erolz wrote:Is that a serious question Kifeas? What it means is recognise a purely GC run Cyprus and legitimate vs recgonising it as what it is - a pruely GC run administration that represent purely GC interests.
Can you rephrase your sentence a bit? I am not sure what exactly you want to say.
erolz wrote:Clearly what you want is for Turkey to legitimse the GC illegal and unconsitutional seizure of all power in Cyprus that started in 63 was reaffirmed by GC in 65 and that they refused to agree a compromise over in the period 65-74.
It is true that in 1964, after the intercommunal fights, there was a political crisis that resulted in the RoC remaining entirely in the hands of the GC community in parallel with establishment by the TC community of an illegal shadow government (a state within state.) The RoC continued to exist and be recognised by the entire world, but Turkey. The two communities had decided to enter into negotiations for a solution of their political differences and the return of the TC community back into the institutions of the RoC. These negotiations, despite the unreasonable delay caused by the involvement of Turkey and Greek dictatorship into our internal affairs, produced some good results and had the Greek Junta coup, the Turkish invasion and the subsequent illegal division of Cyprus not taken place in 1974, the political differences between the two communities would have been completely settled.
What I want is for Turkey to end the illegal occupation of Cyprus, end the violation of Cypriot’s fundamental human rights and let the two communities, especially the TC one, free to negotiate a political settlement which will allow among others the re-instatement of the TC community’s participation into the RoC institutions, either under the form of a unitary state or a federation or any other type of political arrangement that the two communities representing the people of Cyprus will agree.
Erolz wrote:If that is your 'negotiating' position why should TC noegotiating position wanting legitimisation of everything after 74. Both are equally maximalist and unacceptable demands
My negotiating position? What do you mean “my negotiating position?” Negotiating position for what purpose and on what issue?
The TCs wanting legitimisation of everything after 1974? What do you mean by that?
What relationship does the ending of the Turkish illegal occupation of part of Cyprus with the negotiating positions of the two communities on the issue of bridging their internal political differences?
erolz wrote:Is this all some kind of joke? Do GC really think that we, Turkey and everyone else is really so stupid to think that it's demands for full poltical recognition of the RoC as it exists today and without and agreed settlement or requirment for one is anything other than a maximalist demand for total capitulation of TC/T on the Cyprus issue. Get real or we risk once again losing any realistic chance of a settlement in Cyprus!
Then why you didn’t negotiate in good faith for the last 30 years that the occupation lasted, so that the political problem between our two communities would have been resolved during the occupation career of Turkey in Cyprus? Should we assume that the occupation and the violation of Cypriot’s fundamental human rights should continue to be violated by Turkey forever, or maybe for another 30 years, until you become reasonable in your demands as a community?
You complained that it took us 5 years of negotiations before 1974 and we did not solve our political differences and although there was so much progress, you thought it was too much to endure and you decided to side with Turkey and exploit the circumstances of her illegal occupation in order to march the path of partition. Aren’t we allowed to complain for the 31 one years of Turkish occupation and the need for it to end, since for all these years you did not seriously try for a solution, except once – one year ago, when you accepted a proposal plan that favoured your side way too much. What did your side do during the previous 30 years apart from asking for recognition of the “TRNC”? What did your side do during the last one year, after that the Annan plan was rejected by the GCs, towards a solution? Do not ask what the GC side did? Just tell me what the TC side did, apart from asking for recognition of a separate entity via direct trade, direct flights, etc. First, for 30 years you were trying to capitalise on the de facto partition that the illegal Turkish occupation created, and then after the A-plan, you try to capitalise on your acceptance of the it and the GC rejection of it. Why aren’t we (GCs) allowed to capitalise on the RoC’s EU membership?
PS: As you can see, propaganda is a double-edged knife!