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Alik paper: if Israel keeps Gaza in blockade, Turkey has bee

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Alik paper: if Israel keeps Gaza in blockade, Turkey has bee

Postby yialousa1971 » Mon Jun 07, 2010 2:59 am

Alik paper: if Israel keeps Gaza in blockade, Turkey has been blockading Armenia for 15 years

June 3, 2010 - 19:55 AMT 14:55 GMTPanARMENIAN.Net - The “anti-Israeli” moods of Turkey, which have been observed since last year, aim to show the Arab countries that allegedly Turkey protects the Palestinian people’s rights more than other Islamic countries, reads an editorial of Armenian Alik paper published in Iran.

“The situation’s farce is in the fact that Turkey is trying to display its sympathy towards the Palestinian people, as though the Palestinian problem and liberation struggle have appeared in the international arena recently. However, the international community knows certainly that Turkey has had strategic relations with Israel for 60 years, thus stabbing in the back of the Arab world,” the editorial says.

It also noted that Ankara conceals other goals, accusing Israel. Specifically, if Israel keeps Gaza in a blockade, Turkey has been blockading Armenia for over 15 years. “If Israel violates the rights of the Palestinian people, Turkey has article 301 of the Criminal Code, which threatens such people, as writer Orhan Pamuk and historian Taner Akcam,” the article reads.

The paper’s editor concludes that Turkey, which has been denying its history and trying to mislead the international community, will not be able to avoid the Armenian Genocide recognition and compensation of the Armenian people’s losses, like Israel will reimburse the Palestinian people’s damage one day.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:17 am

Nice post Yialousa, Gc and most of the world that has an IQ of over 75 realize exactly what is going with Turkey. The human rights abuses of Turkey are endless and the Turkish show goes on and on, and Erdogan is playing to the general Turkish population which eats this stuff up...
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Postby Gasman » Mon Jun 07, 2010 6:35 am

And RoC has been blockading the 'TRNC' for years. But I don't think they are suffering to the extreme that the inhabitants of Gaza are.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:11 am

Gasman wrote:And RoC has been blockading the 'TRNC' for years.

What exactly is it the RoC is "blockading"?

Let's have a nice technical explanation so that we may comprehend it.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:19 pm

Gasman wrote:And RoC has been blockading the 'TRNC' for years. But I don't think they are suffering to the extreme that the inhabitants of Gaza are.

On the contrary it is Turkey with her 40.000 troops stationed illegally in Cyprus which is blockading RoC from exercising its sovereignty over part of its own territory.
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Postby denizaksulu » Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:35 pm

Reported in KIBRIS.

Yesterday the TC religious leader was due to meet the Pope in the RoC.

Notification was given with details of the transportation with number plates
They were held up by the authorities for half an hour at the crossing gate so that by the time Yusuf Suicmez arrive at the meeting point, the pope was whisked away to the airport so the meeting was prevented.

Say no more.

Of course there is no blockade. Who are the idiots making these statements? :roll:

The bastards will try anything.

[color=red]Papa 16. Benedikt ile Yusuf Suiçmez’in ara bölgedeki tarihi buluşması, Rum engeline takıldı [/color]

Pazartesi 09:26
7 Haziran 2010 Yorum Yaz Yazdır Arkadaşına Gönder

Çeşitli temaslarda bulunmak için Güney Kıbrıs’ta bulunan Katoliklerin ruhani lideri Papa 16. Benedikt ile KKTC Din İşleri Başkanı Yusuf Suiçmez’in dün saat 16.00’da gerçekleşmesi beklenen görüşmesi, Rumların engel çıkarmaları nedeniyle yapılamadı.
Rum yetkililerin Ledra Palas Kapısı’nda aracının geçişi yarım saat geciktirilen Suiçmez, Vatikan Büyükelçiliği’nde saat 16:00’da programlanan buluşmaya gecikmeli olarak gitmek zorunda bırakıldı.
Papa 16. Benedikt Güney Lefkoşa’da Vatikan Büyükelçiliği yanında bulunan Katolik Kilisesi’nde düzenlenen ve önceden programlanan ayine saat 16.15’te katıldı. Din İşleri Başkanı Suiçmez bu sırada Vatikan Büyükelçiliği’nde ayinin tamamlanmasını bekledi.
Ancak Papa, ayinin tamamlanmasının ardından adadan ayrılmak üzere havaalanına hareket etti ve “tarihi” nitelikteki görüşme gerçekleşememiş oldu.
Din İşleri Başkanı Yusuf Suiçmez bölgeden ayrılırken yaptığı açıklamada, araçlarının plakasını zamanında Rum yetkililere bildirmelerine rağmen kapıda engellemeyle karşılaştıklarını ve bu sebeple gecikmeli olarak görüşme yerine gelebildiklerini söyledi.
Dinin, din adamlarını birbirlerini anlama, sevgi ve saygı duyma ve insanlık için güzel şeyler söylemeye ittiğini anlatan Suiçmez, insanların değişik şeylere inanmasının normal olduğunu, fakat bunun insanlara sevgi ve saygıyla bütünleşmemesi halinde kişilerin, dinin gerçek ruhunu, Allah’ın inancı altındaki sevgi ve kardeşliği hissedemeyeceğini ifade etti.
Suiçmez şöyle devam etti:
“Biz Kıbrıs Türk halkı ve Güney’de Rum halkı ve buradaki tüm diğer halklar beraber yaşamaya devam edeceğiz. Önemli olan, birbirimizi anlamaya çalışmak ve adalet duygusunu -ki bu duygu insanlığın onur ve haysiyetini temsil eder- görüşlerimizi, sorunlarımızı çözerken o duygu temelinden çözüm üretmektir.”
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Re: Alik paper: if Israel keeps Gaza in blockade, Turkey has

