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Postby sadik » Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:31 pm

TCs want 50% in some very vital areas, like the constitution of the country, which I believe is a very just demand and less in the others. My point is very simple, after all that's happened, we need a system that will guarantee a lasting peace and be acceptable by both sides. A federation is the only mutually acceptable solution, since both sides have already accepted it as a viable solution. It is also supported by the whole world. There are many federal democracies in the world.
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Postby garbitsch » Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:31 pm

Pirati, sorry for the misunderstanding. I was not talking about taking revenges etc, but what I am trying to say is that both communities have become more apart from each other than they were, say, 50 years ago. Both sides have doubts etc. We cannot just start living together, because there isn't a common Cypriot community so the type of democracy you talk about is not valid for us. There are two communities, not one. We can discuss the amount of power etc we T.Cs should get but asking us to subordinate ourselves to you guys is out of question...

P.S: Pls do not pick up bits and pieces from my posts and make comments on them. Just read the whole paragraph and tell me if we want too much!
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:07 pm

I would also like to see the relevent part of the A plan that supposedly gives continental shelf to the UK. This was widely said and used for severe anti British propaganda in the GC community where we always like to lay the blame on the others, especially the Brits and the Americans of course.

In fact, according to the provisions of the A plan we would have got back 50% of the territory of the British Bases and 90% of the territory returned would have gone to the the GC component state.

You know, if one takes seriously the myths that Britain and America and the UN and the most powerful nations on earth are digging our grave, it is a miracle we still have half of Cyprus.
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Postby brother » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:13 pm

The fact that we feel the need to blame others show how immature we still are, when we can accept our own faults and be big enough to stop looking for the usual scape goats then we will finally be ready to talk about solving our common problem.

As it stands we are like monkeys trying to make love to a football then blaming the gorilla when it is not possible.
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:15 pm

Wild imagination brother, wild imagination ...
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Postby brother » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:17 pm

Wild imagination brother, wild imagination ...

Not sure what to make of that statement Bananiot?
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Postby Bananiot » Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:23 pm

Your example is a product of your imagination running wild :D
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Postby Piratis » Fri Jul 29, 2005 8:03 pm

TCs want 50% in some very vital areas, like the constitution of the country, which I believe is a very just demand and less in the others.

When you say "TCs" which TCs you mean? You and Brother? Because your leadership and probably the majority of TCs want an unlimited 50% power. If it was in just vital areas like the constitution then it wouldn't be a problem at all.

we need a system that will guarantee a lasting peace and be acceptable by both sides.

I agree. But there are many types of "acceptable". E.g. if I put a gun on your head and ask you to give me all your money, would you say you do not accept? Forcing something against democracy and human rights can not be acceptable and will not bring peace.

A federation is the only mutually acceptable solution, since both sides have already accepted it as a viable solution. It is also supported by the whole world. There are many federal democracies in the world.

Sure, but when we said we accepted federation we meant federation like the many other federal democracies you talk about. We didn't say we would agree something that will be called "federation" and that will in fact be a disguised partition that would create the best banana republic in Cyprus. E.g. Do you know any federation in the whole world that residency in a state depends on what race you are? This a human right violation and it is not a part of any federation.

We cannot just start living together

I didn't say everything should happen in one day. It can be done with transitional periods. If it took 50 years to take communities apart, then lets take another 50 to bring them together.

We can discuss the amount of power etc we T.Cs should get but asking us to subordinate ourselves to you guys is out of question

Taking your 18% properties, and your 18% power share will mean that you subordinate yourselves?
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Jul 29, 2005 10:54 pm

Taking your 18% properties, and your 18% power share will mean that you subordinate yourselves?

Never forget we have 37% stake at the moment and are viewed as a constituent state, you better get used to the idea, as previous % are now all null and void as per the formation of the had it you lost it now you have to try and get it back.....this can only be done via negotiations based on the Annan plan.
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Postby Piratis » Sat Jul 30, 2005 12:33 am

Never forget we have 37% stake at the moment and are viewed as a constituent state, you better get used to the idea, as previous % are now all null and void as per the formation of the TRNC

What is null and void is your "TRNC". What you have is just 40.000 Turkish troops that prevent legality to be applied in the whole island. had it you lost it now you have to try and get it back.....this can only be done via negotiations based on the Annan plan.

When we lost it and you stole it, did you get it with negotiations? We don't need your advice on how we should get our own land back.
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