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Turkish IHH has terrorist links!

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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:27 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Military interceptions in International Waters are covered within the Geneva Conventions. There is nothing that prohibits Military Operations that intercept ships in International Waters as long as the Geneva Convention is followed.

Since there is legislation for such attacks, is there a limit to the number of civilians allowed to be killed by using dis-proportionate force?

Yes, the Geneva Convention offers protection to those detained as a result of Military Operations. It is prohibited to kill any detainees.

However, the Geneva Convention does not prohibit self defense or any loss of life as a result of.

Oh good. The activists are covered then, but they still died by the seafaring Azraili pirates. :roll:

Deniz, we have already been through this. Maritime Piracy Laws do not apply since this was an IDF Military Operation which the Israelis deemed necessary dut to Turkish MIT terrorist activity.

The Geneve Convention is what you should be looking at! :roll:
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:33 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Military interceptions in International Waters are covered within the Geneva Conventions. There is nothing that prohibits Military Operations that intercept ships in International Waters as long as the Geneva Convention is followed.

Since there is legislation for such attacks, is there a limit to the number of civilians allowed to be killed by using dis-proportionate force?

Yes, the Geneva Convention offers protection to those detained as a result of Military Operations. It is prohibited to kill any detainees.

However, the Geneva Convention does not prohibit self defense or any loss of life as a result of.

Oh good. The activists are covered then, but they still died by the seafaring Azraili pirates. :roll:

Detained prisoners are indeed covered. Those that are not covered are those who attacked Military Personnel with metal rods and sticks and were as a result killed by IDF soldiers.
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Postby B25 » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:35 pm

IMPOSTALIEDUS wrote:i did say on another thread that it would not be long before the isreali propagander machine would be in full swing ,it did not take long,, all this can and has been concocted to cover up the the barbarism of the jews ,,and we all know from the past how they manipilate most goverments ,, media outlets etc paphitis has probably gone through the israeli training or brianwashing school during his army training its amazing how when they talk they all sound the same , protect israel at all cost whether they are in the right or in the wrong ...tell me paphitis you did lose you pullover when you were a boy did nt you

STFU you double standard MF. when the turks brutally murdered the guy in Avgorou village for collecting snails, even after he raised his hands they shot him 3, yes 3 fucking times. Then they wouldn't release the body and covered it from view.

They had the F cheek to say he was carrying a commando knife compas and other commando paraphanlia.

What f arseholes and now they get a taste of their own medicine and its Israel fault. Yes perhaps it is, she should have just sunk the f turkish ship and be done with it.

Israel is doing nothing different to what turkey is doing, she should STFU before Israel decides to bitch slap the whore.

I have as much symapthy as you lot had for us when you were murdering us and claiming innocence and victims.

Hade asirktir malaka.
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Postby Acikgoz » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:37 pm

Acikgoz wrote:Looking at the sling shots, really feels biblical - David and Goliath.

Let's summise,
Weapons: sling shots, knives

Protective bullet proof vests
Night vision goggles
Sniper gun scope - my air rifle has a better scope!

So Paphitis, is this what constitutes terrorist weaponary?
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:49 pm

Acikgoz wrote:
Acikgoz wrote:Looking at the sling shots, really feels biblical - David and Goliath.

Let's summise,
Weapons: sling shots, knives

Protective bullet proof vests
Night vision goggles
Sniper gun scope - my air rifle has a better scope!

So Paphitis, is this what constitutes terrorist weaponary?

NVGs and bullet vests look very bad, and there is proven evidence of IHH terrorist links and MIT infiltration.

But even if that were not the case, we could clearly see how at least 2 IDF soldiers were flung to the deck and given a real good life threatenning beating! Others were stabbed, whilst another 2 were nearly flung overboard!
The IDF then opened fire as their soldiers were overpowered within a very confined space by lunatic Turks.

Simple as that!
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Re: Turkish IHH has terrorist links!

Postby Get Real! » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:Turkish IHH has terrorist links!

Sure! And here's all the supporting evidence... :lol:


After Israel’s Attack on Aid Ship, Turkey Spun as Villain

Read that again: protesting in favor of the killings. Jingoism is alive and well in Israel, and while it has ceased to become surprising when Israelis rally in favor of aggressive wars, few really anticipated the breadth of Israeli support for a military attack on a civilian aid ship and the killing of large numbers of civilian aid workers. ... s-villain/


Israelis subdued captain by pointing gun at a child

According to a report in The Guardian, an Algerian activist, who gave her name as Sabrina, revealed that Israeli troops pointed their gun at a one-year-old Turkish child in front of his parents to force the captain of the Mavi Marmara to stop sailing.

