denizaksulu wrote:Lit wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Lit wrote:Get Real! wrote:Lit wrote:Get Real! wrote:Lit wrote:Imbecile. You want Abbas to prosecute Israeli officials for war crimes. All i am asking is why are we talking to the Turks and not prosecuting them for War Crimes?
Because the year is now 2010 and Cyprus has already exhausted about two dozen other options while you were in your father's scrotum picking gooseberries!
Now run along…
If you support Hamas then adopt its policies as your own and run for President of Cyprus. That way if your elected, you can start shooting rockets into Turkish cities, scream your going to destroy Turkey, and prosecute every Turk who was involved in the Cyprus invasion of 74.
I support
Get Real! wrote:whatever the Palestinian majority elects/supports and I don’t care if its called Hamas or Paklavas…
That’s the whole idea of democracy and it's high time renegade criminal nations like the US and Israel put their actions where their mouth is!
There was a time when Hitler had the approval and support of the majority of Germans and GR would have supported him as well.
Get Real! wrote:Lit wrote:You are a deranged lunatic and you know it.
Square deal GR they call me…

More like Square Head.
Have a lovely day.
Many people support the plight of the Palestinian peoples stance against the Zionist expansionism. It is unfortunate that the ruling Goverment is perceived as being terrorists by USA and its bedfellows.
Dont forget that Azrail was created by terrorist activities and to this they they terrorise the Palestinians whereever they are. As GR says, it does not matter what they are called. In the end it is the battle of the Palestinians against the Zionist expansionism. A bit like the EOKA movement I'd daresay. To some it was a noble fight against colonialism and to others is was pure terrorism. That depends ofcourse on peoples point of view, but the aim is the same. Where talks fail, terrorism will take over (alas!!).
Utter nonsense. The western world does not perceive the Palestinian ruling government as terrorists. Just look at the press today: ... estinians/President Barack Obama has pledged new U.S. support for the Palestinians. After meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the White House on Wednesday, Obama called the situation in Gaza "unsustainable." But he says he will work with Israel and the Palestinians to find a solution.
Israel's deadly raid on a convoy of ships headed for Gaza dominated much of the White House meeting. However, Obama pledged an additional $400 million in U.S. aid to Palestinians.
Clearly, Obama does not think Abbas is a terrorist.
The support of radical anti western organizations in this forum is outrages.
What America says and does are two different things. Why dont they stop the Azraili incursions into Gaza? Do you really believe Azrail is scared of a few fireworks. Give me a break. Its part of their training, keep em busy and treach them how to kill.
Clearly, the American aid to the Palestinians is real. Hundreds of millions of US dollars go to the Palestinians. This isnt simply just talk from Washington. Furthermore, katyushas aren't firework. Here, give me some so that i can fire on Turkey. Hmm, i wonder how the Turks would respond.
BTW Turkey used to be Israel's greatest ally not too long ago....what happened? Erdogan is pointing east and now all are lockstep with mamma Turkey?
Talk to you later Den....