I truly despise this disease that has killed so many innocent lives. Let us hope that the clinical tests of the vaccine on humans have a 100 percent successful rate.
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,593 ... latestnews
U.S. scientists developed a vaccine that could prevent breast cancer and save the lives of millions of women, Sky News reported Monday.
The treatment was tested on mice and showed "overwhelmingly favorable results.”
Dr. Vincent Tuohy, who led the research at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, said there was evidence in the initial tests that the vaccine could prevent cancers from forming and stop the growth of existing tumors.
"If it works in humans the way it works in mice, this will be monumental," he said.
"We could eliminate breast cancer. We believe that this vaccine will someday be used to prevent breast cancer in adult women in the same way that vaccines have prevented many childhood diseases."
Researchers injected the test vaccine into six mice that were specifically bred to be prone to breast cancer. None developed any signs of tumors.
A further six mice bred in the same way were injected with a placebo vaccine and all developed tumors.
The drug makes the immune system attack a particular protein found in most breast cancer cells and in the mammary tissues of breastfeeding women.
If clinical tests of the vaccine on humans are successful, women over 40 could be vaccinated against the disease. At that age, breast cancer risk begins to increase and women are less likely to be breastfeeding.