Many reports have emerged from among the 124 activists who crossed over into Amman, Jordan, yesterday. ... d-1.636007


Israel "smearing" the opposition

Leaving aside the horrible bloodshed and all, it becomes a war of words. Americans are reading what comes out of Tel Aviv, which is carried in the American press ... So, all of a sudden, the people on the Turkish ship are described as terrorist, Israel-hating, Hamas supporters, murderers and killers. I say to myself, What would you expect the Israelis to call these people? Tree-hugging environmentalists? No, they're all killers! Every single one of them. It's called smearing the opposition. ... ck_on_gaza


Livni: Keep world from investigating IDF soldiers

Livni slams government: The flotilla affair should be investigated, but Israel should not agree to an international investigation committee, Opposition Chairperson Tzipi Livni said to Ynet on Thursday.

"Since the incident, I have tried to explain Israel's policy, when it had a policy, because the soldiers deserve all the backup they can get," Livni said. "Now we must carry out an internal investigation which will leave the rest of the world outside the gates.",7340 ... 02,00.html


Israel Censors News on Deadly Flotilla Raid

Attempts by media to interview some of the hundreds of Free Gaza (FG) members, who were being deported from Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport, Wednesday, were thwarted by Israeli authorities.

"No you will not be able to talk to them or interview them," Shahar Ariel, a deputy-spokesman from Israel’s ministry of foreign affairs told IPS as TV crews and journalists jammed one of the airport’s sidewalks and filmed the dramatic departure. ... illa-raid/


Israel Rejects International Probe of Aid Ship Killings

The Israeli government has rejected a UN Security Council resolution calling for an international investigation of their attack on a civilian aid ship earlier this week, saying that they would conduct their own internal probe and that this was good enough. ... -killings/


Doubts Grow Over Israel’s Value as US Ally

Israel’s disastrous raid in international waters Monday on a Turkish-flagged flotilla carrying humanitarian supplies to Gaza has resurrected a long-running debate over whether Washington’s close alliance with the Jewish state really serves U.S. strategic interests. ... s-us-ally/
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Postby Paphitis » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:27 pm

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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:33 pm

IMPOSTALIEDUS wrote:i did say on another thread that it would not be long before the isreali propagander machine would be in full swing ,it did not take long,, all this can and has been concocted to cover up the the barbarism of the jews ,,and we all know from the past how they manipilate most goverments ,, media outlets etc paphitis has probably gone through the israeli training or brianwashing school during his army training its amazing how when they talk they all sound the same , protect israel at all cost whether they are in the right or in the wrong ...tell me paphitis you did lose you pullover when you were a boy did nt you

Do you separate Jews from Zionists? There is a difference. Not all Jews are Zionists.

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Postby IMPOSTALIEDUS » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:38 pm

O my god they were NEARLY thrown over board and 2 flung on the deck In the meantime idf who are not being nearly flung in the sea for a good wash are shooting a camera man at point blank range in the head , Not in the leg or in the chest . but in the head for the sole purpose of a kill ,,this was not to control... this was murder full stop by the idf and they should stand trial for it ,,, but we all know they will not paphitis you make me sick to think that there are poeple like you on this planet,,,, ps you did lose your pullover when you were a lad didnt you
Last edited by IMPOSTALIEDUS on Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby IMPOSTALIEDUS » Fri Jun 04, 2010 9:42 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
IMPOSTALIEDUS wrote:i did say on another thread that it would not be long before the isreali propagander machine would be in full swing ,it did not take long,, all this can and has been concocted to cover up the the barbarism of the jews ,,and we all know from the past how they manipilate most goverments ,, media outlets etc paphitis has probably gone through the israeli training or brianwashing school during his army training its amazing how when they talk they all sound the same , protect israel at all cost whether they are in the right or in the wrong ...tell me paphitis you did lose you pullover when you were a boy did nt you

Do you separate Jews from Zionists? There is a difference. Not all Jews are Zionists.

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agreed i must say israeli not jew
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