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Israel to send peace flotilla to Cyprus!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Acikgoz » Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:45 pm

Well, well, reason and sense have never been the strong suit of fanatics but hey, when desperation sets in, that is when grave errors are made. If realpolitik is key, and policy effects the realpolitik, RoC will do long term damage to themselves.

GC leaders that have oft sought to claim injustice of lands being usurped as well as heavy handed military intervention and have made major political progress on this front are now aligning themselves with a country that is under the spot light of for usurping lands as well as heavy handed military intervention.

Wow, not gonna look so good in the morning when Europe wakes up to the smell of manure that RoC has strewn all over its yard.

A weakened hand in Israel is in PR overdrive, any allies it can get are needed right now. RoC needs to consider how Israel has acted with regards its allies over the years. Has it formed long term symbiotic political relations?

The only way RoC can come out of this positive is in the event of an independent enquiry revealing the ship was focused on terrorising, else the Israeli navy was not heavy handed and provided the appropriate caution to aviod deaths occuring on a humanitarian mission. You make your bets and take your chances.

Add to that a flotilla landing in the North, yes, please use our ports that's what we want anyway. Have you heard of a waker political stunt given the international outrage at the flotilla. Only fanatical GCs will not see that politcal messages that do not respect life or the loss of it shouldn't be touched with a barge pole.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jun 06, 2010 5:56 pm

Turning the tables on Turkey! :D

Let's have some of that high-profile attention directed at the Turkish occupation happening in our own country. Because we GCs have been too stoical, acting like wallflowers!

Come on Israelis, you have more chutzpeh than us shy retiring sorts :D
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Postby Milo » Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:01 pm

I think a Cypriot MP is official enough, and had she been killed as her particular ship was badly rammed and nearly sunk then maybe Cyprus would be even more involved than they are. One of the Flotillas captains on the attacked flotilla (not the one were the killings took place,) but was still boarded by the IDF, is actually from Limassol.

Added to that the Cyprus Govt, political parties and members of the public roundly condemned the killing of the humanitarian activists by the IDF in international waters in the early hours of Monday morning.
President Demetris Christofias condemned BOTH the naval blockade of Gaza which he said violated international law and the subsequent attack.
"The killing of people is condemnable for everyone, and the killing of non-combatants constitutes a criminal act" he said ... ip-to-gaza :roll:
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Postby CopperLine » Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:07 pm

Tzomet (and Yiud) are far-right racist apartheid, militarist, expansionist parties in Israel. As if one needed any further evidence of the politics of Oracle and Paphitis, they want those fascists as allies for Cyprus.
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Postby Oracle » Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:09 pm

Wrong ...

We don't want them us allies (neutrality is fine)

We just want them to dismantle Turkey ... for the sake of the whole world!
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:13 pm

Milo wrote:I think a Cypriot MP is official enough, and had she been killed as her particular ship was badly rammed and nearly sunk then maybe Cyprus would be even more involved than they are. One of the Flotillas captains on the attacked flotilla (not the one were the killings took place,) but was still boarded by the IDF, is actually from Limassol.

Added to that the Cyprus Govt, political parties and members of the public roundly condemned the killing of the humanitarian activists by the IDF in international waters in the early hours of Monday morning.
President Demetris Christofias condemned BOTH the naval blockade of Gaza which he said violated international law and the subsequent attack.
"The killing of people is condemnable for everyone, and the killing of non-combatants constitutes a criminal act" he said ... ip-to-gaza :roll:

Yeh, we know all about our transvestite DISY MP, who has now distanced herself/himself (?).

She was interviewed on TV stating that Turkish MIT infiltrated the flotilla and the RoC Government forbids any official from participating because of Turkey's actions.

It is a real shame how Turkey has caused the RoC to withdraw all official support!
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:16 pm

Milo wrote:I think a Cypriot MP is official enough, and had she been killed as her particular ship was badly rammed and nearly sunk then maybe Cyprus would be even more involved than they are. One of the Flotillas captains on the attacked flotilla (not the one were the killings took place,) but was still boarded by the IDF, is actually from Limassol.

Added to that the Cyprus Govt, political parties and members of the public roundly condemned the killing of the humanitarian activists by the IDF in international waters in the early hours of Monday morning.
President Demetris Christofias condemned BOTH the naval blockade of Gaza which he said violated international law and the subsequent attack.
"The killing of people is condemnable for everyone, and the killing of non-combatants constitutes a criminal act" he said ... ip-to-gaza :roll:

Yeh, we know all about our transvestite DISY MP, who has now distanced herself/himself (?).

She was interviewed on TV stating that Turkish MIT infiltrated the flotilla and the RoC Government forbids any official from participating because of Turkey's actions.

It is a real shame how Turkey has caused the RoC to withdraw all official support!
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Postby Paphitis » Sun Jun 06, 2010 6:19 pm

Don't ever think that these events have been costly to Israel. Her allies are still there, behind the scenes. It is Turkey who will be abandoned, discarded like dead wood, when push comes to shove.
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Postby YFred » Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:04 pm

Paphitis wrote:Don't ever think that these events have been costly to Israel. Her allies are still there, behind the scenes. It is Turkey who will be abandoned, discarded like dead wood, when push comes to shove.

Can we have a date as to when this great event will take place?

Please don't start talking about pushing and shoving it conjures up all sorts of images in my mind.
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Postby Acikgoz » Sun Jun 06, 2010 7:11 pm

Pathetic is now changing his tune, you don't like the implications for RoC now do you!

Of course it has hurt Israel on a global standing. It has now to chose between deeper isolation through continuing the blockade or ending the blockade and internally reducing its pressure on the territory that contains has Hamas as its elected leaders.

My perspective on this forum is not pro/against Israel/Palestine, I abhor the loss of lives, and the blood thirsty sickos of the likes of Paphitis and Oracle that would make political mileage off the backs of people that have been killed.
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