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The hypocrisy of Turkey

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Postby Get Real! » Thu Jun 10, 2010 11:07 pm

Bananiot wrote:They are queuing up to prove the point:

A good and proper Greek/GC bash patriot must be both, antisemitic and a Turk eater.

Whereas a “citizen of the world” leaves all doors open for rapid metamorphosis… :wink:
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jun 11, 2010 12:40 am

A citizen of the world does not back away from his principles and calls murder, murder, even if the murdered are Turks. Bash patriots say "9 Turks less, thank you Israel".
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Postby Piratis » Fri Jun 11, 2010 10:05 am

Bananiot wrote:A citizen of the world does not back away from his principles and calls murder, murder, even if the murdered are Turks. Bash patriots say "9 Turks less, thank you Israel".

Why do you say this in my thread? Where did I justify the murders of those people or the actions of Israel in general in Middle East?

My principles are never changed and they apply everywhere. Unlike those of the hypocritical Turkish leadership, that support totally different things for Palestine than what they support for Cyprus and Kurdistan. It is this hypocrisy of Turkey that I point out.

On the other hand you pseudo "citizen of the world", you are actually just a Turkish subject, who would always take the side of Turkey and reject any kind of criticism directed against your masters.

If one day war brakes out between Turkey and Israel and if by joining forces with Israel and the USA we will have the chance to liberate Cyprus then of course we will do. Just like the Palestinians will join Turkey in such a war. As I said neither us neither the Palestinians can be picky when help is offered to us. I do not blame the Palestinians for accepting the help of Turkey, and I neither should the Palestinians blame us if one day we accept the help of Israel to liberate Cyprus.

Bananiot please answer this question: If war brakes out between Turkey and Israel one day and the Americans take the side of Israel and offer to us solid support to liberate the north part of Cyprus, do you think we should stay neutral in this war? I hope you realize that such or a similar scenario is the ONLY realistic way to liberate Cyprus. With negotiations we can achieve nothing better than a disguised partition, while on our own we can not liberate our island from an opponent which is 100 times stronger than us.

The Greeks on the mainland have been waiting for centuries for such a development to happen, and when the time was right with the necessarily support from abroad, they revolted and they liberated the first part of Greece from the Ottomans, something which would have been impossible just a few years earlier. But of course they didn't just sit and wait for their fate to change. They had to take proactive steps and be prepared so they would be able to take advantage of the right moment. This is what we should do also and be ready for this moment, regardless if it will come tomorrow or in 100 years from now.
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:35 am

You are unbelievable Piratis. You want us to wait for as long as it takes for the whole world to conspire against Turkey in order to grab our chance to liberate Cyprus. You in fact are the worse enemy of Cyprus because your stupid proposal is a death certificate for Cyprus.
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Postby YFred » Fri Jun 11, 2010 11:48 am

Bananiot wrote:You are unbelievable Piratis. You want us to wait for as long as it takes for the whole world to conspire against Turkey in order to grab our chance to liberate Cyprus. You in fact are the worse enemy of Cyprus because your stupid proposal is a death certificate for Cyprus.

I once asked him a very simple question which he refuses to answer.

Would he like to Kurds and the Palestinians to have the same set up as what TCs have or would he rather have TCs the same set up as the Kurds and the Palestinians.

Piratis will you answer please, what is your choice.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 11, 2010 1:48 pm

Bananiot wrote:You are unbelievable Piratis. You want us to wait for as long as it takes for the whole world to conspire against Turkey in order to grab our chance to liberate Cyprus. You in fact are the worse enemy of Cyprus because your stupid proposal is a death certificate for Cyprus.

Actually Bananiot, if Erdogan continues assuming that Turkey is a world power and continues challenging the west in the same amplitude and tempo that we’ve seen in the last month or so, then I’m putting my reputation down by confidently stating that Cyprus will be liberated by mid 2011.
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Postby umit07 » Fri Jun 11, 2010 2:24 pm

Erdogan is all talk, should the US yank his leash, he'll play by it. There was a lot of speculation about Erdogan after the Gaza saga, non of it prove to be true. Personally, I see the reaction of many GC's here as being very desperate.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Fri Jun 11, 2010 6:20 pm

Bananiot wrote:You are unbelievable Piratis. You want us to wait for as long as it takes for the whole world to conspire against Turkey in order to grab our chance to liberate Cyprus. You in fact are the worse enemy of Cyprus because your stupid proposal is a death certificate for Cyprus.
There is already a death certificate for Cyprus, when you have a power 100 times stronger, which refuses to compromise and follow the rule of law, hypocritically states that their army is not an occuppation force, and also fills the occuppied territories with anatolians, then where do you see a solution Ben...If it comes down to becoming an ally of Israel to get rid of the Turkish menance in Cyprus so be it. Instead of criticizing the occuppier Turkey and its crimes you continuously falt the ROC.......and its citizens
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Postby Bananiot » Sat Jun 12, 2010 7:30 am

What reputation GR?
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jun 12, 2010 9:39 am

Bananiot wrote:You are unbelievable Piratis. You want us to wait for as long as it takes for the whole world to conspire against Turkey in order to grab our chance to liberate Cyprus. You in fact are the worse enemy of Cyprus because your stupid proposal is a death certificate for Cyprus.

Where did you see me talking about the "whole world"? Just Israel and USA will be more than enough. The USA in the past had partnered with countries like Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan of Bin Laden. Such partnerships can exist only when they serve the interests of the USA. It is obvious to me that if Turkey is pushed away from EU and it turns more Islamic, that sooner or later they will threaten the interests of the Americans in the region and the Americans will treat them accordingly.

This will certainly change the balance of power, and if until that point we do not stupidly give up our rights over the north part of our country, then be sure that north Cyprus will be the first territory that the Turks will lose. Today the Americans and Turks are best buddies, but if this changes then don't be surprised for the Americans to remember the UN resolution of 1974 and use their military power to enforce it.

What is stupid is to officially Turkify 1/3rd of Cyprus, give to the Turks the control of the whole Cyprus, and be happy that supposedly you solved the Cyprus Problem. Such kind of "solution" is a solution only for the Turks, not for us. For us such thing would be a bigger problem, not a solution, and it will remove from us almost all chances for a true liberation in the future under the right balance of power.

Unfortunately Bananiot you can't see further than your nose. The liberation of Cyprus needs foresight and long term planning, not rushing to close the problem at a time when the balance of power is on the side of Turkey and therefore any "solution" would benefit them and not us.
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