denizaksulu wrote:Get Real! wrote:Lit wrote:Get Real! wrote:Lit wrote:Clearly, the American aid to the Palestinians is real. Hundreds of millions of US dollars go to the Palestinians. This isnt simply just talk from Washington.
You have a knack for misinterpreting political maneuvers…![]()
With so much furor from the flotilla incident, only a large bribe to Abbas can possibly help quell the uproar and contain the damage…
If the US had any love for the Palestinians they wouldn't have allowed and participated in their decades long suffering in the first place! ... 1247716800
U.S. Foreign Aid to the Palestinians
In March 2009, the Obama Administration pledged $900 million in U.S. assistance to the Palestinians to address both post-conflict humanitarian needs in Gaza and reform, security, and development priorities in the West Bank. The enactment of the Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2009 (P.L. 111-32) on June 24, 2009 appropriated over $800 million toward the amount pledged in March, putting total U.S. appropriations since January 2009 well past the amount pledged. P.L. 111-32 also included a provision that applies different conditions than those applied by previous FY2008 and FY2009 appropriations legislation to possible U.S. assistance to a Palestinian powersharing government that includes Hamas. Congress is currently considering FY2010 appropriations legislation (H.R. 3081 and S. 1434) that would provide an additional $500 million in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians.
And for every 500 million the US gives to Palestinians, they give another 500 billion to Israelis to kill them!
How much does Gaza get from this with which to build new homes. Oh fuck, I forgot. Building materials are needed in order to build homes. thats not allowed ofcourse.
What building materials? 500 million would barely line the pockets of Abbas and his cronies!