευμάτων οι οποίες επέδειξαν κτηνώδη απάθεια, απέκλεισαν τις παρακείμενες οδούς και επιτέθηκαν για να διαλύσουν τους Έλληνες. Οι Τούρκοι κρύφτηκαν παρά το τουρκικό τέμενος και λιθοβολούσαν τους Ελληνες προσπαθώντας συγχρόνως να εμποδίσουν τους πυροσβέστες.

In the meantime the British security forces arrived late and isolated the area while attacking the remainder of the Greeks there. The Turks had hidden in the Turkish Mosque stoning teh Greeks while also trying to block the fire service from putting out the fire.

Οι συμπλοκές έληξαν με τον φόνο δύο Ελληνοκυπρίων, του Κώστα Ιωάννου 18 χρόνων και ακόμη ενός 20χρονου με το όνομα Φιντικλής

The fighting ended with the deaths of 2 Greek Cypriots Costas Ioannou 18 years old and Fintiklis 20 years old.
Επίσης σοβαρότατα τραυματίστηκαν από σφαίρες, μαχαίρια και άλλα αιχμηρά όργανα και μεταφέρθηκαν στο νοσοκομείο σε κρίσιμη κατάσταση πλείστοι όσοι άλλοι. Οι τραυματίες ξεπέρασαν τους 50. Στις 2:00 το πρωί της 8ης Ιουνίου επιβλήθηκε κατ’οίκον περιορισμός στην περιοχή των πυρκαγιών και των συγκρούσεων.

In addittion 50 others were injured and transffered to hospital from bullet and knife wounds. There was a curfew after 2am.

Τα πλείστα των ελληνικών καταστημάτων από τον «ΟΛΥΜΠΙΑΚΟ» μέχρι την Δημοτική αγορά λεηλατήθηκαν ή υπέστησαν καταστροφές.

The majority of Greek shops around the area of Olympiakos around the municpal market were destroyed.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Jan 14, 2011 12:26 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:I find your obtuseness rather offensive if not downright disgusting.

That means you can not find any evidence of any innocent GCs killed by TCs during 63-74 period...Just as i thought... :)

No, it doesn't mean your propaganda-slanted interpretation; it means exactly what I said. I've raised this with you before, but you always disappear after I spell it out, then come back with silly statements such as the above!

I'll leave the later years out which are even more devastatingly incriminating against the TCs and pick on your favourite year, which is somewhat in your favour.

In 1963 the figures of the dead were 364 TCs and 174 GCs. That means a population of some 90,000 TCs were responsible for 174 GCs. That's nearly 2 dead GCs for every 1,000 TCs in the general population. Conversely, the population of 600,000 GCs was responsible for 364 TC deaths. That's less than 1 TC dead for every 1,000 GCs. So, if you are going to blame any one side for harbouring more killers, it's the TC community!

And, these are the most favourable figures for you, leaving aside the worst your community has done to 1974. Now, I don't care for any lectures on "statistics and one dead is too much" (which we know) since this was necessitated by your silly stance.
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:29 pm

Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:I find your obtuseness rather offensive if not downright disgusting.

That means you can not find any evidence of any innocent GCs killed by TCs during 63-74 period...Just as i thought... :)

No, it doesn't mean your propaganda-slanted interpretation; it means exactly what I said. I've raised this with you before, but you always disappear after I spell it out, then come back with silly statements such as the above!

I'll leave the later years out which are even more devastatingly incriminating against the TCs and pick on your favourite year, which is somewhat in your favour.

In 1963 the figures of the dead were 364 TCs and 174 GCs. That means a population of some 90,000 TCs were responsible for 174 GCs. That's nearly 2 dead GCs for every 1,000 TCs in the general population. Conversely, the population of 600,000 GCs was responsible for 364 TC deaths. That's less than 1 TC dead for every 1,000 GCs. So, if you are going to blame any one side for harbouring more killers, it's the TC community!

And, these are the most favourable figures for you, leaving aside the worst your community has done to 1974. Now, I don't care for any lectures on "statistics and one dead is too much" (which we know) since this was necessitated by your silly stance.

Does the figure of 174 GC's killed include those killed by EOKA?
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Postby Oracle » Fri Jan 14, 2011 2:50 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:I find your obtuseness rather offensive if not downright disgusting.

