But after the world hammering Israel has recieved this week they do need some friends
And, previously Turkey has been 'their friend'. And Israel has been Turkey's 'Jewish Friend'.
Turkey was the first Moslem country to recognize an isolated Israel in 1949.
Hundreds of thousands of Israelis holiday in Turkey. Turkey spends billions on arms stuff from Israel. Most of what they spent modernizing was spent in Israel and the US.
Jews 'on the Hill' helped to squash the resolution commemorating the Armenian genocide perpetrated by Turkish forces.
Turks see Israel as being able to help them with their 'Greece problem'. Turkey has longed to distance themselves from the 'Arab world' and tack onto the US, Israel and (until recently) yearned for the EU.
Turkey should get back to integrating itself with its Arab neighbours. And Israel should be looking at attaining 'Peace'. No middle east conflicts are ever very 'regional'. The effects are always far reaching.
Quite how Cyprus is 'involved' in all this on any grand scale eludes me.
Greece is more involved in and with Turkey.