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Breaking out of the siege

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Re: Breaking out of the siege

Postby B25 » Mon Jun 07, 2010 8:00 pm

CopperLine wrote:Instead of putting up with the infantile bollocks coming from Paphitisplease read something substantial and serious, such as :

Haaretz Editorial

Breaking out of the siege
If Israel is to break out of the international siege and strategic catastrophe it now faces, it urgently needs a different policy.

The intelligence failure and faulty planning in last week's operation to board the Mavi Marmara led to a crisis in Israel's foreign relations in the blink of an eye and a low in its standing in world public opinion. The international community is demanding an investigation into the incident and is roundly criticizing the siege Israel continues to impose on the Gaza Strip's 1.5 million residents. Friendly countries such as the United States and France are demanding that the Israeli government lift restrictions on the passage into Gaza of goods and raw materials for civilian use.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, in his usual manner, rushed to raise the specter of the Iranian threat along with the adage that "the whole world is against us." Instead of locating the source of the fire scorching the diplomatic relations we built up with such effort, Netanyahu is following in the footsteps of his ostracized foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, accusing the world of hypocritical treatment of Israel.

In an effort to evade responsibility for the crisis and escape his obligation to fundamentally change his policy, the prime minister is distorting the nature of the criticism against his government and has plied it as hatred of the Jews.

Netanyahu and Lieberman are imposing a siege on a Jewish and democratic state that has professed to be a light unto the nations, but is becoming anathema among nations. The disagreement over halting construction in West Bank settlements and East Jerusalem sorely eroded the goodwill Israel had garnered in the wake of Netanyahu's declared support for a two-state solution. Last month's nuclear nonproliferation conference diverted attention from the Iranian nuclear program to Israel's nuclear capabilities. The summit of countries bordering the Mediterranean, which had been due to open today in Barcelona, was scrapped following Arab leaders' refusal to be in the company of the Israeli foreign minister. And finally, the proximity talks with the Palestinians are being portrayed as a recipe for perpetuating the deadlock in the peace process.

Reasonable governments of democratic countries act in accordance with the interests of their citizens. Even if the world is "hypocritical," as Netanyahu claims, he must fundamentally change his government's aggressive and inward-looking approach; it is not within his power to change the nature of the rest of the world.

A thorough investigation of the Mavi Marmara incident and the lifting of the siege against civilians in Gaza are essential steps, but they are certainly not sufficient. If Israel is to break out of the international siege and strategic catastrophe it now faces, it urgently needs a different policy.

Copper, as much as I admire your usual posts, this is bollocks. You really don't have a leg to stand on. All that you accuse Israel of, Turkey has done and is already doing to Cyprus. She has been condemned for the last 36 years by the international community, but no one can really do much about it. Israel is acting in much the same way. Come on, I know you can see that and any attempt to justfy turkey as being the 'good guy' is completely ill founded.

I notice the little turkish lapdog was quick to praise, but he is to be ignored as he is a nobody wanting to be someone.

Anyway, as I said before, I don't necessarily agree with what the Israeli are doing, both home and away, but, if it means upsetting the turks and putting them in there place, I am all for it, whoever they maybe.
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Postby CopperLine » Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:18 pm

To repeat: this article is about Israel, not Cyprus or Turkey. I posted it in a forum section on "politics and elections" dealing with matters outside of Cyprus. I can't be held responsible for having denied a comparison I never made nor tried to make. :roll:

(In any case, what kind of comment or defence is it to argue that because a crime has also been committed elsewhere that (a) no further comment is needed or that (b) the original crime is somehow diminished or to be forgotten ? ).
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Postby YFred » Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:28 pm

CopperLine wrote:B25,
To repeat: this article is about Israel, not Cyprus or Turkey. I posted it in a forum section on "politics and elections" dealing with matters outside of Cyprus. I can't be held responsible for having denied a comparison I never made nor tried to make. :roll:

(In any case, what kind of comment or defence is it to argue that because a crime has also been committed elsewhere that (a) no further comment is needed or that (b) the original crime is somehow diminished or to be forgotten ? ).

The shallow belief in democracy of our patriots has been apparent for some time.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:25 am

CopperLine wrote:B25,
To repeat: this article is about Israel, not Cyprus or Turkey. I posted it in a forum section on "politics and elections" dealing with matters outside of Cyprus. I can't be held responsible for having denied a comparison I never made nor tried to make. :roll:

(In any case, what kind of comment or defence is it to argue that because a crime has also been committed elsewhere that (a) no further comment is needed or that (b) the original crime is somehow diminished or to be forgotten ? ).

Good! Now we are getting somewhere.

You acknowledge Turkish crimes against Cyprus!

Therefore, you can understand now why we Cypriots might want to allign ourselves with Israel, in the hope it really gives Turkey a real good dose of its own medicine just like the Palestinians might choose to allign themselves with Turkey/Iran.

You don't have a leg to stand on.
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Postby CopperLine » Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:36 am

Paphitis, your postings are a waste of worthless pixels
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Jun 08, 2010 8:40 am

CopperLine wrote:Paphitis, your postings are a waste of worthless pixels

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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 08, 2010 10:27 am

Psoritis, why do you post the same stupid video multiple times if not to get attention? You know what happens when you wiggle your arse all the time… ... 253357.stm
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Postby Gasman » Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:14 pm

I like this one:

'Once again, WHEN are you going to release ALL the video footage?'

Israel spokesman:
'waffle, waffle, waffle.'
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Postby Paphitis » Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:33 pm

Get Real! wrote:Psoritis, why do you post the same stupid video multiple times if not to get attention? You know what happens when you wiggle your arse all the time… ... 253357.stm

Perhaps you prefer these catchy tunes! :lol:

All your anti Semite bullshit just got destroyed!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Jun 08, 2010 1:42 pm

Turkey's diplomatic offensive against Israel gains Muslim steam

"The time has come to lift the embargo on Gaza," Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan told a joint news conference with Syria's President Bashar al-Assad of Syria. "We don't want an open air prison in the world any more," he said. ... m-1.294662

Iran Red Crescent to send two aid ships to Gaza

Red Crescent director for international affairs Abdolrauf Adibzadeh told the state IRNA news agency late on Sunday that the decision to send the ships was taken after a meeting with the foreign ministry.

"One ship will carry donations made by the people and the other will carry relief workers. The ships will be sent to Gaza by end of this week," Mr Adibzadeh said.

He said the Red Crescent has called for Iranian volunteers to act as relief workers and accompany the vessels. ... 5876597712
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