Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Turkish IHH has terrorist links!
Sure! And here's all the supporting evidence...
After Israel’s Attack on Aid Ship, Turkey Spun as Villain
[i]Read that again: protesting in favor of the killings. Jingoism is alive and well in Israel, and while it has ceased to become surprising when Israelis rally in favor of aggressive wars, few really anticipated the breadth of Israeli support for a military attack on a civilian aid ship and the killing of large numbers of civilian aid workers.[/
GR even though I do not agree for you hunger for an armed conflict in our country, I have to say that you are one of the shinning lights that keeps my fadding belief alve that we can all unity under a single Cypriot identity, the mainreason for this is the fact that you stay strong to your beliefs and stand up for the wronged party, I salute you. And thank you for giving me the faith that maybe we can one day reunite a faith that poster such as oracle et al so quicky deminish.