CopperLine wrote:Jerry wrote:CopperLine wrote:Piratis,
Turkey is not a person, like Cyprus it is a state. As states they do not possess a single and unitary consciousness therefore neither Turkey nor Cyprus (nor any other state, even Israel) can be hypocritical. Start again.
Surely the government of a state can be referred to as hypocrites, so the policy of that government could be said to be hypocritical.
"The hypocrisy of Turkey" can be interpreted as shorthand for "The hypocrisy of the government of Turkey"
You are splitting hairs simply to have a pop at Piratis, Copperline.
Hypocrisy :States can have contradictory, inconsistent, or bad policies; politicians and diplomats etc can lie, cheat and kill for the state; but states cannot be hypocritical, true or good.The assuming of a false appearance of virtue or goodness, with dissimulation of real character or inclinations
This is not splitting hairs, any more than it is splitting hairs to argue against characterising Greek Cypriots as being cheats or Turkish Cypriots as being lazy, or Turks as being killers. These people, like states, are not essentially any particular thing.
Having posted this explanation if I did this simply to assume a false appearance eg one who didn't give a damn about the proper meaning of hypocrite and just did this to dissimulate my real character to have a "pop at Piratis" (there are much easier ways, surely), then I would indeed be guilty of hypocrisy. But I'm not.
What rubbish and