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Cyprus’ bad publicity emanating from apostates...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Bananiot » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:38 am

Paphitis says, long live Israel and GR says, arm both evils. Both calls have a strong ulterior motive, so typical of small minds.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 09, 2010 7:42 am

Bananiot wrote:You wouldn't be saying the above if you were an ampelopouli, would you? On a more serious note, the picture you paint of Cypriots, as eternally law abiding people, upholding universal laws etc, is amazing, to say the least. This can easily be tested by little, seemingly insignificant, things.

People who throw rubbish out of their car windows do not care one single bit about international law, I assure you. These are selfish bastards, who are found aplenty in this island of saints and martyrs and until we can correct this sort of behaviour do not look for adherence to higher values.

What I advocate is complete neutrality in this saga. But I have always advocated for Cyprus to have some level of good relations with Israel, which may include a Defence Pact and the purchase of additional armaments, but without offending other countries in the region.

It is not our position, and we are not strong enough to be fighting for the interests of others against a powerful country which has many more powerful countries behind it. Complete neutrality is what I advocate. And this seems to be official RoC policy now.

If things change down the track, then perhaps we will be obligated to pick a side. I doubt we will pick Turkey! I think you will agree.

It is Turkey that is not upholding International Law. We are its victim, and if necessary we will side with anyone who meets our interests, and if that is Israel then so be it.
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 09, 2010 8:15 am

Get Real! wrote:The three disgraced individuals are forever tarnishing the very spirit of beautiful Cyprus; a matter of grave concern, for we know that the overwhelming majority of Cypriots do NOT approve of violations of international law and we’re not just talking about those of Turkey!

Oh no… international law is UNIVERSAL, not selective like these three shameless individuals seem to think!

The genuine Cypriot condemns ALL violations of international law including those committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and many others by renegade countries like the US, the UK, and Israel!

There are no exceptions to international law, and the genuine Cypriot is well aware of this for he can never protest his plight if he overlooks that of others.

Let me tell you Plonker what the average Cypriot ought to be prioritizing and that is the solution to our Cyprob in a peaceful and just fashion in order to achieve the removal of the occupying forces from our island we ought to make friends with the fucking devil and not unduly concern our selves with what you consider violations of international laws. International laws have been "violated" throughout centuries by one or another superpower , who the fuyck are you to consider Pakistan Afghanistan Iraq or any other rouge nation as worthy of our commitment to international law , do these nations value international or local laws , do these nations function within a democratic system respecting human rights , the answer is they do not. Where were the likes of you when Sadam was annihilating his own people in their thousands or during the 8 year war with Iran where more than a million people perished.
Stop the bullshit , and you are full of it , and prioritize the interests of Cyprus above all else.
The Plonker says :
"The genuine Cypriot condemns ALL violations of international law including those committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and many others by renegade countries like the US, the UK, and Israel! "
Of course they do. Sadam wiping out the Shites , The Taliban executing barbers , shooting women for attending school , Pakistan savages blowing up their own people , Palestinians killing each other in the name of the ...all mighty , Yemenis abusing every single human right and you the plonker considers the USA , UK and Israel as renegades.!!
Let us then form an alliance with the nations that you care so much about and together we can wipe out the ..renegades.
Plonker , put a sock in it !
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:12 am

Oracle wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Oracle's are firmer and more perky! :lol:

That's because they are being firmly supported and kept in place by the Greek flag. Just what GR! needs to restrain him too :lol:

...and without your Hellenic flag would they reach your knees? :oops:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Jun 09, 2010 9:33 am

The disgraced hillbillies think they can fool the world by refashioning “Justice” to their needs! They think “Justice” is a tap you turn on and off as required when your bottle is full …and never mind the others!

Just who do you think you’re fooling? You can only fool yourselves because whenever you cry wolf those who were hearing your double standards all along now stick a finger right in your face!
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Postby miltiades » Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:49 am

GR, shut up will you !!
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:01 am

Get Real! wrote:The three disgraced individuals are forever tarnishing the very spirit of beautiful Cyprus; a matter of grave concern, for we know that the overwhelming majority of Cypriots do NOT approve of violations of international law and we’re not just talking about those of Turkey!

Oh no… international law is UNIVERSAL, not selective like these three shameless individuals seem to think!

The genuine Cypriot condemns ALL violations of international law including those committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and many others by renegade countries like the US, the UK, and Israel!

There are no exceptions to international law, and the genuine Cypriot is well aware of this for he can never protest his plight if he overlooks that of others.

Haven't followed my compatriots' posts too closely; so speaking for myself, can you tell me where I am supposed to have carried out all this disgraceful behaviour? And don't hark back to any of my posts which refer to our Greek heritage; that's an undisputed area of facts and evidence which you have failed miserably, on many occasions, to dent.
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:14 am

Get Real! wrote:The disgraced hillbillies think they can fool the world by refashioning “Justice” to their needs! They think “Justice” is a tap you turn on and off as required when your bottle is full …and never mind the others!

Just who do you think you’re fooling? You can only fool yourselves because whenever you cry wolf those who were hearing your double standards all along now stick a finger right in your face!

We have seen all your attempts in glorifying terrorist attacks against Western Nations. By glorifying September 11, the Bali Bombings, Mumbai etc, you have proven to be an irrational, illogical, and stupid prick and no one can take you seriously. You seem to think that you are the HR advocate but then dismiss these principles whenever a terrorist targets innocent westerners. You advocate HR, but then forbid anyone talking about Iranian HR violations, because their Human Rights don't count because you wish to support a regime that is anti Israel and anti West. As long as they oppose the west, then they can jail, beat, rape, publicly hang, rig elections, shoot demonstrators all they like! Right?

Give it up! You don't have a leg to stand on!

And, for your information, it is people like you who make Cypriots look like hillbillies! Can you imagine what the average Australian would think when reading your comments? Heaven forbid should anyone take you seriously!
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:15 am

In fact, Get Real!

I have a big confession to make regarding your influence over me, on this forum ...

Shall I start a new thread, or shock you on your own thread? :D
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:16 am

Oracle wrote:
Get Real! wrote:The three disgraced individuals are forever tarnishing the very spirit of beautiful Cyprus; a matter of grave concern, for we know that the overwhelming majority of Cypriots do NOT approve of violations of international law and we’re not just talking about those of Turkey!

Oh no… international law is UNIVERSAL, not selective like these three shameless individuals seem to think!

The genuine Cypriot condemns ALL violations of international law including those committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, and many others by renegade countries like the US, the UK, and Israel!

There are no exceptions to international law, and the genuine Cypriot is well aware of this for he can never protest his plight if he overlooks that of others.

Haven't followed my compatriots' posts too closely; so speaking for myself, can you tell me where I am supposed to have carried out all this disgraceful behaviour? And don't hark back to any of my posts which refer to our Greek heritage; that's an undisputed area of facts and evidence which you have failed miserably, on many occasions, to dent.


I would like evidence of the same.
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