That means you can not find any evidence of any innocent GCs killed by TCs during 63-74 period...Just as i thought... :)

No, it doesn't mean your propaganda-slanted interpretation; it means exactly what I said. I've raised this with you before, but you always disappear after I spell it out, then come back with silly statements such as the above!

I'll leave the later years out which are even more devastatingly incriminating against the TCs and pick on your favourite year, which is somewhat in your favour.

In 1963 the figures of the dead were 364 TCs and 174 GCs. That means a population of some 90,000 TCs were responsible for 174 GCs. That's nearly 2 dead GCs for every 1,000 TCs in the general population. Conversely, the population of 600,000 GCs was responsible for 364 TC deaths. That's less than 1 TC dead for every 1,000 GCs. So, if you are going to blame any one side for harbouring more killers, it's the TC community!

And, these are the most favourable figures for you, leaving aside the worst your community has done to 1974. Now, I don't care for any lectures on "statistics and one dead is too much" (which we know) since this was necessitated by your silly stance.

Does the figure of 174 GC's killed include those killed by EOKA?

Who can say? (Anyway, EOKA had disbanded in 1960.) Equally, does the figure of 364 TCs killed include those killed by TMT and well-known (now) false-flag incitements prevalent and continuing throughout those times?
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Postby denizaksulu » Sat Jan 15, 2011 12:15 am

Oracle wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:I find your obtuseness rather offensive if not downright disgusting.

That means you can not find any evidence of any innocent GCs killed by TCs during 63-74 period...Just as i thought... :)

No, it doesn't mean your propaganda-slanted interpretation; it means exactly what I said. I've raised this with you before, but you always disappear after I spell it out, then come back with silly statements such as the above!

I'll leave the later years out which are even more devastatingly incriminating against the TCs and pick on your favourite year, which is somewhat in your favour.

In 1963 the figures of the dead were 364 TCs and 174 GCs. That means a population of some 90,000 TCs were responsible for 174 GCs. That's nearly 2 dead GCs for every 1,000 TCs in the general population. Conversely, the population of 600,000 GCs was responsible for 364 TC deaths. That's less than 1 TC dead for every 1,000 GCs. So, if you are going to blame any one side for harbouring more killers, it's the TC community!

And, these are the most favourable figures for you, leaving aside the worst your community has done to 1974. Now, I don't care for any lectures on "statistics and one dead is too much" (which we know) since this was necessitated by your silly stance.

Does the figure of 174 GC's killed include those killed by EOKA?

Who can say? (Anyway, EOKA had disbanded in 1960.) Equally, does the figure of 364 TCs killed include those killed by TMT and well-known (now) false-flag incitements prevalent and continuing throughout those times?

Officially disbanded yes, but took part as members of Nikos Sampson and Lysarides henchmen or belonged to 'the organisation'. They were still active whatever you wished to call them. Ofcourse some were part of EOKA B too and you know that.

Did TMT kill more than five, that we know of? I would appreciate your verified figures - if you have any. :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:21 am

Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:I find your obtuseness rather offensive if not downright disgusting.

That means you can not find any evidence of any innocent GCs killed by TCs during 63-74 period...Just as i thought... :)

No, it doesn't mean your propaganda-slanted interpretation; it means exactly what I said. I've raised this with you before, but you always disappear after I spell it out, then come back with silly statements such as the above!

I'll leave the later years out which are even more devastatingly incriminating against the TCs and pick on your favourite year, which is somewhat in your favour.

In 1963 the figures of the dead were 364 TCs and 174 GCs. That means a population of some 90,000 TCs were responsible for 174 GCs. That's nearly 2 dead GCs for every 1,000 TCs in the general population. Conversely, the population of 600,000 GCs was responsible for 364 TC deaths. That's less than 1 TC dead for every 1,000 GCs. So, if you are going to blame any one side for harbouring more killers, it's the TC community!

And, these are the most favourable figures for you, leaving aside the worst your community has done to 1974. Now, I don't care for any lectures on "statistics and one dead is too much" (which we know) since this was necessitated by your silly stance.

But we are talking about innocent GCs killed by the TCs,Oracle...
If there were 174 GCs killed,and I have to take your word for it,they could not have been innocent... :wink:
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