Postby AWE » Mon Jun 07, 2010 12:47 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:Alik paper: if Israel keeps Gaza in blockade, Turkey has been blockading Armenia for 15 years

June 3, 2010 - 19:55 AMT 14:55 GMTPanARMENIAN.Net - The “anti-Israeli” moods of Turkey, which have been observed since last year, aim to show the Arab countries that allegedly Turkey protects the Palestinian people’s rights more than other Islamic countries, reads an editorial of Armenian Alik paper published in Iran.

“The situation’s farce is in the fact that Turkey is trying to display its sympathy towards the Palestinian people, as though the Palestinian problem and liberation struggle have appeared in the international arena recently. However, the international community knows certainly that Turkey has had strategic relations with Israel for 60 years, thus stabbing in the back of the Arab world,” the editorial says.

It also noted that Ankara conceals other goals, accusing Israel. Specifically, if Israel keeps Gaza in a blockade, Turkey has been blockading Armenia for over 15 years. “If Israel violates the rights of the Palestinian people, Turkey has article 301 of the Criminal Code, which threatens such people, as writer Orhan Pamuk and historian Taner Akcam,” the article reads.

The paper’s editor concludes that Turkey, which has been denying its history and trying to mislead the international community, will not be able to avoid the Armenian Genocide recognition and compensation of the Armenian people’s losses, like Israel will reimburse the Palestinian people’s damage one day.

Armenia is not fully surrounded by Turkey but has land routes to Georgia and Iran and direct flights from Istanbul Ataturk airport so it is only the land border that is closed and as such the country is not blockaded by Turkey.

Once again Yialousa gets it wrong!
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Re: Alik paper: if Israel keeps Gaza in blockade, Turkey has

Postby halil » Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:15 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:Alik paper: if Israel keeps Gaza in blockade, Turkey has been blockading Armenia for 15 years

June 3, 2010 - 19:55 AMT 14:55 GMTPanARMENIAN.Net - The “anti-Israeli” moods of Turkey, which have been observed since last year, aim to show the Arab countries that allegedly Turkey protects the Palestinian people’s rights more than other Islamic countries, reads an editorial of Armenian Alik paper published in Iran.

“The situation’s farce is in the fact that Turkey is trying to display its sympathy towards the Palestinian people, as though the Palestinian problem and liberation struggle have appeared in the international arena recently. However, the international community knows certainly that Turkey has had strategic relations with Israel for 60 years, thus stabbing in the back of the Arab world,” the editorial says.

It also noted that Ankara conceals other goals, accusing Israel. Specifically, if Israel keeps Gaza in a blockade, Turkey has been blockading Armenia for over 15 years. “If Israel violates the rights of the Palestinian people, Turkey has article 301 of the Criminal Code, which threatens such people, as writer Orhan Pamuk and historian Taner Akcam,” the article reads.

The paper’s editor concludes that Turkey, which has been denying its history and trying to mislead the international community, will not be able to avoid the Armenian Genocide recognition and compensation of the Armenian people’s losses, like Israel will reimburse the Palestinian people’s damage one day.

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Postby Get Real! » Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:30 pm

denizaksulu wrote:Reported in KIBRIS.

Yesterday the TC religious leader was due to meet the Pope in the RoC.

That’s the “TRNC” account of events. What we got was that the TC Mufti decided to make a surprise visit to meet the pope and thus the half hour delay to arrange that.

PS: The Pope was a guest here so he can’t send invitations to others!
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