denizaksulu wrote:Paphitis wrote:denizaksulu wrote:Paphitis wrote:Military interceptions in International Waters are covered within the Geneva Conventions. There is nothing that prohibits Military Operations that intercept ships in International Waters as long as the Geneva Convention is followed.
Since there is legislation for such attacks, is there a limit to the number of civilians allowed to be killed by using dis-proportionate force?
Yes, the Geneva Convention offers protection to those detained as a result of Military Operations. It is prohibited to kill any detainees.
However, the Geneva Convention does not prohibit self defense or any loss of life as a result of.
Oh good. The activists are covered then, but they still died by the seafaring Azraili pirates.
Deniz, we have already been through this. Maritime Piracy Laws do not apply since this was an IDF Military Operation which the Israelis deemed necessary dut to Turkish MIT terrorist activity.
The Geneve Convention is what you should be looking at!