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Horror in N. Cyprus at public auction for ex-pats houses

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Acikgoz » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:00 pm

Shocking, horrific, ourtrageous.
It should be a criminal issue - the building profession is so linked with banks and lawyers (the oligarchs of the north) it seems impossible to beat their scheming actions.
The govt. knew this was coming up long before, why had it not changed the laws earlier to give these people a chance??!!
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Postby bill cobbett » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:05 pm

:shock: ... sorry I mean.... Gosh!

Can just very briefly say that this isn't really very nice news, by which mean here are some people, in the main fellow englezoos and englesooes, most of them past it and retired, who in many cases would have been conned in to parting with life savings by some smart-arsed and crooked tissy developer in expectations of living out their twilight years with the usual attractions of sun and sea and cheap beer.

Others of course, far more than would own up to it, knew full well what they were doing, that there was a reason for bargain basement and very affordable prices. Far too many knew they were "buying" stolen land, and who now curiously plead innocence and blame everyone but themselves as partners in crime so often do, ...but having said all that it still ain't nice that people in the Occupied North are now being thrown out into the streets with only their sofraga cos ain't the sort of chap to find contentment and satisfaction in the misery of others.

... and who is behind all this? All this misery? Who was the architect of the oh so clever Icedigger Exchange Scam? The wet-dreamer after Permanent partition on the base of invasion, with thousands of murders and rapings, of land theft and ethnic cleansing? Who is the one man to blame for all this?

Well my finger can only point in one direction, at that very fat white knight Rough Donktosh, now struggling like the bent ass he is, to patch up the irreparable and bankrupt Northern Property Scam. The very man who has brought as much trouble and suffering and devastation to CY as the Romaneucians, the Veneneucians, the GB Golo-nial Office and the Atheneucian Kunta all put together.

... and is this Very Big Bummer genuinely concerned for the personal misery of those who are about to be made homeless? Or for the greater number of people who now live in fear of a similar fate?

Well like feck he is, his only miserable concern, and you will all have heard him say so, is for the survival of the Northern Scam, for the Great Partition Plan.

(Gosh... went on a bit ....)
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Postby Acikgoz » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:16 pm

Oh Bill go dance on the grave of one of the GCs or Brits that were conned in the south. Such hubris - shows how shallow and pathetic you are.

The issue is not about property of GCs, it is the issue of bent bankers and developers working around insufficient legal regulation.

The rest of the island is moving on post ECHR, though this post is not about that.
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Postby humanist » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:21 pm

NO symapthy for anyone who purchased a villa in the occupied ara of Cyprus built on stolen land forma refugee. Should have thought of the plight of the refugee a little more and figured out that if a scum bag is going to reap off another human being they are likely to do the same to them.

The more it happens the more people will realise that the trnc is build on lies war crimes and manipulations and therefore not a good place to build buy a home no matter how lovely the landscape is.

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Postby Jerry » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:28 pm

Acikgoz wrote:Oh Bill go dance on the grave of one of the GCs or Brits that were conned in the south. Such hubris - shows how shallow and pathetic you are.

The issue is not about property of GCs, it is the issue of bent bankers and developers working around insufficient legal regulation.

The rest of the island is moving on post ECHR, though this post is not about that.

Don't be daft, if there was no GC property in the north the issue would never have arisen.
This topic has already been aired on the forum. ... highlight=

Click the link on the first post and read about the comments from the thieving carpetbaggers, Pikey tells them like it is and they don't like it up 'em, do they Pike? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Acikgoz » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:47 pm

I clicked the link, nothing about the issue is derived from being original GC title.
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Postby hissyfits » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:52 pm

One only has to Google Cyprus property scams to find evidence that fraud and corruption are widespread North and South. The laws in both areas actually encourage this and provide no safeguards for the buyer. Unfortunately this now well publicised situation is having a negative effect on property sales. Whilst this might be a good thing to happen in the TRNC it will do little to help the economy in the south and many developers are already struggling not to mention all the money generated by buying furniture, garden decor and to the leisure industry.

Two wrongs do not make a right and there is much hypocrisy being displayed. Actions are either right or wrong, this is not about who deserves to fall victim. It is about governments who are supposed to owe a duty of care to their citizens (many scams involve TC and GC) and yet they are often part of the scam or they fail to act. The Cypruss44 thread being referred to here involved 3 TC elderly families. Look at the scale of non-issue of title deeds and mortgage scams in the south, hardly something to be proud of. Nor is it something to be ignored and denied. ... -purchase/
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Postby Oracle » Tue Jun 08, 2010 11:52 pm

Over 80% of the land in the occupied areas belongs to GCs. And 100% belongs to the RoC (denied administration!). Go figure. Nemesis. Let the greedy Brits rot!
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Postby humanist » Wed Jun 09, 2010 12:46 am

Acigoz ... I suggest you go to the land registry in your beloved trnc and do some searches about the lands in question, you will perhaps find that title deeds are probably dated after 1974 my suggestion would probably be that they are dated after 1981.
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Postby Svetlana » Wed Jun 09, 2010 5:46 am

DT. wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
DT. wrote:
Gasman wrote:And the same thing has been happening in the RoC for many years.

Developers taking out loans on homes they have sold and been paid for.

Where? When did this happen?

I have come across these incidents and court cases in the Cyprus Mail. Parhaps asearch would be useful. I cant imagine its worse that up in the north where its all stolen land/properties.

not disputing it if it happened deniz just really interested to know which developer did this.

A couple of points, some of the 10 properties involved in this Auction (in fact it was a sealed bid Auction) were owned by TC. Also the only bidder, was the Bank, which was forclosing and had been charging an interest rate of 80%, per Quarter! effectiely, it bought its own debt!

Secondly, I can assure everyone, from first hand experience that the same danger exists 'in the South'. I am still fighting a very expensive (€26,000) legal battle to save my own home. For my own developer, over 100 families are in a similar situation - and there are several other developers where a similar situation will shortly be revealed. I will not name names - a dangerous action in downtown Pafos, I assure you!

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